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You see! the Medium cried, smiling happily. It can be overcome! It is being overcome all the time!

Mrs Whatsit sighed, a sigh so sad that Meg wanted to put her arms round her and comfort her.

Tell us exactly what happened, then, please, Charles Wallace said in a small voice.

It was a star, Mrs Whatsit said sadly. A star giving up its life in battle with the Thing. It won, oh, yes, my children, it won. But it lost its life in the winning.

Mrs Which spoke again. Her voice sounded tired, and they knew that speaking was a tremendous effort for her.

Itt wass nnott sso llongg aggo fforr yyou, wwass itt? she asked gently.

Mrs Whatsit shook her head.

Charles Wallace went up to Mrs Whatsit. I see. Now I understand. You were a star, once, werent you?

Mrs Whatsit covered her face with her hands as though she were embarrassed, and nodded.

And you did you did what that star just did?

With her face still covered, Mrs Whatsit nodded again.

Charles Wallace looked at her, very solemnly. I should like to kiss you.

Mrs Whatsit took her hands down from her face and pulled Charles Wallace to her in a quick embrace. He put his arms about her neck, pressed his cheek against hers, and then kissed her.

Meg felt that she would have liked to kiss Mrs Whatsit, too, but that after Charles Wallace, anything that she or Calvin did or said would be an anticlimax. She contented herself with looking at Mrs Whatsit. Even though she was used to Mrs Whatsits odd getup (and the very oddness of it was what made her seem so comforting), she realized with a fresh shock that it was not Mrs Whatsit herself that she was seeing at all. The complete, the true Mrs Whatsit, Meg realized, was beyond human understanding. What she saw was only the game Mrs Whatsit was playing; it was an amusing and charming game, a game full of both laughter and comfort, but it was only the tiniest facet of all the things Mrs Whatsit could be.

I didnt mean to tell you, Mrs Whatsit faltered. I didnt mean ever to let you know. But, oh, my dears, I did so love being a star!

Yyouu arre sstill verry yyoungg, Mrs Which said, her voice faintly chiding.

The Medium sat looking happily at the star-filled sky in her ball, smiling and nodding and chuckling gently. But Meg noticed that her eyes were drooping, and suddenly her head fell forward and she gave a faint snore.

Poor thing, Mrs Whatsit said, weve worn her out. Its very hard work for her.

Please, Mrs Whatsit, Meg asked, what happens now? Why are we here? What do we do next? Where is father? When are we going to him? She clasped her hands pleadingly.

One thing at a time, love! Mrs Whatsit said.

Mrs Who cut in. As paredes tem ouvidos. Thats Portuguese. Walls have ears.

Yes, let us go outside, Mrs Whatsit said. Come, well let her sleep.

But as they turned to go, the Medium jerked her head up and smiled at them radiantly. You werent going to go without saying goodbye to me, were you? she asked.

We thought wed just let you sleep, dear, Mrs Whatsit patted the Mediums shoulder. We worked you terribly hard and we know you must be very tired.

But I was going to give you some ambrosia or nectar or at least some tea

At this Meg realized that she was hungry. How much time had passed since they had had their bowls of stew? she wondered.

But Mrs Whatsit said, Oh, thank you, dear, but I think wed better be going.

They dont need to eat, you know, Charles Wallace whispered to Meg. At least not food, the way we do. Eatings just a game with them. As soon as we get organized again Id better remind them that theyll have to feed us sooner or later.

Lets go! Meg cried harshly. Lets do something!

Well, kiss me goodbye for good luck, the Medium said.

Meg went over to her and gave her a quick kiss, and so did Charles Wallace. The Medium looked smilingly at Calvin, and winked. I want the young man to kiss me, too. I always did love red hair. And itll give you good luck, Laddie-me-love.

Calvin bent down, blushing, and awkwardly kissed her cheek.

The Medium tweaked his nose. Youve got a lot to learn, my boy, she told him.

Now, goodbye Medium dear, and many thanks, Mrs Whatsit said. I dare say well see you in an aeon or two.

Where are you going in case I want to tune in? the Medium asked.

Camazotz, Mrs Whatsit told her. (Where and what was Camazotz? Meg did not like the sound of the word or the way in which Mrs Whatsit pronounced it.) But please dont distress yourself on our behalf. You know you dont like looking in on the dark and its very upsetting to us when you arent happy.

But I must know what happens to the children, the Medium said. Its my worst trouble, getting fond. If I didnt get fond I could be happy all the time. Oh, well, ho hum, I manage to keep pretty jolly, and a little snooze will do wonders for me right now. Goodbye everyb and her word got lost in the general b-b-bz-z of a snore.

Ccome, Mrs Which ordered, and they followed her out of the darkness of the cave to the impersonal greyness of the Mediums planet.

Nnoww, cchilldrenn, yyouu musstt nott bee frrightennedd att whatt iss ggoingg tto hhappenn, Mrs Which warned.

Be angry, little Meg, Mrs Whatsit whispered. You will need all your anger now.

Without warning Meg was swept into nothingness again. This time the nothingness was interrupted by a feeling of clammy coldness such as she had never felt before. The coldness deepened and swirled all about her and through her, and was filled with a new and strange kind of darkness that was a completely tangible thing, a thing that wanted to eat and digest her like some enormous malignant beast of prey.

Then the darkness was gone. Had it been the shadow, the Black Thing? Had they had to travel through it to get to her father?

There was the by-now-familiar tingling in her hands and feet and the push through hardness, and she was on her feet, breathless but unharmed, standing beside Calvin and Charles Wallace.

Is this Camazotz? Charles Wallace asked as Mrs Whatsit materialized in front of him.

Yes, she answered. Now let us just stand and get our breath and look around.

They were standing on a hill and as Meg looked about her she felt that it could easily be a hill on earth. There were the familiar trees she knew so well at home: birches, pines, maples. And though it was warmer than it had been when they so precipitously left the apple orchard, there was a faintly autumnal touch to the air; near them were several small trees with reddened leaves very like sumac, and a big patch of goldenrod-like flowers. As she looked down the hill she could see the smokestacks of a town, and it might have been one of any number of familiar towns. There seemed to be nothing strange, or different, or frightening, in the landscape.

But Mrs Whatsit came to her and put an arm around her comfortingly. I cant stay with you here, you know, love, she said. You three children will be on your own. We will be near you; we will be watching you. But you will not be able to see us or to ask us for help, and we will not be able to come to you.

But is father here? Meg asked tremblingly.


But where? When will we see him? She was poised for running, as though she were going to sprint off, immediately, to wherever her father was.

That I cannot tell you. You will just have to wait until the propitious moment.