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Michi opened the door to Minobu's study, expecting to see his mentor at work, but the room was vacant. In one corner lay the shards of several shattered vases, their delicate shapes destroyed forever. Curious, he stepped into the room. Near the workstation, he found traces of blood.

Fearing the worst, Michi threw back the panels to the outside and burst onto the veranda of Hoshon Mansion. The garden was empty and quiet as well, its harmony undisturbed in the twilight.

If something had happened to Minobu, surely he would feel a disturbance here, Michi thought. He tried to focus his inner senses as Minobu had taught him. Yes, something had distorted the flow of energy over the ancient building. It was high, above the level of the walls.

Michi looked up at the corner tower. Minobu was standing on the third level, lit in the glory of the setting sun. His kimono flapped about him in the breeze, its motion contrasting with his stillness as its pale color contrasted with his black skin.

Michi's breath huffed out in relief. Minobu was safe. He ran to the tower and mounted the inner stairway, his holstered laser pistol slapping against his leg as he climbed.

On the third level, a brazier was lit; smoke curled from charred pieces of paper to crawl along the ceiling, seeking escape. Michi ignored it and stepped out onto the balcony. He caught his breath before speaking. “I found blood in your study. Have you injured yourself?”

Minobu did not look at Michi. He continued to stare out over Cerant as he held up his right hand. A stark white cloth was wrapped around the palm. “It is nothing important.”

Perhaps the cut was not important. Michi could tell that something else was. “You are disturbed. I felt it.”


Michi waited for more, but Minobu did not seem inclined to offer it.

“What disturbs you, sensei?”he prompted. “Perhaps I can help?”

“What disturbs me is the news that the Ryuken is to expand,” Minobu said, finally turning toward his aide. “Each of its companies is to form the cadre of a new unit. These units are each authorized to expand to regimental strength. It seems that the experiment is a success, despite the experience on Barlow's End.”

“That is good news,” Michi asserted. He did not understand. The success of Minobu's training program and the acceptance of the Ryuken concept should have brought him joy, not this dark mood. The folly of Satoh was being ignored and the genius of Minobu-senseiexalted. Why was he upset? Something was not right.

“Why, then, are you disturbed?”

Minobu continued to speak in a monotone, as though he had not been interrupted. “Assignments are to An Ting, Capra, Misery, Thestria, Delacruz, and Marlowe's Rift. Does that suggest anything to you?”

Michi thought about it. He knew of no connection among those six systems, except their proximity to the Federated Suns and their location within the Galedon Military District. That was too obvious and simple. Minobu had been receiving messengers from the Dragoons all week. Perhaps that was the connection. “The first four are all planets where the Dragoons are present. I do not see a connection between them and the other two systems.”

“All are now garrison systems for Wolf's Dragoons. Alpha has been assigned to Delacruz, while Beta is to go to Marlowe's Rift. Increased Davion activity has been 'discovered' near those systems.”

Now the assignments made sense to Michi. Each unit of the Ryuken was to share a garrison with a unit of the Dragoons. That was good. The Ryuken would complement the Dragoons, learn from them.

The riddle of Minobu's melancholy remained unsolved, though Michi was beginning to suspect the answer. Six regiments would be a formidable force under the command of a general. Loss of command must be the reason for Minobu's depression over this news. Michi forced himself to ask, “Are you to command the Ryuken?”

“There is to be no general for the Ryuken regiments. Each is directly answerable to Galedon. If our resident Warlord cannot control the Dragoons, he will control the Ryuken.”

“Then you are to be retired.” Michi tried to put the sympathy he felt into his voice.

Minobu did not notice. His voice was as distant and cool as it had been, neither accepting nor rejecting what was offered. “No. I am to command Ryuken-m on Misery.”

Second regiment? Why not first? The Ryuken was Minobu's creation, and he deserved the pride of place. “What of Ryuken- ichi?”

“Ryuken- ichiis based on An Ting under the command of Chu-saJerry Akuma, Professional Soldiery Liaison to Wolf's Dragoons.”

Michi was shocked, both by the appointment and by Minobu's passive acceptance of it. “That is an insult. You cannot accept it.”

“There are many things I cannot do. At this time, foremost among them is refusing to accept this. Warlord Samsonov has informed me that it is Lord Kurita's wish.”

“At least Akuma has not been promoted to stand over you,” Michi declared defiantly. “You don't have to follow his orders.”

Minobu turned to look up at the stars beginning to appear in the sky. His voice was as distant as their cold presence. “My young friend, you still have much to leam.”


Dragoon HQ, Farsund, Misery

Galedon Military District, Draconis Combine

8 April 3027


“At ease,” Wolf said. “Congratulations on your promotion, Captain Fraser.”

“Thank you, Colonel,” the young ‘MechWarrior replied, relaxing his stiff-backed stance. He wondered what was up. The Colonel didn't call in shiny new Captains just to pat them on the back. Was it possible that Dechan had finally risen high enough to be let in on some of the unit's secrets? Seven years now he had fought with the Dragoons and he still didn't know where, other than their DropShips, they called home.

“I expect you're wondering why you're here.” Wolf said, ignoring the start his words gave Dechan. “I am putting together a special team for a fast strike. The team will include lances from all the regiments, people who are not used to working together. That's something you had some experience with last year on Barlow's End. Your group performed well there and again here on Misery.

“I'd like you and your lance on the team. But it's all volunteer ...”

An all-volunteer mission was unusual. The grouping of units from all the regiments was even more so. “I don't understand, Colonel. What's the deal?”

“About the mission or the team?”

“Both, sir.”

“The deal with the team is simple. I want somebody from each of the regiments on this operation as a statement to our employers.

“The mission is a raid. One of our system recon ships intercepted a Davion communique. The Feds have uncovered part of a previously unknown supply cache that we have had occasion to use. If we get in there fast, it's ours. If we don't, intel predicts that the gear will go to re-equipping the same Seventh Crucis units that we just invested so much in cutting down here on Misery.

“You want another shot at the Lancers?”

The Crucis Lancers were the raiders who had just hit Misery. They were also Davion House troops, a rare quantity here on the border. In the past year, most of the opposition had been merc units instead of the Fed regulars that were the Dragoons' rightful targets. Dragoon intel briefings had mentioned House troops moving along the border, striking, and then winding up in another location instead of heading home. The pattern was an oddity, but nobody, not even information-scrounging Dominguez, had any idea what was behind it.

It meant that the Dragoons rarely got a chance to fight Davion Regulars. But here was an opportunity to follow up on some of those Regulars to make the damage the Dragoons laid on them really stick this time. That is was going to be the Seventh Crucis who got the short end was just icing on the cake. “All right, Colonel. We're in.”