Puranas, 314 Pyramid texts, 123 Pythagoras, 111, 162, 299 Pythagoreans, 162, 163
Queen Mary Land (in Antarctica ), 326 Queen of Heaven, 179, 296 Queenston, 28 Quetzal-cohuatl, the Morning Star,
157, 160, 177, 179, 253 Quiauh-tonatiuh (the sun of fire-rain),
54 Quiche tribe, 128, 132 Quirinus, surname of Romulus, 239
Rab-sha-keh, general, 228
Rahab, 80, 82
Rainey, F. G., 327
Ramayana, 181
Rambam, see Maimonides
Ramses, city of, 64
Raphael, 50
Rashi, 33, 72
Ras-Shamra (Ugarit), 112, 138, 177
Red Sea, 50, 69, 72, 73, 172; see also
Sea of Passage Remusat, A., 235 Rhone, river, 27 Rig-Veda, 136 Rockenbach, Abraham, 82, 83, 84, 85,
275 Roman people, Romans, 238, 264, 272,
339, 344, 345 Rome, 238, 239, 246, 253, 278, 290-
292, 320, 356 Romulus, 238, 239, 240, 264, 307, 339,
343, 345, 346, 356 Rout, companion, of Ares, 281 Rumania (time measure in), 344
Sahagun, Hernardino de, 46, 163, 186,
253, 305 Salii, dancing priests, 240 Samaria, 223, 227, 228, 242 Samaritan chronicle, 159
Samoa, tribes, 89, 166 Samoan Islands, 131 Sanchoniathon, Phoenician author, 166, 289 Sanhedrin, Tractate of, 113 Sardinia, people of, 344 Sargon II, 227, 242, 243, 266, 267, 350 Satan, 183, 203, 294 Saturn, 5, 7, 9, 170, 301, 355 Savana-year, 331, 332 Scaliger, Joseph, 105 Schiaparelli, G. V., 325 Schliemann, H., 246 Schwassmann-Wachmann comet, 197
Scorpion, constellation, 305, 306 Scythia, Scythians, 263, 265, 269 Sea of Passage, 69, 92, 293; see also
Red Sea Seir, in Arabia, 50, 214 Sekhmet, 165 Selene, 301
Se-Ma Ts'ien, 121
Sengle-Das, water of fire, 55
Seneca, 110, 217, 218, 270-272, 313, 314, 317, 342
Senmut, architect, 108, 312, 313
Sennacherib, 222, 224, 227-235, 240, 242, 261, 266-267, 269, 270, 275, 291, 292, 294, 309-311, 350, 351, 363, 381
Septuagint, 183, 202, 203
Serbon, lake, 81
Serpent-cloud, 177
Servius, 48, 83, 84
Sesothis, pharaoh, 320
Seth, 50, 78, 85, 156, 289
Seti, pharaoh, 165, 321
Seven Suns, discourse of, Mexican, 34; Buddhist, 35
Shadow of Death, 126-133
Shalmaneser IV, 266
Shamash, 301
Shamash-shum-ukin, 242
Sharappu, 243
Shari (Red Sea), 69
Shiking, book of, 211
Shiva, 86, 182, 268
Shoshonean Indians, 310
Shu-king (Shoo-king), Chinese Chronicles, 99, 102
Shun, Emperor of China, 101
Siberia, 24, 26, 41, 54, 56, 58, 324, 326-329, 364, 380
Sibyl, Sibylline books, 35, 137
Simon, Rabbi, 124
Sin, Babylonian deity, 301
Sinai, Mount, 91, 93-100, 381
Sing-li-ta-tsiuen-chou, Chinese encyclopedia, 31
Sirius, 108-109, 195, 201
Skaptar-Jokull, volcano, 126
Skidi Pawnee Indians, 154, 191
Skoll, 265
Snohomish, tribe, 189
Society Island, 160
Sodom and Gomorrah, 300
Solinus, Caius Julius, 61, 112, 152, 263
Solomon, King, 291
Solomon, seal of, 180
Solomon, temple of, see Temple of
Jerusalem on, 143, 145, 299, 338, 354, 357
Sombre Residence (in China), 121
131 Sonchis of Salis, priest, 145 Soochow Astronomical Chart, 165,
243, 255, 264, 288 Sophocles, 109 Sosenk III, 355 Sothis period, 106, 195 South America, 277
South Pole, 326 South Seas, 184 South Star, 190 Southern Ute tribe, 92 Speos Artemidos, temple of, 64 Spinoza, 224-226 Spitzbergen, 20 St. Anthony Falls, 28 St. Lawrence River, 28 Stoics, 30, 271 Strabo, 79, 81, 89, 110 Sudan, 60 Sukkoth, 65, 352 Sun, 5, 8, 21, 33-35, 39, 45, 307-311, and passim Surabhi, 181
Surya-Siddhanta, 256, 332 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 7 Swift, Jonathan, 279, 280 Sword-god, 261
Taafanua, 68
Tabernacle (Sukkoth), Feast of, 352
Taharka, King, 228, 229, 268
