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AT AN OLD-FASHIONED STEEL DESK in the dingy halls of the Chronicle's basement library, Cindy Thomas scrolled through four-year-old articles on microfiche. It was late. After eight. Working alone in the underbelly of the building, she felt as if she were some isolated Egyptologist scraping the dust off of long-buried hieroglyphic tablets. She now knew why it was referred to as "the Tombs." But she felt she was onto something. The dust was coming off secrets, and something worthwhile would soon be clear to her. February… March, 1996. The film shot by with indistinguishable speed. Someone famous, the Cleveland bride's friend had said. Cindy pushed the film onward. This was how stories were earned. Late nights and elbow grease. Earlier, she had called the public relations firm Kathy Kogut had worked for in San Francisco, Bright Star Media. News of their former staffer's death had reached them only that day. Cindy inquired about any feature films Bright Star might have had an association with. She was disappointed when she was told the firm didn't handle films. The Capitol, she was told. The concert palace. That was Kathy's account. Undeterred, Cindy plugged Bright Star's name into the Chronicle's data bank. Any subjects of articles, names, companies, reviews written in the past ten years were recorded there. To her mild delight, the search came back with several live responses. It was assiduous work, and discouraging. The articles covered a period of more than five years. That would tie in with the time Kathy was in San Francisco. Each article was on a different microfiche cassette. It required going back into the files. Requisitioning. Three items at a time. After four sets, the night librarian handed her the clipboard, saying, "Here, Thomas. It's all yours. Knock yourself out." It was quarter past ten- she hadn't heard a peep from anyone in over two hours- when she finally came upon something interesting. It was dated February 10, 1995. Arts Today section. "For Local Band Sierra, New Film Taps into a Hit." Cindy's eyes shot down the text, fast-forwarding to anything that stuck out: plans for their album, an eight-city tour. Quotes from the lead singer. "Sierra will perform the song at tomorrow night's bash at the Capitol to kick off release of the film Crossed Wire." Her heart stood still. She zoomed ahead to the following day's Arts section. She consumed the article almost in a single suspended breath: "… took over the Capitol. Chris Wilcox, the star, was there." A photo, with a dishy actress. "Bright Star… other recording stars in attendance." Her eyes traveled over the three accompanying news photos. In tiny print, underneath each shot, she noticed the photographer's name: "Photography by Sal Esposito. Property of the Chronicle." Photography… Cindy jumped out of her seat at the microfiche desk and hurried back through the musty, ten-foot high stacks of bundled, yellowing editions. On the other side of the Tombs was the Chronicle's photography morgue. Rows and rows of unused shots. She had never even been in here… didn't know how it was laid out. Creepy, creepy place, especially this late at night. In a flash, she recognized that the aisles were chronological. She followed the signs at the end of each aisle until she found February 1995. She ran her eyes along the outside of the stacked plastic bins dated the tenth. When she spotted it, it was on the highest shelf. Where else? She stepped up on the lower shelf, on her tiptoes, and wiggled the bin down. On the dusty floor, Cindy frantically leafed through folders bunched up in elastic. As if in a dream, she came upon a folder marked in large black letters: "Crossed Wire Opening- Esposito." This was it… Inside were four contact sheets, several black-and-white glossies. Someone, probably the reporter, had written the names of each person, in pen, at the bottom of each shot. Her eyes froze as she came upon the photo she was hoping for. Four people toasting the camera, with arms locked. She recognized Kathy Kogut's face from the photos Find say had come back with. Red hair, curly. Trendy inlaid glasses. And next to her, smiling into the camera, was another face Cindy knew. It took her breath away. Her fingers trembled with the realization that she had deciphered the hieroglyphics at last. It was the trimmed, reddish-colored beard. The narrow, comp licit smile- as if he knew where all this might one day lead. Next to Kathy Kogut was the novelist Nicholas Jenks.

Chapter 72

I WAS TOTALLY SURPRISED when Cindy appeared at my door at half past eleven. With a look of wide-eyed elation and pride, she blurted, "I know who Kathy Kogut's lover was." "Nicholas Jenks," I replied. "C'mon in, Cindy. Down, Martha." She was tugging at my Giants nightshirt. "Oh, God," she groaned, loudly. "I was so pumped up. I thought I had found it." She had found it. She had beaten McBride and Seattle. Two squads of trained investigators as well as the FBI. I looked at her with genuine admiration. "How?" Too restless to sit, Cindy stalked around my living room as she took me through the steps of her amazing discovery. She unfolded a copy of the news photo showing Jenks and Kathy Kogut at the movie opening. I watched her circle the couch, trying to keep up with herself: Bright Star… Sierra… Crossed Wire… She was hyper. "I'm a good reporter, Lindsay," she said. "I know you are." I smiled at her. "You just can't write about it." Cindy stopped- the sudden realization of what she had overlooked hitting her like a pie in the face. "Oh, God," she moaned. "That's like being in a shower with Brad Pitt, but you can't touch." She looked at me, half smiling, half like nails were being driven into her heart. "Cindy"-- I reached out and held her" you wouldn't have even known to look for him if I hadn't clued you in on Cleveland." I went to the kitchen. "You want some tea?" I called out. She collapsed on the couch and let out another wail. "I want a beer. No, not beer. Bourbon." I pointed to my small bar near the terrace. In a few moments, we sat down. Me with my Nocturnal Seasonings, Cindy with a stiff glass of Wild Turkey, Martha comfortable at our feet. "I'm proud of you, Cindy," I told her. "You did crack the name. You scooped two police forces. When this is over, I'm gonna make sure you get a special mention in the press." "I am the press," Cindy exclaimed, forcing herself to smile. "And what do you mean, "When this is over'? You have him." "Not quite." I shook my head. I explained that everything we had, even stuff she didn't know- the vineyard, the champagne- was circumstantial. We couldn't even force him to submit a hair. "So what do we need to do?" "Tie Nicholas Jenks solidly in to the first crime." Suddenly, she began pleading, "I have to run with it, Lindsay." "No," I insisted. "No one knows. Only Roth and Raleigh. And one more…" "Who?" Cindy blinked. "Jill Bernhardt." "The assistant district attorney? That office is like a colander trying to sail across the Pacific. It's nothing but leaks." "Not Jill," I promised. "She won't leak this." "How can you be so sure?" "Because Jill Bernhardt wants to nail this guy as much as we do," I said with conviction. "That's all?" groaned Cindy. I sipped a soothing mouthful of tea, met her eyes. "And because I invited her into our group."