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"We don't have to become man and wife, Safar, Nerisa said. I'll be your concubine, if you like. Or, since I'm a woman of means, you can be mine."

Safar smiled, but the smile didn't linger long.

"There's much more behind this than our nuptials, he said.

Nerisa nodded. He'd told her about the great lie Protarus was demanding of him, and the conspiracy he suspected was being hatched by Luka, Fari and Kalasariz.

"I was just making a silly jest, she said.

"For some reason, Safar said, he's taken a sharp turn off the road we were both traveling on. And I don't know how to move him back."

Nerisa shivered. I feel like a devil just perched on my grave, she said. When I was girl on the streets of Walaria I always took that feeling as a warning sign. I don't know how many times I boltedfor no reason other than that shivery feelingthen saw the thief catcher creeping down the alley."

"Gundara has been howling danger since I left the palace, Safar said. He advises me to flee."

"Then let's do it, Nerisa said, suddenly fierce. Leave everything behind us and flee immediately. We won't lack for money. I have gold cached all over Esmir."

"I can't, Safar said.

Nerisa peered at him. Then, I suppose it'd be pretty difficult giving up being Grand Wazier, she said. It's hard to imagine having so much power."

"That means nothing to me, Nerisa, Safar said. It was never anything I wanted, much less sought. Why, my fondest boyhood dream was to succeed my father some day as the greatest potter in all Kyrania."

"Then let's go to Kyrania, Nerisa said. You talked about it so much in Walaria that it seemed a paradise to me. We'll go together. I'll be your wife, a simple village woman, with Palimak on my hip and his sister growing in my belly."

Her eyes glistened. That was always my fondest dream, Safar, she said. So why don't we both make those dreams come true?"

He took her hand and said, I wish I could, but the Fates have decreed otherwise."

And then he told her the tale of two womenone a vision in Alisarrian's cave, the other a living woman, Methydia, a powerful witch and visionary in her own right.

When he was done he said, Both insisted Iraj and I must travel the same path together. And at the end of that road is the answer I seek. The answer to the riddle of Hadin."

"Well, I'm no witch, Nerisa said, and I'm certainly no vision in a cave. But it's plain to me Protarus has strayed off that path. You said it yourself. You said he'd taken a sharp turn and you didn't know how to get him back on the same road again.

"Did you ever think that maybe the road has ended? For the two of you, I mean? And you must go on, leaving Protarus behind in whatever madness he makes for himself?"

"Yes, Safar said, almost a whisper. I'd thought of that."

Then he said, But Iraj isn't mad. He's only king, which is a kind of madness in itself, I suppose. I remember I told him that a long time ago."

"Still, Nerisa. Then firmer, Still!"

Safar thought a moment, then said, I'll try one more time. We're supposed to meet again tomorrow. I owe him that one last chance."

"You don't owe him anything, Nerisa said. It's the other way around, Safar. I wish you could see that."

Safar shrugged. I can't help how I feel."

He looked down at Palimak, then back at her, brow furrowed with worry.

"What disturbs me most of all, he said, is that both of you are in danger because of me. If Iraj acts badly he'll come after you as well as me.

"I think you should leave first thing in the morning."

Nerisa, a sensible woman, agreed. She had the responsibility of Palimak after all.

"There's a village at the crossroads about twenty miles outside of Zanzair, she said. I'll have Abubensu get a carriage ready. I can tell him I'm considering an investment in the area, which isn't far from the truth. It looks to be a promising place."

"I know the village, Safar said. If all goes well I'll send a message for you to return. And if doesn't, I'll meet you there."

"One of my caravansbound for Caspanwill be crossing the desert in a day or so, Nerisa said. We can go with it."

Palimak stirred. His eyes came open, a golden glow in the dim light.

Suddenly he screwed up his face and started crying.

Nerisa comforted him. Everything's okay, little one, she cooed. Mother's here.

"She won't let anyone hurt you."


Outside the mansion, Leiria crouched in the shadows watching the house.

She heard a flutter of sound and her head snapped around to mark it.

It was a raven on the prowl, big wings spread to catch the evening air. The raven circled the mansion grounds, then it turned and flew off toward the palace.

It soared higher and higher until it disappeared in the red glare of the Demon Moon.

Leiria's eyes returned to the house. Deep inside she heard the child cry.

She thought she'd never heard such a lonely sound.



Iraj paced the royal chamber like a captive lion, golden hair flowing from under his crown like a mane, beard jutting forward like a lion's snout; his eyes were narrowed, lips stretched back over his teeth as if in a snarl.

Safar stood in the center of the chamber watching him pace, feeling the anger build.

"I could command it, Iraj said. I could require you to make the casting."

"Yes, you could, Safar said.

"Would you obey?"

Safar breathed in deeply. Then let it out. No."

"Even if the penalties were most severe?"

"Even so."

"I could strip you of your title and fortune, Iraj said.

"I understand that."

"I could even take your life, Iraj said. Are you so set in your refusal that you'd risk it?"

"Let me answer this way, Safar said. If you were in my boots and felt your honor was at stake, how would you answer such a threat?"

Iraj paused. I didn't threaten, he said. I was only pointing out a fact."

"Still, Safar said, how would you answer?"

"It's not the same. I am Iraj Protarus!"

"And I am Safar Timura!"

It was not an answer sculpted to please. Iraj glared at Safar, who stood there calmly, manner mild, but will just as strong. The king broke first, spooked by the strange glow in Safar's eyes.

He resumed his pacing, saying, I'm told you think you are more popular than I am."

Safar lifted an eyebrow. I'd brand that a lie, he said, but it's too stupid a charge to deserve the name."

Iraj whirled. What? Now you dare to insult me?"

"I don't dare anything, Safar said. But if you believe such a claim, it's no insult, but the truth."

Iraj's fury suddenly turned to anguish. Tears welled up. Why do you insist on defying me, Safar? he cried. We are friends. No, more than friends. More even than blood oath brothers. I swear that I love you more than my mother, more than my father, more than any son born to me."

"I can only answer that with another question, Safar said. If you love me, why are you pressing so hard to make me violate a thing I hold most sacred?"

The anguish reverted to fury. Because I am your king! Iraj thundered. And I find it necessary to ask this of you for the greater good of Esmir!"

Safar said nothingthere was no reply to make.

Iraj's manner returned to normal. He shook his head, as if saddened. And still you refuse, he said.

"I do, Safar answered.

"What if I made this a matter of friendship? Iraj asked. You pleaded with me not to before. But we do have a blood bond between us. We swore we would give the other anything that was askedfreely and without hesitation.

"If I asked out of friendship, would you comply?"