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shit all over him. He is, o f course, ecstatic:

Gee did I smell o f come and teenage sweat and urine

and I had two more toss-offs myself thinking about

their tough young faces and dicks enjoying me for

hot kicks. 15

T h e stereotype o f the homosexual which emerges

from the general run o f Suck fiction is not very different

from the stereotype o f woman. T h e homosexual is

queer, asshole, cocksucker, faggot; the woman is hole,

hot wet fuck tube, hot slit, or just plain ass. He thrives

on pain and so does she. Gangbanging is their mutual

joy. Huge, throbbing, monster, atom-smashing cock is

god and master to them both. T h e parts they play in the

sadomasochistic script are the same: so are costumes,

attitudes, and other conventional cultural baggage. It


Woman Haling

is not hard to see that the struggle for gay male liberation and women’s liberation is a common struggle: both mean freedom from the stigma of being female.

The fantasies (indicative of structural mental sets) which

oppress male homosexuals and women are very much

alike. Women and male homosexuals are united in

their queerness, a union which is real and verifiable —

affirmed by Suck, which contributes to the cultural

oppression of both.

The pages of Suck have, sadly, nothing to do with

sexual liberation — there is no “counter” to the culture to be found anywhere in them. They are, instead, a catalogue of exactly those sexist fantasies which

express our most morbid psychic sets. They chart the

landscape of repression, a landscape that is surprisingly

familiar. As women, we find that we are where we have

always been: the necessary victim, there we are, the

victim again; the eternal object, there we are, the object again. Through the projection of archetypal sadomasochistic images, which are the staple of the sexist mentality, we become more a prisoner, robbed and

cheated of any real experience or authentic communication, thrown back into the intricate confusion of being women in search of a usable identity.

Part Three


We are a feelingless people. If we could

really feel, the pain would be so great that

we would stop all the suffering. If we could

feel that one person every six seconds dies

of starvation (and as this is happening, this

writing, this reading, someone is dying of

starvation) we would stop it. If we could

really feel it in the bowels, the groin, in

the throat, in the breast, we would go into

the streets and stop the war, stop slavery,

stop the prisons, stop the killings, stop

destruction. Ah, I might learn what love is.

When we feel, we will feel the emergency: when we feel the emergency, we

will act: when we act, we will change the


Julian Beck, The Life of the Theatre

T he rapes, tortures, and violations o f O, Claire, Anne,

Suck's Helen, et al., are fiction, documenting the twisted

landscape o f male wish-fulfillment. Here we have her-

story, the underbelly o f history, two acts o f gynocide

committed against women by men, their scope and substance largely ignored. One is not surprised to find that they document that same twisted landscape.

I isolate in particular Chinese footbinding and the

persecution o f the witches because they are crimes

which equal in sheer horror and sadism the extermination o f Native Americans and Hitler’s massacre o f the Jews. Those two horrendous slaughters have found a

place, however tenuous, in the “conscience” o f “man. ”

Acts o f genocide against women have barely been noticed, and they have never evoked rage, or horror, or sorrow. That sexist hatred equals racist hatred in its

intensity, irrationality, and contempt for the sanctity

o f human life these two examples clearly demonstrate.

That women have not been exterminated, and will not

be (at least until the technology o f creating life in the

laboratory is perfected) can be attributed to our presumed ability to bear children and, more importantly 93



Woman Hating

no doubt, to the relative truth that men prefer to fuck

cunts who are nominally alive. I except here necrophili-

acs, those pure and unsullied princes, whose story begins where ours ends.

In addition, in any war, in any violence between

tribes or nations, a specific war crime is perpetrated

against women —that of rape. Every woman raped

during a political nation-state war is the victim of a

much larger war, planetary in its dimensions —the war,

more declared than we can bear to know, that men wage

against women. That war had its most gruesome, grotesque expression when Chinese men bound the feet of Chinese women and when British, Welsh, Irish,

Scottish, German, Dutch, French, Swiss, Italian, Spanish,

and Amerikan men had women burned at the stake in

the name of God the Father and His only Son.


Instructions Before Reading Chapter

1. Find a piece o f cloth 10 feet long and 2 inches wide

2. Find a pair o f children’s shoes

3. Bend all toes except the big one under and into the

sole o f the foot. W rap the cloth around these toes

and then around the heel. Bring the heel and toes as

close together as possible. W rap the full length o f

the cloth as tightly as possible

4. Squeeze foot into children’s shoes

5. Walk

6. Imagine that you are 5 years old

7. Imagine being like this for the rest o f your life

C H A P T E R 6

Gynocide: Chinese Footbinding

T he origins o f Chinese footbinding, as o f Chinese

thought in general, belong to that amorphous entity

called antiquity. The 10th century marks the beginning o f the physical, intellectual, and spiritual dehumanization o f women in China through the institution o f footbinding. That institution itself, the implicit belief

in its necessity and beauty, and the rigor with which it

was practiced lasted another 10 centuries. T here were

sporadic attempts at emancipating the foot —some

artists, intellectuals, and women in positions o f power

were the proverbial drop in the bucket. Those attempts,

modest though they were, were doomed to failure: