“You see television cameras hanging around here?”
“They’ll come. My aunt goes to Deacon’s church. I’ve been hearing the stories about you for two years. Putting you and New Horizons back together is like sticking the detonator into a hydrogen bomb and turning the key.”
“But like you said,” Marcus pointed out, “I’m not certain there’s a case. For me, at least. And if there is, I won’t be working for New Horizons.”
Dark eyes did a partial melt, his disappointment was that keen.
“Couldn’t help but hope, even when I saw you sitting out here.”
“Where else should I be?”
“You mean to tell me the man’s doing an end run around Marcus Glenwood?” Omar Dell gripped Marcus’ arm and dragged him from his bench, out into the hammering heat, across the concrete anvil, and into the wash of false coolness. “Hurry now, there’s not a moment to lose.”
As soon as Marcus entered the courtroom, he knew Hamper was dressed for combat. The attorney had a series of tailored silk suits, shades of gray or palest pastels, and kept for days of serious war. Hamper had the flamboyant gestures of a frustrated actor, and used his dress as he would a good prop. These suits shimmered with each motion and had mesmerized many a jury. Lawyers who had mistaken Hamper for a fool sneered when they spotted him so clothed, called him Mirror Man, and pretended not to fear meeting him in court.
When Marcus and Omar Dell slipped into the courtroom, Hamper was saying, “Outside the scope of the divorce hearing, the couple made a private arrangement to jointly share custody.”
Judge Sears watched as Marcus strode down the left-hand aisle, pushed through the barrier, and set his briefcase down upon the empty attorney’s table. “Mr. Glenwood, do you have business before this court?”
“I have been asked to represent Dale Steadman, your honor.”
She frowned at Hamper. “Did you not just inform me you had attempted to contact opposing counsel?”
“Yes, your honor.” Hamper did his best to swallow bitter dismay. “That is, the records showed Mr. Steadman had no representation.”
She gave Marcus a moment to settle, then returned her attention to the file on her desk. “As I recall, there was no mention whatsoever of any such agreement in the divorce decree.”
“There was no need, your honor.” Hamper waved a sheaf of papers. “As this document shows, Ms. Erin Brandt and Mr. Dale Steadman had already agreed on joint custody. Everything was fine, as far as my client was concerned. Then her former husband went back on his side of the bargain.”
Judge Sears waved him forward and accepted the document. She leafed through the pages, then said for the record, “I have before me a notarized document signed by both parties and dated seven months ago. Mr. Glenwood, I assume you have a copy of this agreement?”
“This is the first I’ve heard of any such thing, your honor.”
Hamper passed over a second copy and suggested, “Maybe you need to establish a better line of communication with your client.”
“That will do, Mr. Caisse.”
“Your honor, this agreement states clearly that the couple agree to joint custody. The dates when Ms. Brandt are to have the child were left out because they agreed to work around my client’s singing schedule. Which is precisely why they did not bring this to the court’s attention during the divorce. Ms. Brandt is an opera diva and sings all over the world. This open-date arrangement was only natural.”
Marcus pretended to review the document. All he could clearly focus upon was his client’s signature on the final page, the notary’s seal, and the question ringing through his mind as to who Dale Steadman really was.
Judge Sears set the document aside and demanded, “You are now filing a motion to enforce this agreement?”
“That was Ms. Brandt’s original intention, your honor. But when she returned home last month to try and determine why the agreement was not being followed, she found her husband drunk and dangerously out of control.”
“Objection,” Marcus said. “Hearsay.”
“Your honor, I have witnesses here to show that this scandal is in fact the latest incident in what is a very worrisome trend.”
Marcus pointed out, “It is not customary to have live testimony at these hearings.”
“What they have to say is so important we wanted the court to hear for itself why this child should not be allowed to spend another single hour in the company of this dangerous man.”
“Mr. Glenwood, would you care to respond?”
“Your honor, I thought this was going to be a simple matter of requesting an emergency motion for ex partae custody.” Ex partae was an appeal for the court to take physical custody of the child. This temporary injunction could be requested by any interested party-parent, relatives, foster care, social workers, even the court itself. It granted the court time to determine whether the child was endangered in any way. In this case, the court would require the child to be returned from Germany and delivered into the court’s care, from which a custody ruling would be made.
“Sounds reasonable,” Judge Sears said. “Mr. Caisse?”
“We object in the strongest possible terms, your honor. Because of the seriousness of the situation that would face the child if returned to the father, we ask that you hear what my two witnesses have to say.”
She glanced at Marcus, waiting for an objection. But Marcus remained uncertain what path to take. Given enough room, he was certain Hamper Caisse would grant him the perfect out.
“Proceed, Mr. Caisse.”
“I call Bert Warner to the stand.”
The assistant chief of Wilmington’s fire department was a veteran of hundreds of courtroom battles. Yet his bland Southern drone could not remove the potent quality of that night. By the time he finished describing what he had found at the Steadman dwelling, the crammed courtroom held to a rare hushed state. “We searched the house and found no sign of anyone. Then we discovered Mr. Steadman passed out on his back lawn. We weren’t certain exactly what he was saying, but we gathered the child had been taken somewhere by the mother. The man was so drunk or drugged we had to wake him up four different times. Each time he just repeated himself, saying something about the child, then passed out again.”
Hamper Caisse found one word to be especially delicious. “Drugged.”
“We found no sign of illegal substances in the house. And the man smelled of alcohol. But he was so far gone …” The chief shrugged. “The fourth time we woke him up, he spent a while surveying the house, then asked us to help him back to his boat. He passed out again there.”
“You made this journey up from Wilmington on your own accord and at your own expense, did you not?”
“Could you tell the court why?”
“I have three daughters of my own. The youngest has just turned two.”
Hamper resumed his seat. “Your witness.”
Marcus’ natural curiosity overcame the desire to distance himself. “Sir, did you happen to find any evidence of the fire being deliberately set?”
“Nothing that first night. When we returned the next day, Mr. Steadman had already called in workers. Mr. Steadman said he would cover the cost of reconstruction himself, rather than wait for us and the insurance people to sign off on our investigation.” His tone expressed clearly what he thought of the whole process. “Said he wanted to have the place ready when his daughter returned. Which is why I decided to come and testify.”
“No further questions.”
“You may step down, Mr. Warner.”
“Your honor, I call Russell Dermont to the stand.”
Dermont was an oddly assembled man. He matched Marcus’ six-four frame, but draped it with an additional hundred and fifty pounds of pure lard. His chin was lost in the pouch that obliterated the knot of his tie. His silver hair formed a waxed wave over a very large dome. His palm-sized ears were so flat they looked webbed to his skull. Delicate lips appeared stolen from a smaller woman.