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“The day after tomorrow we march north up the Clwyd Valley. You’ve seen what the valleys are like here- dense forest with thick undergrowth. And, as we’ve found out so far, a bowman behind every bush. Those other bastards in the army couldn’t find their arse if they used both hands and a map. I’m sick of people trying to shoot arrows in my back. I’m sure you are. It’s time for us to go hunting men- the most dangerous game!

“You’ll go ahead of the army, on foot with several men who you trust to be not too loud in the forest to watch your back. I’m sure you can train them to move quietly, since your lives will depend on it. We’ll have ten scouting groups each of six men, under your command and direction. Small groups of Welshmen you will kill yourselves; report back any larger groups you find for us to send you support. The army will move as fast or as slow as you direct.

“I want every bush checked. I want to know the name of every fucking fox! The only Welshman I want to see is one with your arrow in his back! Take your time. Do it right. The Welsh will expect it to be easy. They’re used to both us blundering about like blind oxen and won’t expect to be hunted. Don’t you expect it to be easy- it won’t. The Welsh know each valley, every stand of trees and every stream. They already know the names of the damn foxes. We need to move safely across unfamiliar country, but as quickly as we can. But I’m sure that any competent poacher… sorry hunter… can be blindfolded and still be able to tell if there is a warrior within 100 paces.

“We’re going to leave behind us a trail of dead Welshmen who never even knew we were there. Whatever weapons you want are yours. If anybody doesn’t have a bow, let me know. Any questions? No? Good hunting!”

The following morning dawned overcast and soon rain began to drizzle down. Alan arranged for his own ‘huntsmen’, Owain, Wulfric, Leofwine and Swein, to track where the local livestock had been hidden. The hunters were set loose before four in the forenoon- dawn was very early. Apart from Alan’s four men, six others went into the local forests to hunt wildlife.

Twelve other poachers went to hunt men, departing on foot and most taking with them one or two men who they took the opportunity to train to move silently and to whom they could whisper the secrets of the forest.

Those hunting food had quick success. Wildlife teemed in the river and forest. Owain quickly found the tracks to where the swine had been driven. They were a mile or so from the village, feasting on acorns from the oak trees. Two swineherds ran off as soon as the English appeared. A small herd of cattle was found by Leofwine and again the herdsmen decamped quickly. Other hunters found herds of deer or wild cattle, additional men being called in to kill the wild animals before they could escape- unlike the domesticated animals which returned happily to the village and their fate.

Large fires were lit to smoke and dry meat and fish to last for the next few days. Other animals were roasted or boiled for immediate consumption. Vegetables, once picked, were boiled for use that day or placed into sacks for future use- peas, beans, cabbage and carrots. The only regret of the men was that there was no bread and no ale.

To the north the poachers were having success in locating the enemy, but not yet killing them. Ten groups of hunters moved silently on foot down the path through the trees and tangled undergrowth on the west side of the river, leaving before first light. Another two pairs worked down the path on the east of the river. As expected, the enemy was on the west of the river. They knew where the invaders were and where they were most likely to go. It would make little sense for the Anglo-Norman force to cross the river at Denbigh and then do the same again to cross back onto the west bank at St Asaph, at the confluence of the Rivers Elwy and Clwyd.

Moving in conjunction, the Anglo-Norman scouts moved fifty or so paces at a time through the trees on each side of the path, avoiding the path itself. One pair would creep forward, carefully scan the forest and listen. They were seeking not only the direct signs of the enemy, but also the sights and sounds of the forest that would indicate the presence of danger. When satisfied they would wave one of the supporting pairs forward.

The discipline of the Welsh warriors was less than perfect. They could often be heard talking, about what the Anglo-Normans knew not as they were speaking Welsh, but presumably grumbling about the rain which was now falling more heavily. In other cases their location was given away by the birds, or a few times just by the feeling that somebody was watching and that something foreign was in the forest. Then the scouts would pause until either satisfied they were wrong or had located the men sitting in ambush.

Each ambush site was carefully mentally recorded and they reached the edge of the forest near St Asaph a little before noon. There they turned and beginning the journey back. The return was quicker- the positions of the enemy were known but not taken for granted. The same procedure was followed as before, but in a more abbreviated manner. No additional ambush places were located on the return, but the hunters did take the time to diverge and follow pathways to the nearby hills where they found large caves. Groups of people could be seen; sometimes these were solely warriors; other times they were villagers who had taken shelter. Occasionally the caves were used to house livestock. Again, note was taken for later report.

After the scouts returned Alan spent half the night in discussions with them, with a large piece of parchment, quill and ink. Although illiterate, the huntsmen had the incredibly retentive memories that the unlettered usually possess. They’d paid particular attention to their surroundings and could describe the journey virtually step by step. Alan carefully recorded the information from each man onto the parchment.

Next morning the army, with replete stomachs after a large breakfast and carrying meat and vegetables for a week of campaigning, moved out well before first light. The hunters acted as pointer-dogs, bringing small parties of soldiers within close range of the unsuspecting Welshmen, who were then attacked from the rear or the flanks. Of the 23 ambush points identified, only two noticed the approaching danger in time to resist.

The caves containing the villagers were left unmolested, although Alan had to argue long and hard with fitzOsbern to achieve that, citing the need to move quickly and the unnecessary delay that would occur. The earl wanted to visit vengeance on every man, woman and child in Wales, but an argument that they needed to stay focused, stay compact and move quickly if they were to be successful won the day. The caves with livestock were visited and, to the regret of all, the animals were slaughtered except a few driven off to be cooked for the army pots that night. Cattle, swine and sheep were worth money, but not here and now. They couldn’t drove them to England through hostile territory and they were the main wealth of the Welsh hillsmen. Killing them removed the wealth of the Vale for many years.

The caves with warriors were another matter entirely. No soldier willingly proceeds in enemy territory with a known force of the enemy behind them and 100 men were sent to each such cave to attack with stealth and without warning. Over 100 ponies were taken, putting more of the invaders on horseback- although with no overall improvement in the pace of advance, which had to be that of the slowest foot-soldier. However, the horses offered greater mobility and options for later. Many of the Norman bowmen swapped their weapons for the superior bows used by the Welsh, taking these and the larger arrows from slain Welshmen.

From Denbigh to St Asaph was a little more than nine miles. Moving with caution, taking out the ambushers and clearing the caves, they passed into the vale of the Afon Elwy and saw St Asaph a short distance ahead. The few lookouts were easily dealt with, as the Welsh thought enemy were nine miles away and no warning of their approach had been received.