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Oh my goodness, this book was just amazing! I don't even know what to say or where to begin. This book started off with a bang and continued through the whole book. I couldn't put it down until I finished it and let me tell you now I'm depressed! MAJOR CLIFFHANGER! It was to be expected though. The way this author wrote this story was just amazing. At every turn I was surprised of a new revelation. - Genice Cassidy

Once again Emma has done it. She has drawn me into a book that I couldn't put down. Wrenched is a story of revenge but not the type we are all use too. I'm not one to often read dark romance but I loved this one. - Two Peas In A Pod, Donna Miller


Honestly that was an intense read and I can say without bias because I'm not much of a reader of dark romance that I still enjoyed the action and tense moments in the book. - Janet

OMG Shhhhhhhhsh it got hot and steamy - by the end I wanted more. - Selena

Ok this book is not for the faint hearted if you’re looking for a typical MC love story this isn't it. - Adriana

I am blown away by this book by Emma James. She is one of those authors who can do multiple POVs and do it well. - Jaime

Wrenched is brilliantly written, dark, shocking, gritty, intense, raw, twisted, thought provoking, addictive... it is everything. It's edgy and will have you hanging on the edge of your seat. Emma James has created an amazing story that grabs you in the prologue and has you turning the pages to see how the story develops. You are captivated, intrigued, consumed, and mystified. - Cheryl Graham Petit

Omg this book is totally awesome love each and every character. Once again Emma you've done it again, very well written love the story so much, can't wait to get the next part. - Mischelly Velasquez

Emma, Emma, Emma what have you done, I'll tell you what you've done. You have just got yourself a new life long fan. This story is dark, twisted and hot I'm going to take a while to forgive you for what you have done to me it's going to be a very long wait till the next book and I may or may not hound you about it. - Chrissy Van Der Laan

I absolutely loved this story I got so sucked in I finished in 3hrs. You will love this read! I kept going NO Way, wait what??? OMG run lol! - Kristina Ehrler

A read where the darkness pulled me in with a crack of light, but still in the dark. - Rebecca Paterson

This book is a dark read but I simply couldn't put this book down or recommend enough. - Cally Boyd

It is a dark and twisted story of a few awesome characters. It keeps you guessing what will come next so I would recommend it to readers loving a dark story with hot sex. - Bev Baglione

I'm usually not a fan of cliffhangers, but this one was intriguing and sucked me in. I want the next book and I want it now! - Suzy

Emma James has written a dark, gritty romance that keeps you guessing through out the book. My heart was racing with the suspense! I can't wait for the sequel, Warped, to be released! - Laura Colson

Wrenched was not what I expected when I first received this book. Its very dark but utterly amazing. The characters show strength; a depth that most would never be able to achieve. – Cherie Hocking

Men of Ocean Beach Series

A Little Faith

Hope Is Lost

Hell’s Bastards Series



Also by Emma




































About the Author


This story is a dark romance, it contains uncomfortable situations. It’s twisted and sexy and it’s a rollercoaster of a ride. All is not dark, there is light.

Please note there is a cliffhanger ending. Dark romances rarely come without one, it is part of their makeup. Answers will always come as the storyline advances over the series.

There will be three to five books in this series.

If you would like to join Emma’s Book Ends closed group where you can meet other readers and be a part of exclusive news you can do so here.

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February 28th

I’m Dallas ‘Edge’ Masson, the Soulless Bastards MC’s enforcer. I’m a killer, and I’m fucking good at it. I make no bones about that. If you are on my radar, or the Soulless Bastards’, then you’d better start praying.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m not hard to get along with. I’m a fair man. I can be an asshole; I can be wrong. I can also be the guy who’ll be your friend for life and never turn on you.

And I can be your fucking savior.

But if you fuck me, my brothers, or what’s ours over, and it’s deemed your shit’s worth an eye for an eye, then you’re going on our retribution list. You better start running and hope never to be found, because I’ll be coming for you and I’ll be your judge, jury, and executioner.

There is a whole set of different rules in my world. We live differently. We all understand this. We’re not civilians, so their rules don’t apply to us.

The Soulless Bastards and the Lion’s Den have an alliance. Something big went down last year and we covered each other’s ass, or else we both would have lost a lot of men. Now we’ve got one another’s backs if called upon.

Drill and I have just finished up a job, which affected both clubs, so it was settled that a member from the Lion’s Den MC would assist me in what started out as a shakedown for information, but escalated into two dead bodies we needed to dispose of.

The two dickwads, whose souls we evicted off the planet earlier, weren’t going to give up the information we needed. Whoever had these two nomad bikers on their payroll, chose them because they were dispensable.

Nomad one and two didn’t belong to a club. They were on their own, making their own decisions, with no protection—a very dangerous place to be in our world. They were responsible for their own actions and lives.