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see also Astarte Isidore, bishop of Seville, 149 Isis, 51, 78, 170, 174, 181, 195, 301 Israel, kingdom, 178, 222, 227, 295 Israelites, 58, 88, 269, 276, 293, 335 Istehar, 160 Italy, 246

Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alva, 33-34,

153 Izebel, Queen, 179

Jaiminiya-Upanisad, Hindu book, 314

January, month of, 345

Japan, Japanese, 70, 358

Jasher, Book of, 39-43, 220

Jeans, J. H., tidal theory of, 9

Jeffreys, H., 9


Jeremiah, 129, 179, 295, 296, 354

Jericho, 39, 139-140

Jeroboam, King, 166, 291

Jerome, 64, 176, 292

Jerusalem, 178, 209, 213, 219, 227,

228, 231, 262, 276, 295, 296, 353 Jewish Antiquities, book, 231 Job, Book of, 201, 257 Joel, prophet, 208, 215, 283-288, 381 Jordan, river, 139

Josephus Flavius, 231, 232, 269, 270 Joshua ben Nun, 39-43, 43-45, 46, 150, 159, 219, 293, 300, 306, 385 Joshua, Book of, 39-44, 236 Josiah, King, 178, 295 Jotham, King, 212 Jubmel, god of the Lapps, 74 Judah, Judea, 178, 230, 293, 294-297,

351 Julius Africanus, 149 Julius Caesar, 126, 195 Junctinus, 84 Jung, C, 383 Jupiter, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 78, 172-175, 187, 237, 238, 242, 271, 272,

289, 301, 355, 361, 371, 379, 382

Kaaba, 290

Kadesh, wilderness of, 87

Kagra, god, 90

Kalevala, Finnish epos, 50, 60-61, 89,

118, 132, 137 Kalidasa, 267, 268


Kamchadals, 346

Kamchatka, 329

Kami Yamato, Emperor, 130

Kanga, tribe in Africa, 90

Kant, I., 7, 368

Karnak, Temple of, 323, 324

Kaska, tribe in British Columbia, 189

Katuns, calendar stones of Yucatan, 32

Keith, A., 28

Kelvin, L., 22

Kepler, Johannes, 316

Khwan, Chinese administrator, 101

Kidron, valley, 295

Kingsmill Islands, 346

Kirghiz people, 160

Kis, Chinese world age, 31

Kitab Alaghani, 88

Koluma River, 329

Korah, revolt of, 56

Koran, 72, 114

Krakatoa, volcano in the East Indies,

96, 126 Kukulcan, the Morning Star, 157 Kumara, semi-god, 268 Kwang-Tze, 254 Kwei, Emperor, 235, 254

Lachish, in Judea, 227-229

Lamarck, J. B., 18, 25

Landa, D. de, 73, 339

Laplace, P. S., 7, 8, 11, 368

Lapland, Lapps, 73-74, 89, 314

Latins, 269, 307

Layard, Henri, 198

Leiden Papyrus, 107

Lena River, 329


Leningrad Papyrus, see Ermitage

Papyrus Letopolis, in Egypt, 232, 310 Leucippus, Greek philosopher, 317 Leverrier, U. J. J., 280

Lexell's comet, 78 Liber memorialis, by Lucius Ampelius,

34 Libna, town in Palestine, 228 Libya, 144, 147, 169 Libyan Dynasty, 204, 322, 355 Lick Observatory, 365 Lithuania (time measure in), 344 Little Bear, 218, 313 Livy, Titus, 238

Loanga, tribe in Africa, 90

Lowell Observatory, 364, 365

Lowell, P., 364

Lucan, 270

Lucian, 251, 252

Lucifer, 156, 170, 176, 202, 203, 258,

259, 293 Lucius Ampelius, 34 Lu-Heng, Chinese, author, 236 Lupus Martius, 264 Lux Divina, 180 Lu-Yang, duke of, 236, 237 Lydia, 55 Lydus, 83, 84 Lyell, Charles, 18, 305

Maadim, Hebrew for Mars, 292 Macrobius, 178, 301 Madison boulder, 75 Maimonides, 220-224

Manasseh, King, 294, 295, 296 Manetho, 69, 170, 299, 337 Mango, Fiji Islands, 160 Manius Acilius, consul, 51 Manuscript Cakchiquel, 91 Manuscript QuichS, 48, 54, 128 Manuscript Troano, 67, 91 Maoris of New Zealand, 68, 135, 136 March, month of, 238, 241 Marduk, 67, 78, 86, 174 Marquesas Islands in Polynesia, 346 Mars, 5, 6, 9, 11, 238-294, 346, 362-368 Maruts, 282-289 Mary, 294

Masudi, Arab author, 88 Maui, god, 308, 309 Maximilian, Emperor, 41 Mayas, 32, 45, 118, 196, 237, 305, 339 Mazda, 86; see also Ormuzd Mazdaism, 31, 57 Mazzaroth, 201, 202 Mecca, 94, 290

