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Now the woman slipped backward into the leather sling. She was suspended there under the stallion's belly. With a powerful lunge, she rammed her open cunt onto the huge prick. Her mouth opened and a long, passionate scream mixed with the strident music.

Lenny felt a surge of wetness between her own thighs. Oblivious to any observers, she shoved her fingers deeply into her own cunt and began to manipulate, to probe her golden need.

Boss Carl noticed this. He reached under the table and under his trenchcoat. With a few strokes he had his own manly staff fully erect and ready. He knew that he could pick up some action from this lovely blonde girl… and action was his business.

Now the girl and animal on the stage were striving against one another with desperate passion.


At the precise moment of the redhead's orgasm, her masturbating friend came too. He came so hard, his come hit the tabletop. Lenny dug deeply between her thighs searching for the very source of her passion. Boss Carl thrashed so violently in his excitement that he upset the wine glasses which were hastily removed by the waiter.

Lyle Montagne was studying Lenny's lovely features with a great deal of interest. He had a hunch that this was the girl that they had been looking for… of course, it was too early to tell for sure.

There were, he thought with a grim smile, several tests yet to be completed.

The threesome recovered their strength over some after-dinner drinks, then moved back to the elaborate offices of the famous and wealthy Boss Carl.

This was to be the scene of the next test. Lenny's mind was in a turmoil; she wondered with some apprehension, precisely what these two fabulous and unusual men had in mind for her now.

Lyle ushered her politely to a couch in the corner of the office, while Boss Carl rummaged in a cabinet. Lenny had no idea what they were doing…

"Next," Lyle said gently, "we must test your background…"

"Fine," Lenny replied brightly, "I'll tell you anything you want to know."

Boss Carl turned suddenly from the cabinet. In his hand was a long and lethal hypodermic needle. He laughed in his peculiar, guttural way and said, "You, my little kitten, are going to tell us everything, whether you like it or not."

"What do you mean?" Lenny was, for the first time, truly afraid, "What are you going to do to me?"

"Nothing to be frightened of, my dear," Lyle crooned soothingly, "Simply a slight dose of sodium pentathol – the truth serum."

"Truth serum?" she looked helplessly from one to the other. "What the hell do you mean? What is a truth serum?"

Boss Carl let a crooked grin crease his pallid face, "A truth serum, Lenny, don't you understand? We're going to put you to sleep. While you are asleep you will relive the exotic events of your young life. Whatever question we ask you, whatever event we ask about, you will have to tell us the absolute truth in every detail. You will not be able to lie!"

She shivered – this was a bit more than she had bargained for. Besides, she had never enjoyed shots of any kind. Obviously, however, the young dancer was going to have no choice in the matter.

While Lyle held her down on the soft couch, Boss Carl slid the needle into her arm. She winced slightly with the pricking of the sharp point… then the drug began to have its effect. She felt herself floating above the room, sliding away from the two men who huddled eagerly over her prostrate body.

She thought she heard singing somewhere… it sounded like the voice of her mother, but it was soon gone in the muddle of sounds and sensations that came to her as though through a fog.

Suddenly, with a start, she realized that a dark form was moving toward her through the mist. She was able only to make out that it was a man – a man in a trenchcoat.

Then he moved through the last tendrils of shifting fog. It was a vision of Boss Carl. He was speaking to her, her voice slowly, dreamily coming to her through the whirling mists.

"Can you hear me, Lenny…"

She moaned and twisted her head from side to side, fighting for fuller consciousness. Her limbs felt heavy, drugged. She no longer knew where she was.

"… Lenny, can you hear me speaking to you?"

"Yes," she replied in a faint, trance-like voice.

"Excellent," Boss Carl said. "Now, you must tell me everything that I ask you to…"

"I will, Boss Carl," she replied vaguely. "I will tell you everything that you ask of me…"

"Wonderful, Lenny," he said in a deep voice. "Now I am going to start by asking you some questions about your childhood."

She nodded and waited…

"Did you like animals when you were a little girl, Lenny?"


"How much, Lenny?" the voice asked. "Did you pet them and touch them?"


"Was there an animal that you especially liked?"


"What kind of an animal was that, Lenny?"

"It… it was a… a horse…"

"What was the horse's name?"


"Will you tell us about the times when you and Charley had special fun, Lenny?"


"Thank you, Lenny," Boss Carl's voice was growing far away, and the vision of the great man also blurred as though the fog was closing around him.

In his place, Lenny now saw her old childhood pet, the gentle horse, Charley. She ran to him and began to pet his mane. He turned his great brown eyes to her and seemed to smile.

Suddenly, Lenny remembered where she was. She was in the barn that the family had had when she was just thirteen years old. Of course, and here was good old Charley.

They had just been out for a ride and she was brushing him. She brushed down his sweating flanks until the short, dark hair gleamed like burnished gold. Then, tenderly, she rubbed his cheeks and let her fingers tickle the underside of his great strong neck. She giggled as he whinnied and stamped in growing excitement. She had long ago noticed that he became stiff and erect when she brushed him. She was old enough to know what his massive organ was for…

She looked apprehensively around the stables. There seemed to be no one about. Her father and mother were in town, buying some supplies. With a wicked little-girl grin, Lenny reached down and began to caress the horses belly. He made a strange groaning noise as she did so.

"Oh, so you want to talk to me," Lenny laughed gaily, "well go ahead, Charley, talk!"

His great horse head turned to her plaintively. She felt an overwhelming wave of affection for this huge and muscular companion. After all, she thought to herself, he had always been good to her… loyal and gentle in every way… perhaps she should repay him by doing something that would please him.

Of course, she sensed that what she was doing to him – letting her slender fingers rub closer and closer to that massive organ – was wrong. But she didn't really care. If anyone thought she was committing some kind of sin, that would have to be because they didn't really know Charley and what wonderful things he had done for her.

She let her hand slip closer and closer to the great stiff animal-prick. The huge animal began to tremble with excitement and make that strange groaning sound in its throat.

"Keep talking," Lenny murmured, "Keep talking, Charley; I like it."

Then she took his mammoth member in her slender fingers and began to stroke it. She had never touched a cock before, man or animal's. Something in its foreign and exotic nature excited her. She closed her eyes and imagined a prince in shining white armor, as tall and strong as a beast with locks of golden hair falling in tumbles over his brow. She imagined that she was reaching in behind the codpiece of this kind knight and stroking his gigantic prick. It was thrilling.