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Bororo, in Brazil, 185 Bosporus, 269 Branmanas, 330 Brahmans, 31, 35, 161, 182, 313, 320, 331; see also Hindu Brasseur de Bourbourg, C. E., 122 Bronze Age, 4 Bundahis, book of, 62, 133, 183, 185,


257-258, 333 Bura, city in Greece, 289 Buriats, people in Siberia, 160

Calaveras skull, 20

Calvisius, 82

Campester, Roman astrologer, 84

Cancer, sign of zodiac, constellation,

270 Canopus Decree, 195, 336 Capricorn, 83, 270 Carthage, 246

Cashinaua, aborigines of W. Brazil, 90 Castor, 158, 159 Caucasus, 57, 265, 269 Celsus, Roman philosopher, 272 Celts, Celtic, 89, 344 Censorinus, Latin author, 29, 239, 273 Chaldeans, 164, 241, 270, 349


Chamberlain, T. C, 8 Chams, tribe in Indo-China, 347 Chaska, name of Venus, 165 Chewkee tribe, on the Gulf Coast, 189 Chichimex tribe in Mexico, 177 Chicon-Tonatiuh, "the Seven Suns," 34 China, Chinese, 89, 100-104, 234-237, 254, 268, 290, 306, 307, 315, 327, 340, 343, 355, 358 Choctaw Indians, 71 Chou (Shu), Egyptian god, 88 Cicero, 170, 171 Cimmerians, people, 269 City of God, 158, 171; see also Augustine Clavius, crater on the moon, 360

Cleobulus, a sage, 338 Codex Borgia, 177 Codex Chimalpopoca, 45, 128 Confucius, 99, 100, 234, 235 Cordilleras, 19, 91, 277 Crete, 119, 160 Critias, by Plato, 147 Critias, the Elder and the Younger, 147 Cronus, 170, 173, 289; see also Saturn Ctesias, Greek historian, 333 Cuauhtitlan, Annals of, 34, 45, 53, 54 Culhua, Culhuacan, Kingdom of, 34,

45 Cuvier, G, 17, 18, 24-25, 42 Cuzco (Cusco), in Peru, 319 Cyprus, 179, 289, 297

Dan, in Palestine, 178

Danaans, 248

Daniel, Prophecies of, book, 262

Daniel, prophet, 354

Darwin, Charles, 18, 25, 305

Darwin, George, 22

David, King, 261, 290

Day of Atonement, 155, 352

Deborah, Song of, 89

Deimos, satellite of Mars, 280

Delphi, 289

Deluc, J. A., 25

Democrirus, 30,161,162,178, 271,317

Deucalion, Flood of, 119, 148-152

Deutero-Isaiah, 318, 354

Deuteronomy, Book of, 295

Dhrura, polar star, 314

Diana, 289

Dinkard, Iranian book, 31

Diodorus of Sicily, 100, 169, 270

Diogenes Laetius, 271, 317, 356, 357

Dion of Naples, 158

Discord, companion of Ares, 281

Djohainah, land of, 88

Djorhomites, Arab tribe, 88

Dnieper River, 265

Dominican monks, 45

Donnelly, I., 42

Dorians, 269

Dorsey, G. A., 193

Dragon, 80, 82, 293, 306

Dresden Codex, 196


Ea path in the sky, 351

Earthquake-sun of the Mayas, 33-34

East Indies, 277, 347

Ebb, in Egypt, see Elephantine

Ebers Papyrus, 336, 337

Ecclesiastes, Book of, 226

Edda, Icelandic epic, 32, 257, 265

Edom, the name of, 50

Egypt, Egyptians, 47-52, 65-66, 87, 105, 180, 231-233, 261, 263-266, 271, 293, 296, 299, 310, 314, 320-324, 336, 337, 343, 355, 357

Ekron, in Palestine, 185

Elam, 265

El-Arish, shrine of, 59, 88

Electra, by Euripides, 110

Elephantine, in Egypt, 296

Eleusis, in Attica, 318, 319

Empedocles, 245, 317

Engineer Creek, in Alaska, 328

EnBl path in the sky, 351

Ensisheim, in Alsace, 41

Ephesus, in Ionia, 289

Epicurus, Greek philosopher, 30

Eratosthenes, Alexandrian geometer, 255

Erie, Lake, 28

Erinyes, 282

Ermitage Papyrus, 107, 128, 129

Erythrean Sea, 50

Esarhaddon, 229, 242, 268, 350

Eskimos of Alaska, 327; Canada, 160; of Greenland, 90, 113

Ester, in Alaska, 328

Ethiopia, 268



Etruscans, 29, 273

Euphrates, river, 304

Euripides, 110, 282

Europa, 119

Eusebius, 64, 86, 119, 149

Eyuru, gods of the Ovaherero tribe, 90

Ezekiel, 354

Ezour Vedam, Hindu book, 31

Ezra, Fourth Book of, 95, 122, 265

Fabius Pictor, Roman annalist, 239

Faijum, in Egypt, 321, 322

Fairbanks, in Alaska, 328

Fang-heun, name of Emperor Yahou,

99 February, 240, 345 Fenris-Wolf, 264-265 Fimbul-winter, 120, 135, 380 Finnish tradition, 139; see ahoKalevala Fire-star, 243

Fire Sun of the Mayas, 33-34 Flagstaff, Arizona, observatory in, see

Lowell Observatory Flame-god, 261 Flammarion, C., 373 Flanders, 120

Fo-hi, flood in the days of, 103 Forel, Francois, 27 Formosa, 346 Frazer, T., 302 Freud, S., 302, 383 Furies, 286


Gabriel, Archangel, 291-294

Gaius Porcius, consul, 51

Gardiner, A. H., 49

Gatha days, 332, 333

Geb, Egyptian god, 88

Geminus, 345

Genesis, Book of, 300

Gennadius, patriarch, 270

George, St., 306

Georgius Syncellus, chronologer, 211,

337 Giacobini-Zinner comet, 41 Gibeon, in Palestine, 39, 44-45, 219 Gilbert Islands, see Kingsmill Islands Gilgal, in Palestine, 44 Gilgamesh Gilgamish), epic of, 61, 67, 97 Ginzberg, L., 33, 299

Gokihar, planet, 258

G6mara, F. L. de, 34, 128

Great Bear, 218, 313, 314, 379

Great Lakes of America, 28

Greeks Greek, 145, 148, 216, 246, 247,

264, 265, 271, 272, 278, 301, 338

346, 356 Greenland, 90, 325 Gregorian calendar, 339 Guide for the Perplexed, 221 Gukumatz, the Morning Star, 157 Gula, goddess, 172 Gulf Stream, 22

Habakkuk, 142

Haggadah, 55

Hai Gaon, rabbinical authority, 114

Hall, Asaph, 279, 280

Halley, comet, 13, 14

Halley, E., 280

Hamon, name of Gabriel, 292

Han, dynasty, 236

Harakhte, the western sun, 107-108

Harris Papyrus, 107, 117

Hatshepsut", Queen, 108, 313

Hatuncolla, in Peru, 320

Hawaii, Hawaiians, 32, 131, 273, 308

He and Ho, Chinese astronomers, 102

Helice, city in Greece, 289

Helvicus, 82

Hephaestion, 84

Hera, 136, 171, 248, 249, 361

Heracles (Hercules), 294

Heraclitus, author of Homeric Allegories, 252

Heraclitus, philosopher, 28, 252

Herlicius, David, 82, 279

Herschel, William, 280

Hesiod, 30, 92, 97, 136, 160

Hesperos, 170

Herodotus, 81, 105, 106, 108, 114, 231-233, 245, 263, 269, 310, 336

Hevelius, 82

Hezekiah, 176, 218, 227-229, 232, 238, 240, 267, 274, 294, 307, 310, 311, 351, 352, 353, 356

Hieronymus, see Jerome

Hilkiah, high priest, 295

Hiko-Mikoto, Emperor, 131


Himalaya Mountains, 18, 76, 380


Hindu (tables of planets, calendar), 161, 200, 243, 256, 269, 313, 326, 331, 332, 343, 354; see also Brah-mans, India

Hippocrates, 338

Hissarlik, site of Troy, 276

Hiuen-tsong, Emperor, 358

Hoei-nan-tze, 255

Homer, 98, 136, 245-247, 251-252, 274, 280, 281, 344

Hommel, F., 198

Horapollo, 196

Horns, 52, 168, 174

Hosea, prophet, 208

Hatuncolla, in Peru, 320

Huai-nan-tse, Chinese author, 236

Huehue-Tlapallan, in Mexico, 358

Huitzilopochtli, god, 253, 254, 257, 264, 269

Humboldt, A. von, 34, 106, 163

Hurakan, god, 67

Hurrican Sun, of the Mayas, 33-34

Hyginus, 160

Hyksos, 124, 180, 299, 336, 338

Iceland, 32, 257, 265, 266; see also Edda, Voliispa

Ida, Mount, 249

Iliad, 169, 245-252, 253, 262, 361

Ilium, 246; see also Troy, Hissarlik

Incas, 32, 122, 196, 358

India, 76, 330, 355; see also Hindu, Brahmans

Indian Ocean, 286

Indians, American, 73, 187, 253, 307, 314, 327

Indo-China, 347

Indonesia, 99

Indra, Vedic god, 78, 269, 282

Inti-capac-Yupanqui, Inca king, 357

Ionians, 269

Ipiutak, in Alaska, 327

Ipuwer Papyrus, 49, 52, 55, 62, 98, 107, 117, 129

Iron age, 5

Iran, 201

Isaiah, 80, 175, 176, 202, 208, 212-216, 218-220, 222, 225, 228, 230, 239, 252, 260, 262, 266, 267, 274, 286-288, 292, 307, 309, 310, 329, 352, 381; see also Deutero-Isaiah Ishtar, 165, 177, 178, 180, 200, 262;