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The shock on my face has Boxer laying a gentle hand on my arm to steady me. “I only told you so you know. She knows what it’s like to be beaten as a child and survive to rise above it. She understands what having your rights taken away from you feels like. You may have different stories, but she gets it. You can rise above it too, and take back your life. We will both be here to help you in any way we can. Today is a new day.”

Something inside me swells, and I feel like I want to cry for Miss Catherine. I swallow it down because I simply don’t cry. I look away from Boxer and whisper, “Miss Catherine, I’m not sure what I can do with my hands bandaged up. I don’t want to break anything else.”

“You just stand and watch me, and that will be good enough, child.” Miss Catherine is very gentle with me, and again it makes me want to cry, because I haven’t been spoken to kindly, ever. It’s a new emotion for me to accept and be comfortable with.

Master William always watched me make his meals, I think for fear I would try to poison him. He would eat an evening meal out a lot, and that’s when I would be chained to the pole. I would miss that meal, or if he was feeling particularly generous, he would throw in some fruit.

I think he regretted killing my mistress so early because it meant he had to watch me more himself. He had less freedom because of me. Growing older meant I was not as naive, but fear always kept me under control. Fear is a powerful weapon when you know no different.

“Ladies, while you are doing that, I will just go make a couple calls.”

I look worriedly at Boxer, afraid of what those calls will mean for me.

“Just some business, love, that I need to attend to.” I’m still not sure of what Boxer means, but I decide to put a foot forward and place a little faith in him. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes,” he states, and I hear the front door shut quietly as he leaves.

My hands hurt, but I didn’t want to remind him of the painkillers. I turn my attention back to Miss Catherine, blocking the pain as best I can. I have cooked a lot of meals, but very simple foods. I listen while she explains what she’s making, and I learn a new dish.

As I watch her breaking eggs and adding ingredients, I wonder what my place is going to be here for the next couple days, what chores I will need to do to repay Miss Catherine because I will gladly pitch in.


Miss Catherine brings the breakfast bake straight from her oven over to the table, where Boxer sniffs the air appreciatively and thanks Miss Catherine before he has even tried a mouthful. He pulls a chair out for Miss Catherine then me, and waits for us to be seated. I whisper shyly, “Thank you, Boxer.” My face feels inflamed from being treated this way. Miss Catherine takes it in her stride.

She gently squeezes the arm I have resting on the table. “Honeychile, that’s the way gentlemen should behave around a lady. You don’t see it happen that much these days, so when a man be doin’ that for you, you be lettin’ him.”

The delicious smell from the breakfast bake fills my nose when Miss Catherine takes her first slice out of the pan and places it on Boxer’s plate. My stomach actually does a little somersault of appreciation. I haven’t had a hot breakfast, ever.

I watch both of them exchange subtle looks across her small round table as they make light conversation, all for my benefit, to keep me at ease. While they eat and talk amongst themselves, I eat in silence, because I don’t know what to talk about. I didn’t talk to Master William while we ate. I only spoke when spoken to, so I’d get lost inside my head with my own thoughts.

I mainly ate fruits and vegetables as part of my daily diet with Master William. It was all from the garden in the backyard. I secretly really enjoyed watching everything grow. It gave me a little peace and satisfaction knowing I could help something meet its full potential. I could care for something and give it life.

Master William always bought meat, and we made do with the garden and fruit trees. We ate mainly chicken or pulled pork, and a little red meat when he was there for dinner or when I baked fresh bread for sandwiches. He wanted me thin and healthy. Doctors were never required. I never even caught a virus because I was so isolated.

The utensils and cutlery were always locked in the kitchen drawers when not in use. Anything sharp, or what could be used as a weapon, was never left unattended or unlocked without his supervision. As I got older, I wondered if it was to save Master William’s own skin, or so I wouldn’t do anything to myself.

I eat as much as I can of the Cajun breakfast bake while my bandaged hands are being a nuisance, but I manage to use a fork to break small pieces off. The food is rich, and my stomach is starting to rebel a little. I’m not used to all the eggs, greasy sausages, onions, or cheese. It’s delicious, but I can’t eat a lot in one sitting.

I had a lot of things drummed into me from an early age about keeping myself presentable. My teeth would be brushed three times a day, my hair always neat and tidy, and my clothes immaculate. Everything was orderly and precise.

Now, I don’t know what I’m going to do after breakfast. I don’t have to be orderly and precise, but at the same time, I have this urge to keep up appearances, but I am fully aware my current state is far from what would be deemed presentable.

My stomach is starting to cramp up and I need the bathroom.

“What is it, child?”

I feel too embarrassed to explain. I know my face is getting hotter. I can feel Boxer watching me. “Whisper, I’m gonna step out and organize a few things you might need. Miss Catherine will look after you. Don’t feel shy about asking her anything. Remember what I told you earlier?”

That has me snapping my head up. Miss Catherine has been through her own troubles. I can do this. Boxer gives me another encouraging wink and excuses himself from the table. He thanks Miss Catherine, and even me, for the delicious breakfast and company, then lets himself out.

“Miss Catherine...” It’s as though she reads my mind.

“Child, up the stairs and to your right will be what you be lookin’ for. I will clean up. Off you go.” My stomach is really cramping, so I thank her and go in search of the bathroom.


I made some calls outside while Miss Catherine attended to Whisper and showed her around her home. The poor girl looked uncomfortable and I had to get out of there. I knew enough to know my presence was not required.

I called in a favor from a doctor friend of mine and organized some clean clothes for Whisper. I wanted her checked out, but that was something I would play by ear. I would let Miss Catherine handle it because Whisper was liable to accept it coming from her more than me. I was the gender that had let her down badly.

Before I could head over to William’s place, I had to make plans and be intelligent about what I was getting myself involved in. This was not a paid job; this was personal. I had made it my business because Miss Catherine needed my help, and I wasn’t about to let either of them down.

Next, I’d need to question Whisper myself. I knew how to interrogate a person.

I spent the morning carefully coaxing more information out of her without the use of a drug. That would have been the easier way for me to get straight answers, but I promised her she wouldn’t be drugged again. It was important to keep that promise.

I know I was asking an awful lot of her to tell me, a man, what had happened to her, but it was either me or the police, and they wouldn’t have been as kind as I was. I explained all this to her. I had to hear it all from her lips myself. I could do nothing until she told me as much as she could remember.