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Takashi then turned to Indrahar. “Director, I know that you have some matters to bring before the council. Please, proceed.”

Indrahar rose from his seat to take the floor. After polishing the archaic spectacles he affected, he favored the assembly with a brief smile.

“The correlated data secured from the raids on Davion BattleMech facilities on Quentin and Hoff have proven beyond a doubt that a technology transfer is occurring between the Federated Suns of House Davion and the Lyran Commonwealth of the Steiners. Captured documents of recent date contain data from the Lyran facilities on Hesperus II, Coventry, and Alarion. These documents were found at both raid sites. One Steiner technical file even carries a citation by Doctor Robert Willis, a Davion scientist last reported to be working in the Federated Suns' top-secret BattleMech development program.

“A diplomatic pouch has been dispatched to Maximilian Liao by special courier, carrying documentation on the Davion-Steiner military trades. This information should motivate him to some action, for he has even more to lose from this coalition than do we.

“There are other signs, perhaps even more ominous, that Davion and Steiner are drawing closer together. Prince Davion has admitted Lyran officers to his highly touted New Avalon Institute of Science, which my investigators report is more a military academy than the research institute that Davion propaganda claims. Davion military advisors have also recently been observed on the Lyran front. ISF analysts believe that this explains recent improvements in the Lyrans' battlefield performance.

“All these signs point to a deeper and stronger bond between Houses Davion and Steiner than has yet come to light. It's possible that Prince Davion has secretly agreed to Archon Steiner's cease-fire proposal of 3020, though we have not seen any evidence of the assurances necessary to seal such an arrangement. To date, all of the benefits, beyond an improvement in trade allowances, seem to be to the Commonwealth. Surely, the Davion fox has a deeper plan.”

Indrahar took his seat again, content to let his audience mull over his words. The Warlords were clearly upset by Indrahar's presentation.

Takashi was gratified to note their concern. An alliance between Steiner and Davion could be disastrous for the Draconis Combine. It would wed the strongest economy in the Inner Sphere to the military might of the Federated Suns. A potent combination, even without the wily Hanse Davion in command. After a suitable interval, Takashi quieted his councilors to allow Indrahar to proceed to his next point. The Director stood again.

“In the matter of the disastrous campaign on Galtor, media coverage has been satisfactorily contained. According to our popular media, we have achieved a victory—” Indrahar looked pointedly at General Samsonov—”despite the military situation.”

Samsonov's eyes narrowed at the implied criticism. “We may have lost the Star League cache, but it was not due to any failure on my part. The Coordinator himself has taken that position.”

What Samsonov referred to was the ceremony in which Takashi had publicly refused the Warlord the right to commit seppukufor his “failure to achieve the goals of the Combine.” Takashi had cited the Combine's continuing need for the General's services. Samsonov's co-commander in the invasion, Warlord Yorioshi, had been broken in rank and banished to an obscure staff position deep within the Combine's interior. The Coordinator's absolution had persuaded Samsonov that he had been justified in goading his rival to rash action and that he was strong in Lord Kurita's favor.

Takashi found it amusing that Samsonov did not to look to the Coordinator for a confirmation of the position he espoused. The man was very sure of his lord's support. That was satisfactory. Samsonov would be even more unbalanced if it ever became necessary to withdraw that support.

“Yorioshi was the reason for the failure,” Samsonov continued. “When he abandoned my troops on Galtor, the man showed himself as a traitor and an incompetent, totally unfit to command the Benjamin District.” The Warlord neglected to mention that he had goaded Yorioshi into that action by continually undermining the man's leadership and endangering it through his own actions and non-actions.

The Warlord turned to Shotugama. In an effort to twist attention away from himself, he struck out at a colleague. “We must look to the future,” he said. “All Galedon District units are back to at least 75 percent strength. Can Yorioshi's successor match that?”

Shotugama was slow to answer, allowing Vasily Cherenkoff, Warlord of Dieron, to jump in. “I fear our new comrade is made timid by the company he now keeps. Maybe he needs to consult one of his nuns?”

Takashi was surprised by Cherenkoff's reference to Shotugama's upbringing in a monastic environment. With his personal habits and ill-bred comments, the fat Cherenkoff was often offensive to those around him, but he rarely made any effort to do research for his half-veiled insults. This time, he—or more likely, some lackey—must have probed Shotugama's background. The open hostility in the Dieron Warlord's voice showed that he had developed a deep dislike for his new fellow. This would have to be taken into consideration, especially if the feeling was returned. Benjamin District lay between Cherenkoff's Dieron District and the rest of the Combine. Beyond Dieron lay Terra, and beyond the homeworld, the Combine's unsteady allies. An internal struggle could cut lines of communication. That would be calamitous.

“All necessary consultations have already been made, General Cherenkoff,” Shotugama replied. “Though I have no reputation to match the bulk of yours, I do know my job.” The small man's demeanor was quiet, but he showed spirit, matching Cherenkoff's attack without abrasiveness. He kept his hostility in check to his higher duty to the Combine. Shotugama was a good appointee, Takashi decided. The balance was maintained.

“By March, we will have made up equipment and pilot losses in units participating in the Galtor adventure,” Shotugama continued. “Current strengths vary, but the average is approximately 68 percent of authorized strength. Most serious is the morale deficit. Former Warlord Yorioshi's disgrace has had a widespread effect in the District.”

“The dog did not get what he deserved,” Samsonov growled.

“Enough!” Takashi commanded. It would not do to have his actions as Coordinator brought into question, even here. “Our losses on Galtor have weakened our border with the Federated Suns. But House Davion has paid a price for their military success, and is now weakened as well. We will allow them no rest. Though we may not be able to mount any major effort without jeopardizing our security, we can keep the pressure on Davion.

“I therefore order the Fifth Sword of Light transferred to Dieron. They are to raid throughout the corridor that Davion maintains to Terra. If a weakness is found, exploit it.

“Our friends in the Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds League will be encouraged to attempt similar probes. If we can cut off Davion and Steiner from one another, it will nullify the threat of any alliance between them.”

“Can those states be reasonably expected to provide a serious threat to our immediate enemies?” Kester Hsiun Chi asked. The Warlord of the Pesht District always had an eye on events outside his District. Was the old man being wasted in the quiet of Pesht? Takashi wondered. Might he better serve in a more active District? Benjamin had just received a new Warlord, and matters in the other Districts were acceptable. This was not the time for a transfer.

Noticing that Takashi was lost in his thoughts, Indrahar answered for him. “The Free Worlds League is, as usual, busily concerned with internal bickering. The ISF believes that one or more of their factions might be persuaded that it would be worthwhile to make an attempt on our enemies. However, any Marik faction so persuaded is unlikely to strike across the Capellan Confederation at the Federated Suns. The Lyran Commonwealth is their only likely target, but we can expect little result from them. With luck, they can occupy some of the Commonwealth's attention. Archon Steiner may perceive a greater threat than the adherents of House Marik can provide.