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She tapped a finger on the picture of Monk’s triumphantly smiling sister. “What’s wrong is I’m not entirely certain this kind of attention really is going to do us any favours.”

“Whatever do you mean?” said Bibbie, astonished. “We’re going to be run off our feet after this. Saving the Baking and Pastry Guild’s day is going to put us on the map!”

She shook her head. “I don’t have a problem with the agency appearing on a map. I’m just not convinced that us being turned into topographical features is a good idea.”

Bibbie stared at page twelve in her own copy of the Times. “Being photographed, you mean? But Mel, it was your picture with Monk at the opera that got us the Guild job. How can that be a bad thing?”

“It wasn’t,” she admitted. “But Bibs, really, think about it. Ottish society’s already forgotten that photo of me. You, on the other hand, are an entirely different boatload of monkeys.”

“Oh, please, don’t start on that,” Bibbie muttered, squirming. “You know I hate it when-”

“Too bad,” she said firmly. “Like it or not, Bibbie, the fact is that you don’t have a forgettable face.”

Bibbie scuffed the carpet with the toe of her pink kidskin slipper. “Possibly,” she said grudgingly. “But I fail to see what that’s got to do with anything.”

“Oh, come now. You must. I mean, we were successful yesterday because Millicent Grimwade didn’t have a clue who we were. But how successful are we going to be next time, do you think, if we need to be inconspicuous and you’ve been turned into a walking advertisement for the agency?”

Bibbie tossed aside her paper and slid off her desk. “That’s not fair, Melissande! I didn’t ask for my picture to be taken.”

She held up one placating hand. “I’m sorry, Bibbie. Of course you didn’t. This isn’t your fault. I just think we need to be careful, that’s all. The last thing we can afford to do is limit the kind of jobs we can accept. We need to grow Witches Inc., not prune it while it’s still practically a seedling.”

“Mel, honestly, you worry too much,” said Bibbie, pouting. “Why are you always looking for the silver cloud’s dark lining?”

Reg rattled her tail feathers. “Now, now, ducky. Madam’s got a point. Being famous is all very well for five minutes. After that it tends to get inconvenient.”

Astonished, Melissande swivelled round in the client’s armchair. “You’re agreeing with me now? You know, Reg, I do wish you’d make up your mind.”

“She must be sickening for something,” said Bibbie, with a teasing smile. “Take her temperature, quick.”

“Yes, yes, very amusing,” said Reg, rolling her eyes. “But you mark my words, Mad Miss Markham. There are far worse things in this world than being anonymous.” She sniffed. “Trust me, I speak from personal experience.”

Now it was Bibbie’s turn to roll her eyes. “And nobody’s had as much personal experience as you, we know.”

“Well, nobody has,” Reg snapped. “And you’d do well to remember that instead of-”

Reg’s familiar scolding refrain was interrupted by the telephone, ringing. Bibbie picked up the receiver. “Good morning, this is Witches Inc. No thaumaturgical task too large or too-I’m sorry? — Yes, this is Miss Markham.-Yes, that’s me in the Times.-Why yes, I am Aylesbury Markham’s sister.-Distinguished? Well, that’s one word for him.-Really? How very distressing for you, Miss Martin. Perhaps you’d care to stop by the agency so we can discuss your situation in person? Just a moment and I’ll look in our appointment book…”

“Reg,” said Melissande, keeping her voice down, “tell me not to get my hopes up, would you? Remind me that it’s still very early days. Lecture me on not counting my chickens while the eggs are still being laid.”

Reg’s dark eyes gleamed. “I don’t need to, ducky. You’re far from perfect but you’re a sensible girl… and a little bit of dreaming never hurt anyone.”

“ Well!” said Bibbie, grinning, as she hung up the phone. “Whoever would have thought Aylesbury could come in handy? Wonders will never cease.”

Melissande took a deep breath, trying to steady her unsteady heart. “A new client?”

“Prospectively,” said Bibbie. “The Honourable Miss Letitia Martin. She saw the story in the paper and she knows Aylesbury. Thinks he’s charming, what’s more, which means either she’s a noddycock or she can’t have known him very long.”

“When is she coming in?”

“After lunch.”

“And what’s her problem?”

Two dimples danced in Bibbie’s cheeks. “Aside from the fact she thinks Aylesbury’s charming? She’s lost some valuable jewellery and wants us to find it. Tactfully. No public hue and cry.”

“Oh? Well. That doesn’t sound too hard.”

“Not hard at all,” said Bibbie, openly grinning again. “It’ll be money for jam. We’ll be rolling in dosh soon, just you wait and see!”

“At this point, madam, allow me to remind you about unhatched chickens,” Reg said severely. “One new client does not a bursting bank account make.”

Bibbie groaned. “You’re such a spoilsport, Reg. Why don’t you go catch a mouse or something so Mel and I can celebrate in peace?”

“I might just do that,” Reg retorted. “Because for all your overconfidence, ducky, a mouse might be the only thing standing between the three of us and starvation before long!”

“ Honestly, Bibbie,” Melissande sighed, watching Reg flap across next door’s rooftop in high dudgeon. “You know she’s only trying to help.”

“Trying to burst my balloon, you mean,” Bibbie grumbled. “Just once you’d think she could be encouraging.”

Yes. Well. Probably it was time to change the subject. “Look at the time!” she said brightly. “Permelia Wycliffe will be here soon. We should spruce up the office, I think.”

But instead of sprucing, Bibbie slumped against her desk, arms mutinously folded, her brow scrunched in another scowl. “Reg should stop treating me like a-a peahen. I mean, you’re not the only one who’s been losing sleep lately, Mel. This place is all I have that’s me. If it doesn’t work out I’ll have to go back to being a gel. It’s all right for you. You might not much like being a princess but at least it means nobody dares tell you what to do.”

“Ha,” said Melissande. “That’s what you think. There’s an entire herd of lords back home who do nothing but witter on about my frivolity and make formal demands that I come home and be decorative.”

“Yes, but you don’t have to pay attention to them,” said Bibbie, impatient. “You can tell them to shut up and they have to listen because you’re the king’s sister and they’re not.”

Bibbie really did look unhappy. “What’s going on, Bibs?” she said, pushing out of the client’s armchair to perch beside her on the edge of the desk. “Who’s been filling your head full of rainclouds? Not Monk?”

“No, of course not Monk,” said Bibbie. “He’s the only one who really understands.” She shrugged. “But everyone else seems to think that all I should care about is making a brilliant marriage. Even Father, and he’s forever boasting about me to his wizard chums. I tell you, Mel, you may get away with wearing trousers in public but the world is still full of Great-uncle Throgmortons. I don’t care if I never get married. I want a large life. A life that has purpose. I mean, truly, what’s the point of being a thaumaturgical prodigy if I never get to be prodigious?”

Melissande cleared her throat. “Yes, well. Not that I’d know anything about being a prodigy, of course, but-”

“Oh, Mel, I’m sorry,” said Bibbie quickly. “I didn’t mean to-I wasn’t thinking.”

She bumped Bibbie with her shoulder. “Never apologise for speaking the truth. You are a prodigy, just like Monk. Almost like Gerald. And I’m not.”

“No, you’re not. Far from it,” said Bibbie, with more honesty than tact. “But you’re a genius at being practical and organised and that’s nothing to sneeze at.”

Possibly not, but it hardly compared. Still. No point pining after the impossible. “The thing is, Bibbie,” she said firmly, “that I do wear trousers and I don’t get hauled off the street. Slowly but surely things are changing. So you’re not to lose heart, do you hear me? Married or not you will have a large life full of purpose. In fact it’s my belief you’re going to take life by the scruff of the neck and shake it into trembling submission. We both are. Starting with Witches Inc., which is going to be the most successful witching agency in the history of Ottosland. Agreed?”