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Copyright © 2015 by Emma James

Published by Emma James.

All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. Except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For permission requests, email the author at authoremmajames@bigpond.com

This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places are incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy of each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

Cover Design & POV Images: Jemina Venter

Editing: Hot Tree Editing

Formatting: Max Henry at Max Effect


I'm just not sure if I can express how much I loved this book. I was concerned going into this read that I would have trouble separating this type of writing from Emma’s previous work (which I also loved) but it wasn't even a problem. The storyline was clear and there were times I was right on the edge of my seat. I find with a lot of stories, after a few chapters I can kind of piece together a rough idea of what is going to happen.... not in this case. I read the entire thing in one sitting I just couldn't stop and put it down!! -Jessica Cullen

WOW! This is not your normal MC read! Wrenched is dark, twisted and utterly fantastic. Right from the first I was hooked and could not put this book down. - United Indie Book Blog, Raychel Shannon-Faulkner

WOW... I'm not one for a dark read but holy S$%t, this story had me hooked from start to finish.... the stress of the unknown, wanting Whisper who has never had anything good to get some peace. - Raelene Barns

Emma you have turned me into an addict once again! Your books are amazing and this one is no different!

Dark, edgy, sexy and exciting is what this book is! Whisper is an amazing character who is working through everything she has been through along with learning things about herself that she never thought possible! Then comes Edge! He's built, sexy as sin and a biker that holds no bar! - Book Boyfriend Hangover Maria York

I honestly had no emotional control reading this story. None at all. And damn it if I don't prefer dark stories - it's my thing. With Wrenched, your emotions get hijacked, are never returned and you can't help but feel like you won’t be the same person once you finish with the story... the pacing of the story and the characters specific perspectives were amazingly well crafted. - Jelena Bosh

5 HUGE THRILLING DARK STARS!! You're not going to want to put this one down!!! Give yourself a few hours, this is DEFINITELY a one sitting read!!! - Mommy’s Naughty Playground, Missy Harton

I really enjoyed the story and as always the author’s descriptions keep you completely enthralled with the plot. Such extremes in the character’s personalities it was fascinating to see how she brought it all together. - Book Boyfriends Rock, Karen Lee

I am going to start my review by saying GET.THIS.BOOK.NOW. Pre-order or one-click, whatever you have to do to get this book on your reading device ASAP.

Wrenched is a complex, dark tale, written from multiple POV. This is a writing style Ms James seems to have mastered. I enjoyed the depth of story created by being able to get different perspectives. - Tina Louise

Emma has taken on a dark romance and has blown me away with this story. Her characters had me reeled in the story is full of suspense and has you guessing what's happening next. - Debb Lynn

Emma James wrote with such detail and depth that you simply couldn't be anything other than drawn to every page turned. An absolutely captivating, hard core, highly emotional read that has so many twists which you will never see coming. - BFDU, Bloggers From Down Under

Beta read. This has just started another addiction for another series of books. Awesome plot and brilliant characters. I loved it xxx - Hot Tree Editing, Andrea

This is very easy to get into, enjoying the author’s easy flow writing style, her use of words, how straight away you start inhaling what's written. - Kitty Kats Crazy About Books, Kat Fenton

Awesome storyline, awesome writing and a bit scary and freaky, but so worth the read. I cannot wait for the next book to come out! Emma James you ROCK! - Flavs is Mrs David Gandy

Emma James has created a darkly wonderful piece of art. Gritty, poignant and beautiful, I couldn’t put it down! - Author Cherry Shephard

Wow!!!! Great book.... With a twisted line up on characters and story. - Nicole Feichtl

Emma James is a new author to me and I loved her spin on the genre. From the first chapter I was hooked and by the last page I was shocked. - Jezabell Girl & friends, Luc

Emma has given so much detail in so few words, and she has you hanging on each word right to the very end. Trust me, you will never guess where the story goes, as there are curve balls throughout. - Kasey Crees

I was given an Arc of Wrenched by Emma James and holy hell I'm I glad to have been given this opportunity to read it. This book hooked me from the first page it is dark intense and not for the faint hearted. - Tracey Supple

Absolutely awesome book!! - Cassie Hess-Dean

I'm in love with Emma's writing style. I enjoy the many different POV she uses in her books. Although it's a dark read, which usually takes me a couple of chapters to get in to, it draws you in from page one. There's so much happening, you can feel it at every page turning. I could just imagine how Whisper's first chapter played out. So detailed in her writing. - Jolene Hendriks

Holy hotness I'm unsure where to start. Wrenched will take you on a roller coaster ride , you'll be covering your eyes not wanting to read on yet opening your fingers to peer to find out more . - Page Flipperz, Katrina

I truly loved this story, and I recommend it to anyone that loves their stories dark and a little wicked. It's bound to get the heart racing, in more ways than one. ^_^ - Sassy Book Lovers, Stacey Clifford

This story was everything I love in a book: hot, dark, violent, suspenseful, and packed with twists and turns. I loved the complexity of the story, and the way the characters were unknowingly interconnected with each other. Whisper and Edge are two people that come from different worlds and are thrown together due to circumstance. - Samantha Baker


I'm into MC books, rough, raw and biker men that are sexy as hell! This book was a bit atypical from my normal MC books that I read, it has some major suspense and very dark moments. It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat biting my nails, and turning pages as fast as my fingers would go. - Jen

Hot Damn!!!! Wrenched is such a refreshing change from the books I have read of late and I cannot rave enough about it. This may have an MC character in it but it is not an 'MC' book, but the aspects add that level or danger all the same. Emma James has a distinct style of writing and it is an incredible gift. She allows us access to numerous characters as she builds her story, both of which speak volumes of how much she puts into her work. Not only that, she also has a way of introducing plot twists that you cannot see coming. That is another gift and why I will be a fan of her for a long time to come. - Sarez Tomoan