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Harry opened the front door. Mrs. Hogendobber was right on her heels.“What are you doing? Vetting a horse on Main Street?”

“No. I’m giving you your new fox hunter and I’m doing it in front of your friends. If I took her to the farm, you’d turn me down because you don’t like to take anything from anybody. You’re going to have to learn how, Harry.”

“Hear. Hear.” Mim seconded the appeal.

“She’s big—and what bone.” Harry liked her on sight.

“Take the horse, Mom,” Tucker barked.

“May I pet him?” Miranda tentatively reached out.

“Her. Poptart by name and she’s got three floating gaits and jumps smooth as silk.” Fair grinned.

“I can arrange to pay you over time.” Harry folded her arms over her chest.

“No. She’s a gift from Mim and me to you.”

That really surprised Harry.

“I like her color,” said the gray cat.

“Think Mom will take her?” Tucker asked.

Mrs. Murphy nodded.“Oh, it will take a while, but she will. Mother can love. It’s letting someone love her. That’s what’s hard. That’s what this is all about.”

“How’d you get so smart?” Tucker came over and sat next to the tiger cat.

“Feline intuition.”