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De Crow , K aren. The Young Woman's Guide to Liberation: Alternatives

to a H a lf Life While the Choice Is Still Yours. Indianapolis: Bobbs-

M errill, 1971.

D em ing, B arbara. “T w o Perspectives on W om en’s Struggle, ” Liberation. Vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 3 0 -3 8 .

d e R opp, R obert S. Sex Energy: The Sexual Force in M an and Animals.

New York: Dell, 1969.

Dralys, Lord. The Beautiful Flagellants o f New York. New York: G rove

Press, 1971.

D uniw ay, Abigail Scott. Pathbreaking: An Autobiographical History

o f the Equal Suffrage Movement in Pacific Coast States. New York:

Schocken Books, 1971.

Eliade, M ircea. Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries: The Encounter between

Contemporary Faiths and Archaic Realities. New York: H a rp e r &

Row, i960.

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U niversity Press, 1964.

Farb, Peter. Man's Rise to Civilisation. L ondon: Paladin, 1971.

Ferenczi, S andor. Thalassa: A Theory o f Genitality. New York: W. W.

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Figes, Eva. Patriarchal Attitudes. G reenw ich, C onn: Fawcett Publications, 1970.

F irestone, S hulam ith. The Dialectic o f Sex: The Case fo r Feminist Revolution. New York: B antam Books, 1972.



Fox, Robin. Kinship and Marriage. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,


Francoeur, Robert T. Utopian Motherhood: New Trends in Human

Reproduction. Cranbury, N. J.: A. S. Barnes, 1973.

Goldman, Emma. The Traffic in Women and Other Essays on Feminism.

New York: Times Change Press, 1970.

Goode, William J., ed. The Contemporary American Family. Chicago:

Quadrangle Books, 1971.

Green, Richard, M. D., and John Money, eds. Transsexualism and

Sex Reassignment. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969.

Greenwald, Harold, and Aron Krich, eds. The Prostitute in Literature.

New York: Ballantine Books, i960.

Grimm, The Brothers. Household Stories. New York: Dover Publications, 1963.

Grogan, Emmett. Ringolevio: A Life Played for Keeps. New York:

Avon Books, 1972.

Gunkel, Hermann. The Legends of Genesis: The Biblical Saga and

History. New York: Schocken Books, 1964.

Hamilton, Edith. Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. New

York: New American Library, 1959.

Hansen, Chadwick. Witchcraft at Salem. New York: New American

Library, 1970.

Harding, M. Esther. Woman's Mysteries: Ancient and Modem. London:

Rider and Company, 1971.

Harrison, Jane Ellen. Mythology. New York: Harcourt, Brace and

World, 1963.

Hays, H. R. The Dangerous Sex: The Myth of Feminine Evil. London:

Methuen, 1966.

Heline, Gorinne. Mysteries of the Holy Grail. San Francisco: New Age

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Hole, Christina. Witchcraft in England. London: B. T. Bats ford, 1945.

Holzer, Hans. The Truth about Witchcraft. Garden City: Doubleday

and Company, 1969.

Hughes, Pennethorne. Witchcraft. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,


Humana, Charles, and Wang Wu. I lie > in Yang: The Chinese Way

of Love. London: Allan Wingate, 1971.

Jacobs, Joseph, compiler. Celtic Fairy Tales. New York: Dover Publications, 1968.

-----. English Fairy Tales. New York: Dover Publications, 1967.

-----. Indian Fairy Tales. New York: Dover Publications, 1969.


Woman Hating

------. More Celtic Fairy Tales. New York: D over Publications, 1968.

Jo h n s to n , Jill. Lesbian Nation: The Feminist Solution. New York:

Sim on a n d Schuster, 1973.

J u n g , C arl G . t ed. M an and His Symbols. New York: Dell Publishing

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J u n g , C. G. Psyche and Symbol. E dited by V iolet S. d e Laszlo. G arden

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J u n g , C. G., an d C. K erenyi. Essays on a Science o f Mythology: The

Myth o f the Divine Child and the Mysteries o f Eleusis. Princeton:

P rinceton University Press, 1969.

J u n g , E m m a, an d M arie-Louise von Franz. The Grail Legend. L ondon: H o d d e r an d S toughton, i960.

R an ter, R osabeth Moss. Commitment and Community: Communes and

Utopias in Sociological Perspective. C am bridge, Mass.: H arv ard

U niversity Press, 1972.

K raditor, A ileen S., ed. Up from the Pedestaclass="underline" Selected Writings in the

History o f American Feminism. Chicago: Q u ad ran g le Books, 1968.

K ram er, H einrich, an d Jam es S prenger. Malleus Maleficarum. T ran s.

M. Sum m ers. L ondon: A rrow Books, 1971.

K ronhausen, Drs. Phyllis an d E b erh ard . Erotic Fantasies: A Study

o f the Sexual Imagination. New York: G rove Press, 1969.

Leach, M aria. The Beginning: Creation Myths around the World. New

York: F unk an d W agnalls, 1956.

L ed erer, W olfgang. The Fear o f Women. New York: H a rc o u rt Brace

Jovanovich, 1968.

L egm an, J. Rationale o f the Dirty Joke: An Analysis o f Sexual Humor.

New York: G rove Press, 1968.

Lenin, V. I. The Emancipation o f Women. New York: In tern atio n al

Publishers, 1970.

L’E strange, Ewen C. Witchcraft and Demonianism. L ondon: H eath

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Lever, J a n e t an d P e p p e r Schwartz. Women at Yale: Liberating a College

Campus. Indianapolis: Bobbs-M errill, 1971.

Levi, Eliphas. The History o f Magic. L ondon: R ider an d C om pany,


Levi-Strauss, C laude. Totemism. H arm o n d sw o rth : P enguin Books,


Levy, H ow ard S. Chinese Footbinding: The History o f a Curious Erotic

Custom. New York: W. Rawls, 1966.

Lewis, I. M. Ecstatic Religion: An Anthropological Study o f Spirit,