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penetrate her body, to devastate her if need be. . . . 3

. . . Yet he was certain that she was guilty and, without

really wanting to, Rene was punishing her for a sin

he knew nothing about (since it remained completely

internal), although Sir Stephen had immediately detected it: her wantonness. 4

. . . no pleasure, no joy, no figment of her imagination

could ever compete with the happiness she felt at the

way he used her with such utter freedom, at the notion

that he could do anything with her, that there was no

limit, no restriction in the manner with which, on her

body, he might search for pleasure. 5

O is totally possessed. That means that she is an

object, with no control over her own mobility, capable

of no assertion of personality. Her body is a body, in

the same way that a pencil is a pencil, a bucket is a

bucket, or, as Gertrude Stein pointedly said, a rose is

a rose. It also means that O ’s energy, or power, as a

woman, as Woman, is absorbed. Possession here denotes a biological transference o f power which brings

Woman as Victim: Story of O


with it a commensurate spiritual strength to the possessor. O does more than offer herself; she is herself the offering. T o offer herself would be prosaic Christian

self-sacrifice, but as the offering she is the vehicle o f

the miraculous— she incorporates the divine.

Here sacrifice has its ancient, primal meaning:

that which was given at the beginning becomes the gift.

T h e first fruits o f the harvest were dedicated to and

consumed by the vegetation spirit which provided them.

T h e destruction o f the victim in human or animal

sacrifice or the consumption o f the offering was the

very definition o f the sacrifice—death was necessary

because the victim was or represented the life-giving

substance, the vital energy source, which had to be

liberated, which only death could liberate. A n actual

death, the sacrifice per se, not only liberated benevolent

energy but also ensured a propagation and increase o f

life energy (concretely expressed as fertility) by a sort

o f magical ecology, a recycling o f basic energy, or raw

power. O ’s victimization is the confirmation o f her

power, a power which is transcendental and which has

as its essence the sacred processes o f life, death, and


But the full significance o f possession, both mystically and mythologically, is not yet clear. In mystic experience communion (wrongly called possession

sometimes) has meant the dissolution o f the ego, the

entry into ecstasy, union with and illumination o f the

godhead. T h e experience o f communion has been the

province o f the mystic, prophet, or visionary, those who

were able to alchemize their energy into pure spirit

and this spirit into a state o f grace. Possession, rightly


Woman Hating

defined, is the perversion of the mystic experience; it is

by its very nature demonic because its goal is power,

its means are violence and oppression. It spills the blood

of its victim and in doing so estranges itself from life-

giving union. O’s lover thinks that she gives herself

freely but if she did not, he would take her anyway.

Their relationship is the incarnation of demonic possession:

Thus he would possess her as a god possesses his

creatures, whom he lays hold of in the guise of a monster or bird, of an invisible spirit or a state of ecstasy.

He did not wish to leave her. The more he surrendered

her, the more he would hold her dear. The fact that

he gave her was to him a proof, and ought to be for

her as well, that she belonged to him: one can only

give what belongs to you. He gave her only to reclaim

her immediately, to reclaim her enriched in his eyes,

like some common object which had been used for some

divine purpose and has thus been consecrated. For a

long time he had wanted to prostitute her, and he was

delighted to feel that the pleasure he was deriving

was even greater than he had hoped, and that it bound

him to her all the more so because, through it, she

would be more humiliated and ravished. Since she

loved him, she could not help loving whatever derived

from him. 6

A precise corollary of possession is prostitution. The

prostitute, the woman as object, is defined by the usage

to which the possessor puts her. Her subjugation is the

signet o f his power. Prostitution means for the woman

the carnal annihilation o f will and choice, but for the

man it once again signifies an increase in power, pure

and simple. To call the power o f the possessor, which he

Woman as Victim: Story of O


demonstrates by playing superpimp, divine, or to confuse it with ecstasy or communion, is to grossly misunderstand. “All the mouths that had probed her mouth, all the hands that had seized her breasts and

belly, all the members that had been thrust into her had

so perfectly provided the living proof that she was

worthy o f being prostituted and had, so to speak, sanctified her. ” 7 O f course, it is not O who is sanctified, but Rene, or Sir Stephen, or the others, through her.

O ’s prostitution is a vicious caricature o f old-world

religious prostitution. T h e ancient sacral prostitution

o f the Hebrews, Greeks, Indians, et al., was the ritual

expression o f respect and veneration for the powers o f

fertility and generation. T h e priestesses/prostitutes o f

the temple were literal personifications o f the life energy

o f the earth goddess, and transferred that energy to

those who participated in her rites. T h e cosmic principles, articulated as divine male and divine female, were ritually united in the temple because clearly only through

their continuing and repeated union could the fertility

o f the earth and the well-being o f a people be ensured.

Sacred prostitution was “nothing less than an act o f

communion with god (or godhead) and was as remote

from sensuality as the Christian act o f communion is

remote from gluttony. ” 8 O and all o f the women at

Roissy are distinguished by their sterility and bear no

resemblance whatsoever to any known goddess. No

mention is ever made o f conception or menstruation,

and procreation is never a consequence o f fucking. O ’s

fertility has been rendered O. T here is nothing sacred

about O ’s prostitution.

O ’s degradation is occasioned by the male need for


Woman Hating

and fear of initiation into manhood. Initiation rites

generally include a period of absolute solitude, isolation, followed by tests of physical courage, mental endurance, often through torture and physical mutilation, resulting in a permanent scar or tattoo which marks the