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Marina’s New York Lawyer seemed a little bored, or was it appalled? It was hard to tell. Still, he sat with Liddy and Louise and tried his best to make small talk. The music played on and the food and drinks kept coming.

Calbert energy was given away like it was water, and it ran through the room like the rush of the Hoochee-Coochee after a big storm. Whether a guest wanted to or not, the Calberts took it as their personal mission to make sure every last one was having big fun. To anyone not from the South, you couldn’t help but want to convert when you saw how seriously they took living.

The newlyweds snuck off sometime after midnight, the musicians packed up and the tent started to clear an hour or so after that. Most of the guests had left, were leaving, or were incapable of leaving. Joy Lynn’s Uncle Johnnie was sprawled out underneath one of the buffet tables. He was missing his shoes and socks and his mama, Granny Calbert, pulled the table cloth down so no one would notice.

Alan was up on the porch of the big house smoking cigars and listening to the grand talk that only fine Southern gentlemen can offer. The Calbert men had taken him under their wing and were bent on teaching the city slicker about hunting, fishing and how to make the big deal.

Louise was sleeping peacefully on the wicker swing that hung from the big oak tree. Calli’s Stephen did get home in time, and James Lee’s mommy and daddy were savoring their reunion alone on the dance floor. Liddy cradled their sleepy toddler in her arms, while his parents swayed to the chirp of crickets and the croak of the river frogs. Marina’s chin was perched on Liddy’s shoulder and she softly sang, “Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey, a kiddley divey too, wouldn’t you?” to try and get James Lee to give it up, but it was Liddy who was lulled by the tune. Her eyes drifted shut and her mind was floating when she heard someone say her name. Liddy looked up and saw Jenna and Ellis.

“Hi, I didn’t know you were still here,” said Liddy and she widened her eyes to focus. “Did you have a good time?”

“Very nice,” said Jenna.

“It was great that you could make it,” said Liddy, “You know Joy Lynn, the more the merrier. It meant a lot to her that you were here.”

“We wouldn’t have missed it,” Jenna grabbed Ellis’ hand and leaned against his side. “We’re just getting ready to go, but could we talk to you before we leave?”

Liddy passed Marina the toddler and followed the couple to a bench down by the river. She had avoided them and they must have been offended. But as she tried to make sense of that idea, her breathing and heartbeat quickened. She was sweating but she didn’t know why.

“Let’s sit down,” said Ellis.

Liddy’s heart raced as she sat on one end, Ellis on the other and Jenna in the middle. Jenna looked at Liddy for a long time and then took her hand and tried to smile as she seemed to search for words. “Liddy.” She exhaled a soft breath and then inhaled before she spoke again. “Reid’s alive.”

Every space in Liddy’s brain filled with heat, and she studied Jenna’s face waiting for her to speak again, but she didn’t.

Ellis placed his arm over Jenna’s shoulder and scooted in closer to his wife. He covered both the women’s hands with his and looked at Liddy. “He was thrown from the canopy before he crashed. A farmer got to him before the Germans did and kept him hidden. When the farmer got word the German lines had retreated he took Reid to an allied camp.” Ellis waited for Liddy to look at him, and she finally did. “He’s back in the states now.”

Liddy didn’t speak and just stared back at the couple.

“Liddy, did you hear what we said?” Jenna tightened her squeeze on Liddy’s hand.

“Say it again,” said Liddy.

“Reid’s alive, Liddy,” Jenna repeated. “Are you okay?”

“No. No, I’m not okay.” Liddy looked across the river. “It just doesn’t…” She tried to swallow but her throat hurt and felt full. “When… how long has he been back?”

“March,” Ellis answered.

Liddy ran it all through her head—three months ago. “Then why didn’t he…?”

“He lost part of a leg and… he was hurt badly,” said Jenna.

Liddy looked at her friend and then back to the river.

“He’s having a rough time of it,” said Ellis. “He didn’t want you to know. He didn’t want us to tell you.”

“Then why are you?”

“We thought he would come around, but it hasn’t happened.” Ellis looked back at his wife.

“We thought you should know.” Jenna squeezed Liddy’s hand tighter as if she was trying to keep her from falling apart.

“Where is he?”

“He’s in a rehabilitation unit at the Navy hospital in Pensacola,” Ellis answered.

Liddy tried to see Reid’s face but it kept floating away. She had spent the last few months not allowing herself to visit him anymore. She had stopped reading his letters and chased away the memories and the pain. She was making room for Alan.

“Are you gonna be okay?” Jenna set her hand on Liddy’s cheek and turned it to her. “Liddy?”

Liddy shook her head slowly. “I don’t know.”

Jenna and Ellis sat with her in silence for a long time until Liddy told them she wanted to be alone. Jenna was worried and made her friend promise to call her, and they left. Liddy stayed on the bench. She didn’t want to move and at the same time, wanted to be where Reid was as fast as she could get to him.

When Alan sat down, he landed with a bounce. He smelled like cigars and bourbon and he was wrapped in complete contentment. He smiled at Liddy and tried to get one back but she didn’t have one to give.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, still smiling.

Liddy closed her eyes and wished she could disappear to someplace dark and still. She needed time. She needed time.

“Tell me what’s wrong, Liddy.”

She looked into the face of that sweet man and thought how wonderful and awful life was. War complicated life and life complicated war, and her life had never been more complicated than in this moment. She wanted to protect Alan but knew she couldn’t.

“You’re scaring me, Sweet Cakes. What’s going on?”

Liddy’s mouth opened to say something, but what? How? She studied Alan’s face and prayed for time to stand still.

“Liddy.” Alan took her chin. “Please.”

“Reid Trent is alive,” she blurted it out and looked down at her hands.

The contentment drained from Alan’s face and he leaned back on the bench. “How do you know?”

“Jenna and Ellis told me.”

The night got quieter the longer they sat without either of them saying anything.

“What are you going to do?” Alan’s words were quiet and slow.

Liddy looked up and saw Alan’s sad face—every part of it was sad. She couldn’t bear it and turned away and closed her eyes. “I have to see him.” When she looked back up at him, Alan was nodding softly. “I’m so sorry, Alan. I have to see him.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Liddy left the Atlanta airport the next morning and flew straight to Florida. She thought about Alan and that whatever happened, she had hurt him deeply. She thought about Reid and what she would say to him when she saw him.

At the hospital she asked to see Major Reid Trent, and a nurse led her down the hall and outside to a patio. It overlooked crowded beds filled with the tall blades of Cannas that held their bowl-sized blooms above their tips. The big leaves of the Catalpa trees cradled their show of pink bouquets, and teacup-sized Glads chimed in. Every growing thing seemed to have its own bloom and must have known nothing of life. The nurse pointed to a man sitting in a wheelchair that faced the garden and went back inside.