Mediterranean, 73, 277, 278, 286 Menin, in Flanders, 120 Menomini Indians, 309, 310 Mercury, 5, 6, 9, 243, 355 Mesopotamia, 274, 275, 278, 349; see

also Assyria, Babylonia, Assyro-

Babylonia, Euphrates



Mexico, people of, 34, 45, 89,112,113, 163, 179, 186, 211, 263, 264, 269, 339; see also Aztecs, Toltecs, Maya

Micah, prophet, 208, 215, 381

Michael, Archangel, 292-294, 306

Michigan, Lake, 28

Middle Kingdom of Egypt, 47, 49

Midgard, serpent, 265

Midrash Koheleth, book, 224

Midrash-Rabba, 124-125

Mievish-Muspar, 258

Milo, in the city of David, 228

Minerva, 169-172,241; see also Athene

Missouri, valley of, 326

Mithra, 178

Mohammed, 156, 289, 290

Molina, 61

Mongols, 344

Moon, 10, 360-362, and passim

Moph and Noph (Memphis), 69

Moses, 65, 94, 97, 149, 151, 176, 296, 352

Moses ben Maimon, see Maimonides

Moslem year, 342

Moulton, F. R., 8, 359

Mount Carmel, 209


Mount Casius, 79

Mount Haemus, 49, 79

Mount Sinai, see Sinai

Mt. Wilson Observatory, 365

Mycenae, 166, 216, 265

Nabonassar's era, 210

Nabonidus, King, 268

Nadab, son of Aaron, 56

Naga or snake gods, 175

Nahua-Indian, 45

Nebuchadnezzar, 222, 242, 275, 354

Neptune, 5, 9, 372, 373

Nergal, 241-244, 261-264, 268, 274,

275, 283, 288, 292 N'ergal-Eriskigal poem, 281 Nergalsharezer, 242 Nergilissar, 242, 275 New Year's Day, 123, 318, 352 New Zealand, 308, 347 Newton, Isaac, 7, 280, 384 Niagara Falls, 28

Niao, constellation of, 103 Nidana-Sutra, Sanskrit text, 331 Nigeria, in Africa, 347

Nigidius, 270

Nihongi, chronicles of Japan, 100, 130 Nile, 138, 209

Nineveh, 198, 266, 274, 348, 351, 353 Nippur, temple of, 275 Nisan, month of, 348, 351, 352

Noga, 165, 175 North Pole, 326 North Star, 190, 218 Numa Pompilius, 240, 290, 343, 545, 352, 356

Octavian Augustus, 126, 195, 320

Odin, 86, 253

Odyssey, 245, 247

Oedipus, 301

Ogyges, 61, 103, 158, 171

Olin, 66

Ollantaytampu, in Peru, 320

Olympiads, Olympic games, 196, 211,

239 Olympiodor, 270 Olympus, 50, 168, 173, 247-249 Omeyah, son of Abu-Salt, 88 Oraibi, tribe in Arizona, 121 Origen, 203, 272, 292 Orion, 108-109 Ormuzd, 185; see also Mazda Orphic hymns, 50 Osiris, 50, 174, 301 Osorkon II, pharaoh, 209, 355 Ovaherero, tribe in Africa, 90

Ovid, 139, 143-145; 169, 237, 240,

301, 311, 320, 345, 356

Palestine, 265, 268, 276; see also

Judea Pallas, 85, 171 Pallas Athene, see Athene Palmyra, 94

Panathenaic processions, 196 Panmotu, in South Pacific, 68 Panopolis, in Egypt, 232 Pawnee Indians, 190-192 Persia, 332, 343

Peru, Peruvians, 61, 71, 196, 340, 357 Perun, 86

Peter, on God's day, 35 Petosiris, 84 Phaenon, 170 Phaethon, 143-145, 159-160, 169



Philistratus, 245

Philo, 30, 33, 57, 300

Phobos, satellite of Mars, 279-280

Phosphorus, 170

Pi-ha-khiroth, 60, 88

Pi-khiroti, 60, 88

Pillars of Hercules, 146

Pissac, in Peru, 320

Pithom, 64

Plato, 109, 111, 112, 145, 160, 252,


271, 298, 299 Pliny, 51, 82, 83, 96, 126, 165, 171,

195, 272, 273, 278, 288, 320, 338 Plutarch, 53, 85, 121, 163, 170, 239,

317, 320, 337, 339, 343, 345, 356 Pluto, 5, 6, 9, 372, 373 Point Hope, in Alaska, 327 Polar star, 191, 314, 379; see also

North Star Polibius, 239 Politicus, of Plato, 109 Polyhistor, of Solinus, 152 Polynesia, 32, 179

Pomponius Mela, 106-107 Popol-Vuh, Mayan book, 54, 91, 93 Porcius Cato, 239 Poseidon, 249

Predmost, 26

Priam, King of Troy, 247, 276 Procopius of Caesarea, 346 Prometheus, 57 Pseudo-Philo, 95-96, 98 Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy), son of Lagus,

89 Ptolemy, Claudius, 174, 195, 210, 316 Ptolemy III (Euergetes), 195, 336 Punic wars, 278