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"I can't wait any longer, Lexi. I need to be inside you," Raed said in a husky voice.

Lexi lifted her hips in invitation. "I'm more than ready."

With one thrust, Raed buried himself inside her pussy to the hilt. They both moaned as he pulled out then pushed back inside. Lexi wrapped her legs around his waist and he set a slow pace. The feel of him stretching her, filling her, caused her body to coil tighter. He pumped his hips between her legs, moving in and out, and she squeezed her inner muscles around his hard length. It had been so long since she'd last let a man inside her body, she knew it wouldn't take much to push her into an orgasm.

She ran her nails down Raed's back as he pumped into her faster. He made that strange noise again, a mixture of a moan and a growl, against her neck. Lexi vaguely heard a sound that sounded like sharp nails being dragged across the sheets on either side of her head. Too lost in the pleasurable sensations running through her, she ignored the sounds as she matched Raed's strokes.

Lexi clutched at his back as he angled his thrusts. His thick shaft rubbed her clit with each stroke. She squeezed her inner muscles harder around his cock and her body coiled tight. He pumped faster, entering her with hard strokes. With a keening moan, she held onto Raed as her orgasm washed over her. Her inner walls squeezed his cock in a tight fist, milking him as she came.

Raed rode her faster. When he started to come, he bit her where her shoulder and neck met. He held onto her with his teeth as his cock pulsed deep inside her pussy.

She gasped. Even though he had come, Raed's cock swelled even more. She rocked her hips against his. His cock seemed to be locked inside her. She gasped again as she felt another splash of warm liquid fill her.

Raed released her neck as he rolled to his side, taking her with him. He draped her leg over his hip and tucked her head under his chin as he held her against his chest.

The feel of him still buried thick and deep caused little tremors to rock her body. Lexi fought to catch her breath. Her eyes started to drift shut as Raed ran the palm of his hand up and down her back in caressing strokes. Satiated, and drowsy from lack of sleep, Lexi fell asleep in Raed's arms.

Raed looked down at Lexi as she slept. Making love to her had been incredible, but their coupling hadn't gone exactly as he had expected either. He had managed to hide his eyes when they had gone wolf, and his claws when he hadn't been able to hold them back any longer, but what had happened after he had climaxed had been unexpected to say the least. His cock had swelled to the point where he had been unable to pull out of Lexi's body. He'd also come longer than he had ever done in the past.

He'd felt his sperm continue to shoot out of him in half minute intervals even after Lexi had fallen asleep.

Now, fifteen minutes later, his cock had finally softened enough for him to pull free. If he didn't know any better, he would swear his body had acted like a wolf's when mating. He had seen more than his fair share of documentaries about wild wolves to know the male's erection swelled, locking him to the female, during intercourse. Raed had no idea if he was capable of that when taking his wolf form, but he didn't think it should have happened while making love in his human one. What the hell was going on?

Lexi mumbled something unintelligible in her sleep as she snuggled closer against his chest. Raed held her tighter and kissed the top of her head. Unlike the other times he had taken a woman to bed, Raed's hunger had only increased, despite his recent release. He wanted to have her again, but he was more than a bit worried about how she'd react if he were ready for again so soon. And maybe she hadn't noticed the first time, but she would notice eventually if he continued to swell each time they slept together. The swelling wasn't exactly normal.

Even though Raed felt somewhat reluctant to make love to Lexi again, he knew he would. He yearned for her touch. He was quickly becoming addicted to her scent and the taste of her. The feel of her body against his as her welcoming heat surrounded his cock had given him more pleasure than he had ever experienced in a woman's arms.

They fit perfectly together. It was almost as if Lexi had been made for him and him alone. He didn't know if he wanted, or could, let her go in the end.

This left only one option—he would have to tell her what he was. If he could bring himself to reveal the truth. He'd never told a mortal about his being a werewolf, or what he did during the night. None of them had. Tiw hadn't told them they couldn't, but they had all agreed to keep what they were a secret from those they had been charged to protect. Plus there really hadn't been any need to tell. He and his men mostly kept to themselves. They made no mortal friends as a human's short life span made lasting relationships an impossibility. Raed had already watched those who had been close to him grow old and die while he had stayed virile and strong. The hardest had been watching his wife and sons all grow old and leave him. He'd made a vow to himself never to have feelings for another mortal again.

Now Lexi had come into his life.

Raed had no idea what he wanted to do about her, or what seemed to be happening to him. He gently eased away, climbed out of bed and stared down at her.

He hadn't woken her so he gently covered her with the sheet and quickly pulled on his discarded jeans. He had promised to make her supper. The food wouldn't get made any faster if he stayed up his bedroom making love to her for the rest of the day.

He quietly opened the bedroom door and slipped out into the hall. Before he closed it behind him, Raed looked over at Lexi. The sight of her asleep on his bed with her long, light brown hair spread across his pillows made him long to go back and join her. Instead, he pulled the door closed. There would be plenty of time to make love to Lexi again.

Downstairs in the kitchen, he found Algar sitting alone at the table drinking coffee as he read the newspaper. Raed headed for the fridge.

"I didn't hear Lexi screaming with terror, so I guess things went okay?" Algar said as Raed walked by.

Raed opened the refrigerator door and looked inside. "Well enough, I suppose."

He started to pull out ingredients to make a stir fry.

"You suppose? From the red marks on your back, I would say things went better than 'well enough'."

He looked over his shoulder at Algar. "That part exceeded all my expectations."


"I couldn't keep my wolf at bay. I hid the changes from Lexi. I may have shredded the sheets with my claws a bit, but she didn't notice. I just hope she doesn't remember how I became locked inside her afterward."

Algar came to stand beside Raed. "Locked? How?"

Raed reached inside the freezer and took out a package of chicken breasts. He turned and gave Algar a hard stare. "Let's put it this way—I went too much wolf at the very end."

Algar's eyes widened for a split second before he shook his head. "That isn't normal."

Raed grunted. "Yeah, tell me about it."

"I think you should tell Tiw what's going on. He made us the way we are. Maybe he has the answer as to why you can't control your wolf around Lexi." Algar looked at the food on the counter and the package of chicken Raed held. "What's with the food?"

"I promised Lexi I would cook for her."

"What about the rest of us?"

"You can fend for yourselves," Raed said with a grin.

"Gee, thanks."

As Raed turned back to the counter, he decided he would do as Algar suggested and talk to Tiw. Surely his god would be able to explain what was happening to him.

* * *