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“As for the Capellans, they will certainly occupy Davion's attention in some fashion because Maximilian Liao seems to have identified Hanse Davion as his principal enemy. Though some military action is possible, it is more likely that Liao will utilize intrigue to weaken our mutual foe.”

“In the long run, the actions of other states will not matter,” Takashi said. “If we must go to war, the Draconis Combine will do so. Turn your minds in that direction, my Warlords. Soon or late, it will come to war.”

Takashi made to stand up, a sign that the session was over, but Samsonov spoke up. “Tono,there is another matter that I believe merits your attention—Wolf's Dragoons.”

“Your attempt last year to have them placed under your command was uncalled for,” Takashi said coldly. “I was satisfied with their performance and told you so. Do you wish to raise the issue of their tractability again?”

“He, Tono!”Samsonov responded, but the bitterness in his voice put the lie to his denial. 'Their record of success argues against any complaints. I am more concerned about their loyalty.”

He paused, sweeping the room with his gaze. He clearly wanted everyone's attention now. “Are you aware, Tono,that they have sent an officer to Galatea, the so-called Mercenary's Star?”

From the corner of his eye, Takashi caught a confirming nod from Indrahar. “This has been brought to my attention. Why does it distress you?”

“It is not personal distress. I worry for the sake of the Combine. The Dragoon contract still has more than two years to run. Yet their officer is entertaining recruiting agents from any and all comers. Is this not clear evidence that the Wolf's Dragoons mercenaries do not intend to renew their contract?”

“Perhaps they merely wish to raise the price of renewal. They are mercenaries, after all,” Hsiun Chi commented.

“It is possible,” Samsonov conceded. “But we must consider the alternative. If the Dragoons should leave the Combine's service, it would gravely weaken our forces on the Davion border. We must act to prevent them from defecting to our enemies.”

Takashi knew Samsonov had more than the interests of the Combine at heart in this situation, but the Warlord raised a valid point. The loss of the Dragoons could be devastating, especially if the military situation deteriorated. House Kurita had no units that combined the fast-strike capability and the tactical adaptability of the Dragoons. So ka.It need not remain that way.

“While we have the Dragoons under contract to us, we shall take advantage of their presence and let them serve as teachers. We will create a new unit to work at their side. That unit will learn how to fight as do Wolf's Dragoons and so add Dragoon capabilities to the Arm of the Dragon. Their Liaison Officer shall command the new unit. As he already has some experience in observing Wolf's methods, he has a head start.”

Samsonov flushed, infuriated. His ploy to wrest control of the Dragoons had been diverted. Takashi's sudden solution had cut off his chance to present the documents his aide Akuma had carefully prepared. The Coordinator's order that Tetsuhara command this new unit would give more power to the stiff-backed troublemaker whom Samsonov had looked forward to breaking in rank once a Liaison Officer was no longer needed. The Warlord quickly covered his rage under frowning brows and hardened expression.

Takashi offered him an opening to save face. “General Samsonov, I expect you can find a suitable officer to fill the liaison position.”

The Galedon Warlord's face lightened.

Takashi did not know what devious plan had just entered Samsonov's mind, but it was clear that inspiration had struck.

“I have just the man for the job,” Samsonov said.

“Even though I wish to see a Combine unit with the capabilities of Wolf's Dragoons, I do not want to lose the service of those mercenaries,” Takashi announced. He hoped that his statement would keep Samsonov from any excesses. He turned to Indrahar.

“Director Indrahar, see what can be done to persuade the Dragoons to stay. Encourage them to see that their future lies with the Draconis Combine. If they cannot be persuaded, we should have some sort of insurance in case the Dragoons decide to enter an enemy's service.” Takashi spoke as he rose from his seat. This time, no one offered an interruption.

Takashi watched as his councilors left the room. The Warlords' squabbling was a necessary evil. While they were busy watching each other, they were not planning revolution. He found it a necessary, but disheartening, strategy. If only he could trust them to have no ambitions for the Coordinator's seat. If they would unite together behind him, no power in the Inner Sphere could stand against the Dragon. An idle wish, he mused. An illusion. He must never forget that reality was the crudest of masters, with a heart as bleak as the walls of the Black Room.




Hoshon Mansion , Cerant, An Ting

Galedon Military District, Draconis Combine

15 August 3026


Late afternoon sunlight threw long shadows across the courtyard of Hoshon Mansion. The outer wall's shadow ran down the edge of the archery range where Minobu and Jaime Wolf were shooting. The great tower set at the corner of the wall was built to resemble an ancient Japanese castle keep, and its shadow bisected the still sunlit ground. When the image flickered with movement, Minobu looked up from the veranda to see Tomiko and Marisha looking out over Cerant from the balcony of the second level. Minobu caught Wolf's attention and pointed out the women to him.

“I am glad you're finally back, and that you and Marisha could find the time to visit us here. It has been too many months. Tomiko has missed your lady. The plan you initiated two years ago on the Hephaestushas borne wonderful fruit. Tomiko and Marisha have become like sisters.”

“It wasn't myplan,” Wolf said, smiling. “But I, too, am glad they've become friends. Tomiko had always seemed so distant, and now she is even polite to me, a bloody-handed mercenary barbarian. She even tries to teach me civilized manners.” Jaime paused, his eyes resting on the two women. “It's good for Marisha to have someone to talk to outside of the Dragoons.”

“And you have no such needs to fulfill by coming here?”

“No need to fish for compliments,” Jaime said with an easy grin. “It's not the same with us. We are brothers, no matter what, sharing the profession of arms as we do.”

“I share my profession with many people, but I would call few brother. Even friends among those rare men of true honor are uncommon.”

“Now you're trying to flatter me.”

“Certainly not. You need nothing to inflate your ego.”

“What!” Jaime raged, though his eyes showed the fury to be a sham.

“Calm yourself. A show of temper is uncivilized, but uncivilized you certainly are. That monstrosity of metal and plastic that you call a bow, for example. No civilizedman would use such a thing.”

Jaime was caught up in his friend's sportive mood. Years dropped away and cares were forgotten in favor of playful banter. “It's the product of the most advanced technology available to archers in the Inner Sphere. It's balanced, strong ...”

“It is dead.” Minobu dismissed the bow with a wave of his hand. “How do you feel the shot through all that lifeless hardware?”