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“It is only an invitation, Michi-sara.” Noketsuna wilted in disappointment. “It does, however, include you in its scope.

“Colonel Wolf is hosting a celebration of something he refers to as Resolution Day. It is to take place aboard the Dragoon orbital facility.”

Noketsuna's disappointment vanished with the realization that he had just been invited onto previously forbidden ground. He beamed, obviously pleased by the honor.

Minobu, too, found it an honor. Once again, Jaime Wolf was holding out to him the hand of trust, a hand that Minobu had been proud to clasp in the past months. The invitation was a step further into Wolf's confidence and friendship. Minobu began to phrase his formal acceptance.


Hephaestus Station, An Ting Orbit

Galedon Military District, Draconis Combine

11 November 3024


Noketsuna opened the airlock door for Minobu and Tomiko, then stepped aside to allow them room in the cramped access passageway. Even so, the stiffened shoulders of Minobu's formal kataginubrushed him as the Chu-sapassed. Tomiko's formal kimono was no problem in that regard, but Noketsuna had to be careful not to step on her trailing hems.

In the softly lit corridor beyond, J. Elliot Jamison waited to greet them. The Colonel was as big and bulky as the assault BattleMechs he commanded in Zeta Battalion. A grin split his broad face, showing white teeth framed in the black of his beard and mustache.

“Good evening, Chu-saTetsuhara, Lady Tetsuhara,” he said as they stepped through the hatchway. “Welcome aboard Hephaestus Station.”

“Thank you, Colonel Jamison,” Minobu replied. “The station looked most impressive as we approached. I do not believe that I have seen its like before.”

“Most likely, Chu-sa.Though most of it is Star League-design, we've added a few things of our own. Hephaestusis quite useful to us.” Jamison led them along the corridor as he spoke. “This station has gained a bit of notoriety. You know that this is what the homebodies at Fasan Press call our factory. As if you could uproot a BattleMech factory and tow it around with you.”

“Then you don't produce your own BattleMechs?” Noketsuna asked.

Jamison gave him a sharp look before answering. “This facility can handle final assembly and most repairs, but it is certainly not set up for heavy manufacturing or fusion power plant production. Your basic introduction to battle technology should have told you that those operations are best performed onworld.”

“Please excuse my aide, Colonel,” Minobu said. “He is young and curious. We are here on recreation, not business.” Noketsuna took the oblique admonishment well.

“No excuses necessary,” said Jamison with good grace.

Despite Minobu's words to Jamison and his rebuke to Noketsuna, he was just as curious to learn all he could about the Dragoons. His aide's question had gotten an interesting response. Though Jamison had described some of the station's capabilities, he had not actually denied that the Dragoons could produce their own BattleMechs. Even when revealing some things, the Dragoons kept other secrets. But secrets were business and this business upset Tomiko. He had felt her stiffen at Noketsuna's question. Best to turn the conversation back to the order of the day, the good-natured celebration that Jaime Wolf intended.

“I have to admit to some curiosity as well. Colonel Wolf's invitation referred to this celebration as Resolution Day. I do not recognize the reference. Perhaps you could enlighten me?”

“Indeed, I could. But because the Colonel mentioned it to you, I think he should be the one to explain it.” Jamison's manner was by no means hostile, but he did seem to be hiding another secret. Where previously the man had evaded Noketsuna's question, now he seemed unsure what level of information should be available to the Kuritan visitors.

He seemed glad that they had just reached a final door, which hissed open to reveal a large chamber filled with civilians in brightly colored garb and Dragoons in their black dress uniforms. Most of the crowd was engaged in conversation or in making choices from the buffet, but several coupies were swaying to a gentle dance tune on an elevated dance floor. The primary illumination came through transparent panels in the ceiling. The sunlight reflected by An Ting, visible in blue and white glory, was the source.

Jamison led his charges to the buffet and made sure they were well-supplied from the bounty on the tables. He even found enough delicacies to fill Tomiko's plate, despite her uncharacteristic fussiness over the selections of foods.

For Noketsuna, Jamison found more than foodstuffs. He provided an introduction to a young Dragoon lady, beautiful in a shimmering lavender gown. Had there been any lingering thoughts of business in the young Tai-i'smind, they must have fled. Each youngster seemed to find the other fascinating. The constant motion of the crowd soon edged them into a corner, but they did not seem to notice or to mind.

Jamison's own companion appeared, and he introduced her as Jaella Domichardt. She wore a well-tailored high-collared Dragoon's dress uniform, with the twin stars of a Major on each sleeve. The conversation was light, but Tomiko's frosty manner seemed to annoy Domichardt. Before long, she was urging Jamison to dance, and he capitulated. Minobu and Tomiko were left to find their way through the throng.

Minobu greeted several Dragoons of his acquaintance, and they responded warmly. All the males were complimentary to Tomiko, who took in their flattery with an icy edge to her customary grace. Conversations were short-lived.

Among those they met was Dechan Fraser, the bold warrior Minobu had first encountered on Quentin. Fraser wore the silver disk of a Lieutenant now and shrugged off Minobu's congratulations as though they were no more deserved than his promotion. In another man, such a show of humility might have been false, but Minobu knew that Fraser's modesty was sincere. Not wishing to discomfit him further, he pretended to spot another friend and excused himself and Tomiko.

As they moved through the crowd, Minobu caught snatches of conversations—reminiscences, tales of past adventures and misadventures, both military and private. Everyone with whom they spoke was polite, and none refused to include the couple in their conversation. Some of the groups, especially those dominated by older Dragoons, seemed to falter when they noticed the Kuritan couple approaching, however. The talk always resumed quickly, but it was clear that the topic had changed.

At last, Minobu located Jaime Wolf near one of the huge silver punch bowls. The Colonel stood with a dark-haired woman whose pale blue gown fell in caressing folds over her shapely form. Even from a distance, Minobu could tell how relaxed the two were in one another's company. Seeing Minobu and Tomiko approach, Wolf broke into a pleased grin.

“Glad to see you could make it, Minobu-san.” Wolf turned to Tomiko and bowed in greeting. “A pleasure to see you again, Lady Tomiko. You look lovely tonight.”

“Your words are kind to an old woman, Lord Wolf.”

“Nonsense. They would only be kind if untrue. As it is, they understate the truth.”

“He is no flatterer, Lady Tetsuhara, as I well know.” The eyes of Wolf's companion twinkled with amusement. “Allow me to introduce myself, since Jaime is so overcome as to lose his manners. I am Marisha Dandridge, sometime helpmate to this vagabond Colonel.”

If Tomiko was offended by the forthright manner of the woman, she did not show it. She bowed.

“Our pleasure to meet you, lady,” Minobu said. “Jaime has kept you as one of his Dragoon mysteries. Are you a military secret?”