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She turned and smiled. "Can I get you something to drink? I have a pot of coffee on. Sorry, I don't have any beer to offer you."

Raed had to swallow as Lexi shoved her hands in the back pockets of her jeans.

The motion pulled her shoulders back, lifting her full breasts slightly. He had to force his eyes back up to her face. He smiled. "I'm fine. I don't need anything to drink."

"Are you sure? I don't mind getting you something."

"No. I'm okay."

"All right. Well, we don't need to stand at the door. Let's go sit down."

He was far from okay. Not only had he become painfully aroused, his wolf had started clawing at his insides for him to take Lexi. As he followed her to the living room, his gaze lowered to her butt. Her jeans hugged her to perfection. Raed had to fist his hands at his sides to stop himself from grabbing her around the waist and pulling her shapely ass against his erection. His cock jerked in his pants with the thought of how good she would feel. A low growl of need slipped past his lips as Lexi bent over to pick up a book from the couch and place it on the coffee table.

She turned and gave him a questioning look. "Are you all right?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?" He stepped closer as he drew in a deep breath and filled his lungs with her scent. His gaze locked on her lips.

"I . . . I thought I heard you make a funny sound," Lexi stammered.

He had to kiss her or lose his mind. He didn't understand this overwhelming need to claim Lexi as his own, but he found himself unable to ignore the impulse. Raed lifted his eyes until their gazes collided. Lexi sucked in a sharp breath as he moved even closer, until their bodies touched. Her chest rapidly rose and fell while the scent of her arousal filled his head.

Another low growl rose out of his chest. He threaded his fingers through Lexi's hair at the back of her head and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. She sighed softly as he claimed her lips fully. He wrapped his other arm around her waist to hold her to him and shoved his tongue inside her mouth. He pressed his engorged cock against Lexi as he tasted her. The feel of her helped ease some of the raging need inside him, but it was far from enough.

Raed released his hold on her hair and cupped one of her breasts through her t-shirt. He stroked his thumb across the taut peak. Lexi moaned into his mouth when he plucked her nipple between his thumb and index finger. She rubbed herself against him and brought her arms up and around the back of his neck.

He increased the pressure of his lips, slid his hand under Lexi's shirt and pushed her bra aside. He cupped her bare breast with his hand, and releasing her lips, he kissed his way across her jaw and down the side of her neck. Lexi bent her head to the side to give him better access as he dragged his tongue along the column of her throat.

Needing the feel of her skin next to his, Raed grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and yanked it over her head. He reached behind her and undid her bra. As she slid the straps down her arms and let that article of clothing fall to the floor, Raed roughly yanked off his shirt. He then pulled her back into his arms, groaning as her hard nipples pressed against his chest.

He pulled back slightly and dragged his tongue along her collarbone and down, then he shifted her, putting his thigh against her pussy. He pressed his leg upward as he bent his head and circled her nipple with his tongue. Lexi moaned as she ground her pussy against him. She gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin, as he opened his mouth and sucked her nipple deep.

Raed skimmed a hand down Lexi's side to the waistband of her jeans. He ran the tips of his fingers across her stomach until he reached the button. Quickly, he undid the button and pulled down the zipper. He shoved his hand down inside her panties and cupped her pussy. Pushing a finger between her folds, Raed found Lexi already wet.

He shifted his attention to her other breast and sucked her nipple deep. He pushed a second finger in her pussy and pumped them in and out. Lexi gasped as her hips jerked. Releasing her nipple, Rae straightened and met her heated gaze. As she watched him, he pulled his hand out of her panties and sucked the two fingers he'd buried inside her into his mouth. He held her gaze as he licked her juices.

Lexi shivered and started to pant. Raed kept his gaze riveted to hers as he took hold of her jeans and panties and pulled them down. She kicked them the rest of the way off. He pressed on her shoulders until she sat on the couch, then he knelt on the floor in front of her. "That's just the appetizer. Now I get the feast."

Running his hands up the inside of her thighs, he spread them apart. He looked down at her open pussy. Her sex glistened with her juices. He bent and ran the flat of his tongue along her slit, lifting her legs and put them over his shoulders. His cock hardened even more as he got his first full taste of her pussy. She tasted better than the most expensive wine. Raed swirled his tongue around her clit before he licked her from bottom to top.

Lexi's moans filled the room. Her hands came up and buried themselves in his hair. Holding him to her, she rocked her hips against his mouth. Her smell and taste, along with the moans she made, heightened his arousal. He resisted the need to bury his aching cock inside her. He wanted her to come against his mouth first. He wanted to taste her desire as she cried out in pleasure.

Raed inserted two fingers inside her slick opening, moving them in and out as he sucked on her clit. Her hands tightened in his hair and her movements became jerky.

She whimpered with need as he pushed her closer to climax. He pumped his fingers faster while he sucked harder. He could tell she was almost there.

"Come for me, Lexi," he panted. "Let yourself go."

With a keening moan, Lexi fell over the edge. When her pussy started to rhythmically clamped around his fingers, Raed replaced them with his tongue. He licked and sucked, wringing every last shudder of pleasure out of Lexi.

Raed laid his head on Lexi's belly and tried to pull himself back under control.

When her climax had overtaken her, his wolf had risen up inside him. He closed his eyes so Lexi wouldn't see them. Given how his vision had grown much sharper, he knew his eyes had turned, and his blue irises would have taken over the white. The tips of his fingers itched as his claws threatened to break through his skin. He had slept with more than a few mortals over the years, but not once had they had this kind of effect over him. The wolf inside him had never come to the surface during sex. Only with Lexi.

As he forced his body to cool, he knew he had to figure out what the hell was going on before they made love. He needed answers and he needed them quickly. The more time he spent with Lexi, the greater the need to have her grew.

Feeling his eyes shift back to normal and his claws recede, Raed stood. The sight of Lexi sprawled naked on her couch, her face flushed with arousal, almost had him back on his knees again. Determined to get some answers, he said, "Let's go to my place for a while."

Chapter Four

A few seconds passed before Lexi could understand what Raed had just said. He had to be kidding? Right? "You want to go back to your place? Now?"

He nodded. "Yes."

She glanced down at the large bulge in the front of his jeans. From the looks of him, Raed was more than up to continuing what they had started. He may have given her the best oral sex she had ever had, but she wanted his cock where his tongue had been. The sight of his bared, muscular chest made her want to run her hands and lips all over him. His washboard abs practically made her drool. Even the black tattoo which covered the entire cap of his left shoulder added to his yum factor. Lexi couldn't make out the details, but she still thought the mark made Raed look even hotter.