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"Certainly, my darling girl. Come along, we can show Aunt Elizabeth what she can anticipate."

Mother and child slipped back downstairs, where Em immediately located her father. "Papa!" was a well enough known cry to clear a path for the very active child to make a beeline for her father. Charlie caught her and lifted her up in his arms. "General, may I present my daughter, Emily."

The older man smiled and offered his hand. "Miss Emily, how are you today?"

"Vewy well, tank you. How you?"

Charlie beamed. His little girl was becoming quite the little lady of the house. His smile faded a bit when he saw Mrs. Williams standing not to far off, obviously waiting for an introduction. Charlie sighed.

"General, may I please introduce one of the leading ladies of the community, Mrs. Williams?"

The General turned to the lady Charlie indicated. General Sheridan nodded to the woman coldly as Lee looked at his old students with a twinkle in his eye. "Ah, yes, the wife of the minister, I believe. Madam, perhaps you need to get your organ repaired. Sheridan, do we know anyone who repairs organs? I would be happy to send someone to you." Lee turned back to Charlie and Emily. "Redmond, she is a lovely child. Somehow I always knew you would settle down."

"Thank you. She is the apple of her Papa's eye." Charlie said with the pride that only a father could have.

"A fine child. I am glad to see her Papa survived to see her grow into womanhood." The older man paused, and then went on, addressing both Charlie and Sheridan. "I understand we faced one another head on in those last few days. I commend you both. It was an excellent tactic."

Charlie could only nod politely. "I am just grateful it is over and I pray my sons never have to face the same challenges. I hope we have learned from our mistakes."

The party progressed with few social gaffs and much joy. The General Lee excused himself early. He had a train to catch to take him on to Lynchburg and the position that waited for him at Washington College. It was also a very good excuse to escape from Mrs. Williams, who had shadowed the man for most of the evening, proving she could be as obsequious with her social superiors as she was contentious with those she thought beneath her.

The last toast was drunk, the last dance ended, and more food consumed than was probably good for folks. Elizabeth and Richard departed in a lovely little basket trap amid flying flowers and rice, laughter ringing though the air. Very shortly after the bride and groom left, the last of the guests followed them down the road.

Rebecca stood there watching everyone leave with her arm wrapped securely around Charlie's waist. She looked up and smiled. "A lovely beginning, do you not think so, love?"

Charlie looked down at the blonde head resting on his shoulder and smiled. Standing together in the silence of the evening, he could almost hear her heart speaking to his. "Yes, a lovely beginning."

The End