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“We look forward to a good working relationship, Coordinator.”

“A diplomatic answer, Colonel.” Takashi cocked his head at Wolf. “Perhaps not so diplomatic as your actions. You were not at Batan to meet me, and my officers were not pleased.” A slight gesture indicated the officers who had come up from their 'Mechs. Among them was Gensai Terasu, scowling as usual. “They reported you had something that you considered more important than meeting the head of state.”

“The military situation required my presence, Lord Kurita.” Wolf's response was bold and honest, but he softened it in just the right way to soothe a Kurita lord. “I was sure you would understand that a warrior must do his duty.”

Wolf had played it correctly. Takashi barked a short laugh. “I am glad to see that you put your duty before petty matters of protocol.”

The expressions on the faces of the Sworder officers showed all too plainly that they did not agree.

“But I am remiss. It is clear that you still suffer from your recent misadventure. I will have my personal doctor attend you. He is the finest of the Brotherhood physicians.”

“With all respect, Coordinator, my injuries are of no importance.” Despite Wolf's words, Minobu could see that he had paled considerably during his talk with Lord Kurita. Wolf was toughing it out. Like a samurai, he betrayed no weakness and gave no admission that wounds mattered. The fire was still alive. Inside, where no one could see, Minobu smiled.

The Coordinator must also have noticed Wolf's pallor.

“At least, then, we can retire to the command vehicle, where we will all be more comfortable. We old soldiers know about wounds. Ah, for the days when wounds were my only concern.” He walked beside Wolf to the MHQ. As they boarded, he said, “I am anxious to see your Dragoons in action.”

The cooled air of the MHQ was an obvious relief to Wolf. Even so, he still looked shaky to Minobu. Wolf introduced his officers and deftly passed the work of the briefing to his intel officer, Major Blake, who outlined the situation for the new arrivals.

“As you can see, Coordinator, we have contained the salient at Fire Rift and are prepared to launch a thrust to blunt its threat. Our skirmishers have maneuvered the two companies of Snake Stompers that advanced without orders from Fasolht into position during the night. No reinforcements for them are expected. Indeed, intelligence intercepts of Federated transmissions indicate that they are refusing recall orders. The Davion forces are holding within their established defense perimeters at Carson and Fasolht.”

Blake stopped to ostentatiously consult his watch. He smiled when he looked again at the gathered Kurita officers. “Five minutes ago, elements of Alpha Regiment began Operation Sleight. If you will direct your attention to the holotank, you will be able to follow the action.”

In the tank, images of the battle unfolded, with Major Blake supplying commentary to supplement the chatter of the command channel piped into the MHQ.

The main force of Dragoons was moving west across the field. They had obviously been observed by the Snake Stompers, for several enemy machines moved to harass the column. As they approached, a detachment separated from the main body of the Dragoons. It was clear to those in the MHQ that this was no simple reaction to brush away a nuisance. The two companies of medium 'Mechs that moved out were under the direct command of Major Yukinov, but there was no way for the Davion mercenaries to know that.

The fighting quickly separated those first hostile 'Mechs from their fellows. The Dragoons intended to keep them that way. Through clever maneuvering and sharp rebuttals to countermovement, they succeeded. Unknown to those skirmishers, the rest of the Snake Stompers were being forced back, away from Fasolht and away from their comrades. They were being guided into a trap.

The bulk of the Stompers, fighting their usual hit-and-run battle, were forced slowly west, herded into a prepared position where the Dragoons turned the tables on them. The badlands that had sheltered the Stompers for days now provided cover for the Dragoon trap. Two companies of concealed heavy BattleMechs opened up on the Stomper force, taking down a quarter of their number in the first fusillade. Next, carefully sited demolitions and blocking units cut off the Stompers' retreat. Those canny veterans did not take long to realize their plight, and they began to surrender.

Smooth, efficient, and professional, the Dragoon operation had proceeded without a hitch. Cameron relayed the casualty reports; only two 'Mechs were totally out of action. Of the other fifteen that the Stompers had damaged or disabled, nine would be in the field by evening, with the rest functional again by late the following day. The Dragoon recovery and repair teams were as impressive as their soldiers.

“Cowards,” Hawken said. “They surrender while they can still fight. They're worthless dogs.”

“If they had been fighting Kurita soldiers, they wouldn't have surrendered, Sho-sa.”Wolf's eyes were hard. “They would have died to the last man and taken many Draconians with them. Many would have died needlessly.”

“Such a death is a warrior's death. A soldier can hope for no more.” A smile crossed Hawken's face at the thought. “If they would fight to their last man, I would be proud to lead a charge against such determination. Proud to be the death of such dedicated foes. And they would be proud to die.”

“There's no pride in useless death. What you describe is an unprofitable waste of men and material. Only an irresponsible commander would waste his resources so.”

Hawken shrugged and turned his back on Wolf.

Minobu watched Lord Kurita, who had said nothing. Though feigning not hearing the exchange, he could not have missed it in the confines of the MHQ. Hawken had said no more than was expected of any Kurita soldier, but Wolf had spoken like an honorless merchant. He had also implied that a Combine officer was a fool. And yet, Lord Kurita said nothing. Was it possible that he agreed with Wolf?

Tiny in the holotank, a lone ‘Mech Warrior stubbornly resisted the inexorable advance of the Dragoons.

“What is next, Major Blake?” This came from a Kurita Tai-iwhom Minobu did not recognize.

“Now we clean up the ambush site. We don't want the opposition to know just how much force we brought to bear. The Stomper skirmishers will be allowed to observe their opponents rejoining our column moving west. We plan to have them overhear quite a bit of radio traffic. They will not be allowed to observe where we hold up the column.

“This should go a long way to convincing them that we have passed on Fasolht and probably on Carson as well. The continued deception of our lead elements will add to the impression that our ground force is moving to the relief of Delta Regiment and the assault on Port Gailfry. We anticipate that the Davions will react by forming the mobile forces from Fasolht and Carson into a strike force. They'll try to hit us in our presumably unprotected flank before we can link with Delta and overwhelm the White Witches and the Port Gailfry Defense Team.

“We expect a right fine dust up when we hit them with the real bulk of Delta while they are chasing our screen. At that time, Alpha's planned assault against the industrial facilities at Fasolht will proceed.”

“That is all excellent, Major.” Lord Kurita's praise sounded sincere. He turned to Wolf. “I should like to see some of this action, Colonel Wolf. I will accompany you with Delta Regiment for the fight with the Davion 'Mechs. I wish a presence with the real assault as well. Chu-saTetsuhara and Sho-saHawken and his unit will accompany Alpha Regiment.”

“As you wish, Coordinator.” Wolf was clearly not pleased, but then neither was Hawken. In fact, the only one in the room who seemed at ease with the announcement of the Coordinator's plans was Takashi Kurita himself.