“Jacobs bought it, Chu-i,”Frost said after she had dismounted.
Armstrong shrugged off her cooling jacket and sat down on a convenient boulder. The cool forest air was balm for her body, if not her mind. “Well, he asked for it, and he got it.”
“That's pretty callous, Chu-i,”Toragama blurted belligerently. “Hiraku Jacobs died in battle as a warrior. He should be honored for that.”
“He should be tried for disobeying orders! When he broke ambush, he nearly set us all up to be killed.”
“His was an honorable act. First blood for a warrior,” Toragama protested.
“Honor, my ass. His honor lay in following orders, in serving his lord. Jacobs was reckless and heedless of his duty. His death has cost House Kurita a warrior and almost three more. It cost two 'Mechs heavily damaged, and it could have cost a whole lance totally lost.
“If Jacobs had used his head, he would be alive now. Davion warriors would be licking their wounds and burying their dead.
“We are Ryuken. We are responsible to react to the situation, not to follow orders blindly or to perform pointless acts of personal bravery. We must always keep our mission in mind. You got that, Toragama? Wakarimasu-ka?”
The chastened soldier nodded. “Wakarimasu, Chu-i.”
Alpha Regiment MHQ, Ryuken Field Camp,Barlow's End
Draconis March, Federated Suns
30 September 3026
The orderly threaded his way through the crowded mobile headquarters vehicle. Impartially bumping into Dragoon and Kurita officers alike, he apologized as he went. Reaching Minobu, the man held out a packet. “From Colonel Wolf, sir.”
Minobu took the envelope, whose markings indicated that the message had not come over the military net. Minobu raised a questioning eyebrow to Major Kelly Yukinov, who shook his head to signify that he had no inkling of the message's contents. Minobu opened the envelope and unfolded the flimsy inside. A smile grew as he read the message.
“It is the Colonel's good wishes for the success of our first joint mission.”
“We've got some work ahead of us,” Yukinov said, “if we are to fulfill those wishes.”
“Surely you exaggerate, Major.”
Heads turned toward Jerry Akuma when-he spoke.
Minobu could tell that the PSL officer relished the effect he'd made by finally breaking silence. Though the tall Japanese's presence had shadowed the proceedings in the command vehicle, he had said little, seeming to choose his moments with a timing that Minobu envied.
'The great Wolf's Dragoons are not noted for defeatism,” Akuma said.
“Not defeatism, Chu-saAkuma,” Yukinov said. “Realism. This operation is not on schedule.
“You were here yesterday during the incident with Armstrong's failed ambush. The reports from both Ryuken and Dragoon Recon Lances are just as ominous. There's a heavier Davion military presence here than Kurita intel predicted.”
“Perhaps,” Akuma drawled. “The recon reports are just the over-reaction of half-trained troops and mercenaries eager to pad the enemy's numbers to increase combat bonuses.” If Akuma was disappointed that neither Minobu or Yukinov rose to the bait, he hid it well. “If the reconnaissance reports are true, it only means that Davion's lackeys have good reason to protect what we seek. The prize must be more valuable than the ISF believes.”
“It also means we'll have to 'work' harder to get it,” Yukinov countered.
“The amount of 'work' is, of course, your concern. Your Colonel Wolf accepted this mission, and now you are obligated to produce results.”
“You'll get them.”
Akuma smiled. “I know I will.” Standing unobtrusively behind him were his two aides. One was a blond man as tall as Akuma, but considerably more massive. The other was a squat and compact Japanese. They accompanied the Chu-saeverywhere, presenting ever-grim and impassive faces to the world.
The PSL officer held out a hand, and the shorter aide handed him a sheet of paper. Holding up the paper, Akuma said, “Already I have results. This is a message from our informant at the Achernar Proving Grounds in Landova. The agent's report indicates that the Davion commander plans to move Professor McGuffin's prototype to a more secure location four days from now.”
The Ryuken and Dragoon staff officers exchanged worried looks at that information. It upset the raiding team's timetable. Akuma, satisfied with the turmoil he had created, stepped back, taking himself out of the circle around the holotank and the discussion that was starting there.
“Are they on to us?” asked Major Patrick Chan, his expression troubled. Chan's battalion made up most of the force from Alpha Regiment that was present for the raid.
“Well, Pat, we have to assume, at the very least, that they know what we're after,” Colonel Jamison said. His own expression showed that he didn't much like the idea of the enemy knowing his objective either.
“Maybe we can use that to our advantage,” Minobu offered.
Yukinov perked up. “How do you mean?”
Minobu wondered if Yukinov knew what he had in mind and was just giving him the opportunity to put the plan on the table. “If we put in the expected assault on the facility, they won't be expecting an attempt on the transfer convoy.”
“That sounds good.” This was from Captain Kristen Stane, commander of an augmented company of light BattleMechs notable for its air elements and fast-strike capability. Stane always favored plans involving sudden and unexpected attacks. She claimed that the speed and uncertainty agreed with her. With typical Dragoon thoroughness, she added, “If there's a good ambush site.”
“There may be one,” Minobu said, punching a code into his console. The holotank responded by zooming in on the Landova sector. A principal highway headed south from the city, then turned west and crossed the Shaw River Valley over a flood-control dam. After passing over the dam, the highway paralleled the west-northwest trend of the river until the dense woods of the Renbourn Forestry Reserve forced it to veer away. “Look here,” he said, keying a zoom to focus on the area on the south side of the Shaw River.
“I see it,” Chan and Stane said in unison. They looked at one another, both caught off guard by the other's remark. Each was known in the Dragoons as a master of the BattleMech ambush. Each also respected the other's expertise. Stane deferred to rank, and Chan said, “There, where the road passes through the edge of Renbourn Forestry Reserve. It looks like a perfect location.”
Now Stane spoke up. “Exactly. That's why the ambush should be sited here, in Millon's Woods. Before the road gets to the obvious site.”
“No good. We wouldn't have a line of retreat if it drops in the pot,” Yukinov objected. As officer in charge of Dragoon forces onworld, he must remain concerned with the preservation of those forces.
“There is a line of retreat,” Minobu said. “If the attacking force is carefully selected.”
“Huh?” The Dragoons looked puzzled. Minobu had leaped ahead of them. Minobu's own staff were even more confused, being already ill-at-ease with the interplay of a Dragoon-style planning session. They were unaccustomed to the speed at which options were accepted or discarded. Only Michi Noketsuna wasn't lost. He had seen where Minobu was looking while the Dragoons talked, and his face showed it with a half-smile.
“The Shaw River is a seasonal phenomenon,” Minobu continued. “At this time of year, the valley is completely dry and its floor well-compacted. It would make an almost perfect road for a light 'Mech force.”