working class cocks. ” 7 T he class analysis is central to the
story: “the social gu lf accentuated the mounting thrill
already high with the knowledge that the young husband was to observe his wife’s gangbanging by the pack. ” 8 The culmination o f the event, after Helen has
been thoroughly used, is described like this:
now hot wet fuck tube — hot slit, go on let see you fuck
your wife now. we’ve all been through her. 9
Helen, whose resemblance to that other well-known sex
object, Helen o f Troy, will not be overlooked by the
acute observer, is a “hot wet fuck tube —hot slit. ” Indeed, one must ask, in the world o f Suck fiction, who o f us is not?
Woman Hating
The overwhelming fact which emerges about Suck
fiction is that it contains and expresses the traditional
male fantasies about women. Helen and Carol differ
little from O and Claire. Their needs can be articulated
in precisely the same way: cock, lots of it, all o f the time,
rape, violation, cruelty. If only our needs were so simple. If only our needs had anything to do with it at all.
Men have always known, in that existential-accord-
ing-to-Mailer way, that women not only need IT but
want IT, rape-brand-whip orchestrated. It was always
obvious to them —a woman's “virtue” is merely facade,
her reluctance is merely tactic. What matters is that she
wants to be fucked —she is defined by her need to be
fucked. We find in Suck these sacrosanct male fantasies
applied with true counter-culture egalitarianism: to
all beings “feminine, ” whether women or gay men.
Projection has come home to roost and cock is crowing
like never before —but, like the cult of cunt before it,
the cult of cock is colored with the washes o f unresolved
guilt and pure sadism. The onus and hatred of male
homosexuality is heavy in Suck — ugly, heavy, and ever
Suck has in some ways aligned itself with the cause
of gay liberation. Suck 4 printed the “Gay Guide to
Europe, ” a list of gay clubs, bars, pissoirs, etc., to alleviate the chronic need for information felt by the traveling gay man. Suck 6 has a story entitled “A Week
in the Fondle Park, ” in which a man extols the quantity
of cock sucked in one idyllic week in Amsterdam’s
central park, which had been turned over to longhaired dopers and freaks in the summer of 1971. But in Suck, as in the parent culture which maligns any
Woman as Victim: Suck
deviation from the ole hetero norm, the hatred attached
to the queer is very apparent.
“T h e Suction Game” is the story o f two men, one
dark-skinned, one light-skinned, one overt, one latent —
a typical colonial situation, ripe for exploitation. T h e
acknowledged (overt) queer has the typical misogynist
point o f view:
Carlos explained that the male body was nature’s
perfection and how clean men were compared to
women. 10
T o the n orm ally) self-enhancing John Wayne male, the
above is self-evident and always has been. In the context o f the homosexual encounter it has added significance. It reinforces the maleness o f both partners. It makes the homosexual act an affirmation o f manhood.
The insecurities which a homosexual identity conjures
up in our culture, however, are hardly resolved through
the putting down o f women. “Cocksucker” is a term o f
insult and abuse —it means queer. Yet it is obviously
absurd for a man to believe that what is pleasurable to
him when done by a woman is disgusting when done by
a man. T h e distinction here is not so very subtle: the
political meaning o f the two acts, heterosexual fellatio
and homosexual fellatio, is different. T he form er makes
the man clearly the master —the woman kneels at the
foot o f the sheikh. T he latter makes the man queer—
ours is not to reason why, or is it?
Carlos (overt, dark-skinned), having unzipped the
hero’s pants, has started kissing his glorious equipment:
Woman Hating
Here I was standing in this tiny YM CA room, naked as
the day I was born, with a pretty boy queer, kneeling
in front o f me playing with my cock. The whole thing
was sickening, but the worst part was that I was enjoying it.. . . Suddenly I didn’t give a fuck if he was queer. I just relaxed and surrendered to his sucking
mouth. 11
The resultant orgasm is fantastic, mind-blowing, as
aren’t they all in Suck. Yet the imminent slander is too
much to bear. Being sucked by a queer is one thing.
Reciprocity is something else. Could it be reciprocity
that makes one queer?
He was a fucking queer but I wasn’t. If he had hot
rock that was his problem not mine. He’ll just have to
find some other queer to suck his cock. 12
Hot Rock Carlos is undaunted. After much patient
persistance, our supermale hero succumbs, with reservations: “The idea was repulsive to me, but I wanted to make him happy. ” 13 The moral of the tale is simple.
Says our hero:
Funny I do not consider myself queer, just damn lucky
to be able to attract so many good looking young boys
so they could have their rock inside me. 14
Only now does the definitive definition of queer seem
to emerge. Cocksucking isn’t the definitive experience
after all. One must conclude that anal intercourse,
the closest corollary to female penetration, really defines the queer. One must conclude that being fucked in the ass separates the queers from the men and places
Woman as Victim: Suck
them squarely among the women. O ne must conclude
that being penetrated is queer, not to mention debasing,
disgusting, and humiliating, which one had already
Homosexual men are not only penetrated like
women —they also lust after pain and degradation. T h e
author o f “T h e Suction Game” has given us another
example o f homosexual pornography, this one engagingly entided “T ough Young Dicks for Hot Kicks. ”
Five young toughs are cruising; they pick up a longhaired boy, shove him in the back seat o f the car and order him to blow them all; the boy considers refusing, since he’d love to be beaten then and there, but instead submits since greater abuse can always be had through submission than through resistance; the young
toughs brutally rape the long-haired boy, then piss and