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After she finished eating, Lexi excused herself and went to the restroom. Once she used the facilities, she stared at her reflection in the mirror above the sink. It looked as if this evening was going down south real fast. She didn't blame Raed. She put the blame entirely on her shoulders. This wouldn't be the first date she had been on that ended with awkward silence. Her mother was forever telling her to be a bit more outgoing. Lexi tried, but outgoing she was not and never would be. Until she got to know a person better, she had a hard time coming up with interesting, witty conversation. She just hoped her shyness didn't cost her Raed. He was one man she definitely wanted to get to know better.

Raed watched for Lexi to come out of the loo. Hearing about her great-grandfather’s parents had been the last thing he’d expected. Lexi had no idea how much truth rather than fiction was in her tale. What were the chances of his meeting the descendant of the teenage boy he had saved so very long ago? It had to be an ironic twist of fate; it also made him a tad uncomfortable. Lexi may not believe the story, but he would have to be doubly careful around her. He didn't want to give her the proof that would have her believing every word her great-grandfather had said on his deathbed.

He found it difficult thinking straight around Lexi, which resulted in him not being able to carry on an intelligent conversation. Born in 580 A.D., he hadn't exactly gone out on any dates while he had still been mortal. And now, if he craved the touch of a willing woman, he went to a nightclub to find one who wanted nothing more than a night of pleasure. But with Lexi, a one-night stand held no appeal.

Raed quickly downed the rest of his ale. He had to do something to turn this evening around. He wasn't usually this much of a stick-in-the-mud. He blamed his behavior on the intense attraction he had for Lexi. Just sitting across from her, with her scent wafting around him, had his body coiled tighter than a spring and his cock as hard as a rock. When their gazes had locked, it had taken all his willpower not to lunge across the table and take her right there. He wanted to rip her clothes off so he could lick and kiss every inch of her body. The need to take her, claim her, made his wolf howl, especially when the smell of Lexi's arousal mixed with her scent.

He ran his hand through his hair as he tried to tamp down the intense desire that threatened to overtake him. He'd never lusted after a woman like this. Not even his wife had stirred his body the way just being in Lexi's presence did.

Spotting Lexi as she made her way back to their table, Raed sat up straighter. If he didn't want the evening to continue on as it had, he knew he had to get them out of the pub. He'd never been comfortable around a crowd of mortals, and the strain of being around so many would make things much worse.

Before Lexi could sit, Raed slapped some money on the table to pay for their meal and stood. "How about we get out of here? The pub is starting to get a little too crowded for my taste." All the tables around them were now full and the noise had increased to a level uncomfortable for his sensitive werewolf hearing.

Lexi nodded. "Okay. Where would you like to go?"

Raed took hold of her hand and led her outside. "How about we go back to your flat?"

"Sure, I guess."

Once he helped Lexi into the car and took his place behind the wheel, Raed said,

"If you don't want to invite me in, don't feel as if you have to. We'll just talk."

"Oh, okay."

Did he hear disappointment in Lexi's voice? By Tiw, she would be the death of him yet. If only she knew how badly he wanted her, but he didn't have the time tonight to do all the things he wanted to do to her. And with his wolf riding him to take her, Raed didn't know if he would be able to control that side of himself. All Raed needed was for his eyes to change, or for his claws to come out while he made love to Lexi.

Either, no doubt, would send her running from him in terror.

In the confines of his car, Lexi's scent filled his head. His hands tightened on the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. Raed knew he should be trying to draw her out with some intelligent conversation, but he didn't think he could get the words past the wolf's growl that threatened to break free. Never before had his wolf reacted to a woman in this way. The beast's behavior only pushed Raed's arousal, increasing his need.

He cast a quick glance at her as he pulled onto her street. She had her head turned, looking out the passenger window. She probably thought he was a jerk. Raed parked across the street from the flat and came around to help Lexi out of the car. As his hand closed over hers, he knew he was in trouble. Being alone with Lexi inside her flat would be a bad idea; what little control he had seemed to be slipping.

Raed walked her to the door that opened into the stairwell. He opened it so they could pass through, but didn't close it behind them. In response to Lexi's questioning look, he said, "I think I may have to take a rain check for the rest of the evening. There is somewhere else I have to be tonight. I’m sorry I have to cut our evening short. I really would like to see you again, perhaps sometime soon?"

Once they reached the flat's door, Lexi gave him a small smile as she reached inside her purse and pulled out her keys. "Thanks for supper." She took a deep breath.

"Look, Raed, don't feel as if you have to see me again. I can tell you didn't exactly enjoy yourself at the pub. You wouldn't be the first date I've bored to tears."

Raed crowded Lexi with his body until he had her backed against the door. He bent his head so he could look her in the eyes as he placed his hands on the door on either side of her head, caging her in. "Is that what you think? That I found you boring and I only said I wanted to see you again to be nice?"

Lexi swallowed as her gaze locked with his. "Well, yeah. We didn't exactly have a lot of stimulating conversation. I'm boring; I know that."

He crowded closer and pressed the bulge in his jeans against her. She sucked in a sharp breath, and he smiled. "You stimulated me very much. I haven't found you boring at all. If anything, you stir me more than you should."

As the scent of Lexi's arousal grew stronger, Raed knew he either had to taste her, or die from longing. He wrapped one hand around the back of her neck as he lowered his mouth to hers. He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips before he pushed inside and groaned as he got his first real contact with Lexi. The taste of her went straight to his head. He stroked her tongue with his as Lexi reached up to fist her hands in the front of his shirt. The keys she still held dug into his chest, but he barely felt them as intense arousal thrummed through his body.

Raed rocked his erection against her as he cupped her breast. He stroked his thumb across her pebbled nipple. Lexi moaned and sucked on his tongue. She pressed closer, rubbing up against his hard cock.

Lost in a sexual haze, Raed kissed Lexi deeper and he brought his hands down to her ass, lifting her off her feet. Positioning her so his aching cock was lined up with her pussy, he ground against her. Lexi moaned into his mouth. Her arms came up and wound around his neck as she pushed down on him.

The howl of a werewolf in the distance broke through Raed's lust-clouded brain and he stiffened. He let Lexi slowly slide down his body as he pulled away from her lips.

Lexi looked up at him, her eyes full of desire, her lips swollen from his kisses.

"What's wrong?"

Raed knew she hadn't heard the werewolf's howl; the sound had been too far away for a mortal to hear at this distance. "I have to go. What's your phone number?"