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Possession, and Shamanism. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,


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Lowen, Alexander. The Betrayal o f the Body. London: Collier-Mac-

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Mallet-Joris, Francoise. The Witches. New York: Paperback Library,


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Marcuse, Herbert. Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into

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Michelet, Jules. Satanism and Witchcraft. London: Tandem, 1969.

Millett, Kate. Sexual Politics. Garden City: Doubleday and Company,


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Morgan, Robin, ed. Sisterhood Is Powerful. New York: Vintage Books,


Morton, Miriam, ed. A Harvest o f Russian Children's Literature.

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Red grove, H. Stanley. Magic and Mysticism: Studies in Bygone Beliefs.

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Reich, W ilhelm. Character Analysis. New York: F arrar, Straus an d

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Roszak, Betty an d T h e o d o re , eds. Masculine I Feminine: Readings in

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R ubin, Je rry . Do It: Scenarios o f the Revolution. New York: Sim on

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S anders, Ed. Shards o f God: A Novel o f the Yippies. New York: G rove

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S chulder, D iane an d Florynce K ennedy. Abortion Rap. New York:

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The Secret o f the Golden Flower. T ran s. R ichard W ilhelm . L ondon:

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Sontag, Susan. Styles o f Radical Will. New York: Dell, 1970.

S tanton, Elizabeth Cady. Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-

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