Tahiti, 160
T'aichan, Mount, 255
Takaofo Island, in Polynesia, 70
Talmud, 45-46, 116, 141, 215, 216,
231, 237, 240, 318, 351, and passim Tanis, in Egypt, 336 Tao, 254-256 Taraka, 268
Tau of Yin, prince, 236, 237 Taui Thom, pharaoh, 82, 88 Tawhirima-tea, god of storm, 68
Tefaafanau, god, 68 Tehama, coastal region of the Red
Sea, 88 Tell-el-Amarna, 281 Temple of Jerusalem, 176, 290, 295,
318, 319, 352, 353 Ten Tribes, 293
"Terrible ones," 281-288
Terror, companion of Ares, 281
Tetzahuitl, 253
Tetzateotl, 253
Tevel, 113
Tezcuco, Annals of the kings of, 34
Thales, 338, 354, 356
Thebes, in Egypt, 151, 289, 323-324,
355 Theopompus, 245 Theremin, L., 97 Thracians, 49 Thyestes, 216-218, 237 Thyestes, by Seneca, 110, 314 Tiamat, 50, 67, 78 Tiber river, 273, 320 Tibet, 31, 103 Timaeus, by Plato, 111
Tirawa, god, 192 Tirhaka, see Taharka Tiryns, 216
Tistrya, 92, 166, 178, 185, 201, 258 Tlagoltiotl, witch, 304 Tlahuizcalpanteuctli, the Morning Star, 157, 158 Toltecs, 177, 196, 253, 254, 358 Toradja tribe, in East Indies, 347 Toufan (Arab), deluge, 68, 88 Toung-Kiun, in China, 290 Tower of Babel, 33 Tritogeneia, 168, 169 Triton, Lake, 169 Triton, satellite of Neptune, 372 Trojan war, generation of, 30, 246-252 Troy, 246-251, 253, 265, 276 Tsin, early emperor of China, 358 Tsin-chi-hoang, Emperor of China, 100
Tubilustrium, feast, 240, 241 Tu-erui, a Polynesian chief, 132 Tufan, see Toufan Tuscany, 273
Tutimaeus, 82
Twain, constellation (Gemini), 271 Twilight of the gods, 132 Tv-fong (Chinese), 69 Tvfoon (Arab), 68 Typhon, 49, 79, 81-85, 97, 119, 121,
171-174, 217, 258, 306 Typhonia, 79 Tyre, 289 Tzontemocque, 165
Ugarit, see Ras-Shamra Uira-cocha, god of the Ineas, 122 Ukko, Finnish deity, 86, 132, 137
Unyoro, in Africa, 90 Upham, W., 28 Ural Mountains, 326 Uranus, 5, 6, 9, 11 Ute Indians, 310
Uzza, al-Uzza, planet, 156, 290 Uzziah, King, 207, 209-213, 219, 238, 239, 274, 276
Valley of Obscurity (in China), 121,
131 Varaha Mihira, 354 Varahasanhita, book of, 289 Varro, Marcus Terentius, 29, 158, 171, 239 Vedas, Vedic hymns, 68, 179, 282-288, 314, 330 Venus, 5-7, 9, 154-203, 241, 244-296
passim, 346, 366, 368-371 Venus comuta, 180 Verrius Flaccus, Roman grammarian, 239 Virgil, 126, 280, 325 Vishnu, 78, 168, 171 Visuddhi-Magga, Hindu book, 31, 34-35, 52, 119, 371 Vitchilupuchtli, see Huitzilopochtli Voguls, 54, 56 Volga River, 265
Volsinium, see Bolsena Voluspa, 32, 98, 118; see also Edda Vukadlak, 265 Vulgate, 202, 203
Wain, constellation of (Great Bear),
218 Wanyoro, tribe in Africa, 90 War-god, the birth of, 267 Water-Sun, of the Mayas, 33-34
Wen-Tze, Taoist author, 255 West Africa, 277 Whiston, W., 42, 330 Wichita, tribe, 188 Wolf's comet, 237 "Wolf-star", 255, 258, 264 Wong-shi-Shing, Chinese annals, 118, 131 Wotan, 86 Wright, G. F., 28
SELECTIVE Xenophon, 338
Yahou, Emperor, 62, 71, 99-104, 121, 159, 184, 254
Yahweh, 97, 208
Yakuts, 160
Yaotl, Mexican god, 100
Yellow River, 102
Yen-Yang, King, 211
Y-hang, astronomer, 358
Yin, constellation of, 103
Ying-Huo, fire planet, 243
Yoga, world age, planetary conjunction, 257
Yoruba tribe in Nigeria, 347
Yu, Emperor of China, 101
Yucatan, 339; see also Maya
Yuddha, 256
Yu Dynasty, 235
Yugas, 31
Yurak Samoyeds, 346
Zamora, Ramon y, 197
Zarathustra, 31, 201
Zebbaj, 165
Zend Avesta, 31, 67, 92, 166, 185, 201
Zeno, 271
Zephaniah, prophet, 222
Zeus, 49, 79, 86, 97, 119, 136-137.
168, 169, 172, 216, 248, 249, 250 Zoroaster, see Zarathustra