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He had recoded the girl’s d-pad to his own thumbprint, and he activated it now. One of the files John had sent was a program to hack the drone controls. He executed it. A graphic of a radar ping appeared, the sensor line sweeping the circle once, twice, searching for signal recipients. When it found them, it gave way to a command screen.

The drones could be flown manually, and he considered it. There was a certain poetry to steering the engine of the world’s death and rebirth. But he knew nothing of flying, and in the end, chose to upload the autopilot patterns John had provided. Simple inward spirals, one clockwise, the other counter. They would circle Tesla until the liquid hydrogen fuel cells gave out. Hours, he assumed. Maybe days.

He stepped back to examine his work. The tanks detracted from the aesthetic. Unlike the camera package, they hadn’t been designed for this purpose, and they bulged like tumors on the bellies of the sleek machines. No doubt the drones’ efficiency would suffer as well, but they didn’t have far to go. As he had worked, the slow-motion thunder of the battle had, if anything, intensified.

Soren found the valve of the first tank and twisted it until he heard a faint hiss.

Then he pressed a button on the d-pad, and the engine spun to life.

Seconds later, the drone began to roll.

Cooper’s veins pumped fire and his head ached. Adrenaline made his hands tremble. They had been running at a full sprint since Shannon figured out where Soren was headed, slowing down only when they just-shy-of-literally collided with a group of militiamen. It had been a fast and brutal fight, five Sons to the two of them, but at close range the men’s weapons were useless, and he and Shannon had fought together with calm synchronicity, her spinning and sliding, never where they thought she would be, throwing high kicks and sword strikes with the edge of her palm, his approach more about churning through them, bulling right into one before stomping the heel of a second, twisting his arm back, and breaking it at the elbow. The third, a monster who looked like he could bench a truck, had gotten him in a bear hug, and it had taken a knee to the groin and two head-butts to the man’s nose to break the grip.

By that time the one he’d first knocked over had started to rise, but Shannon’s shotgun had put a stop to that. They had looked at each other, then leapt back into a sprint. The streets were dark, the buildings deserted, but behind them the battle raged on. The smell of smoke was in the air, and the sounds of dying men and women.

When they reached the airfield, his first thought was that she must have been mistaken. The runway lights were on, but there was no one around, no guards at the gate, no planes streaking down the field. Then he saw the glider at one end, already wheeled into position, the cable attached to the nose of it, the left-hand door open, and, crumpled beside the front wheel, the body of the pilot. Too far away to make out many details—other than a reflection of the moon in the pool of blood. Soren’s signature.

Too late? Fear skewered him; if Soren had already taken off, it was all over. Not just this battle, but the whole of the world he knew. John Smith’s virus would consume everything. It would destroy the government and bring ruin upon America, and perhaps the whole world. It would kill Natalie and corrupt his son and lead to the deaths of—

A small light danced in one hangar, the one marked with the Epstein Industries logos. Beneath the gunfire and growing louder was a sound. A hum, like a turbine, or . . .

An engine. “Shannon!” He didn’t wait to see if she would follow, just ran toward the hangar with everything he had, his heart ripping his chest and breath burning.

A shape rolled from the open hangar, low and predatory. It was a third the size of the Seraphim the military used, but he recognized the UAV easily enough, and, as it began to pick up speed, he saw something slung on its belly. A cylinder perhaps four feet long.

He weighed options—

It’s thirty yards away on a perpendicular path, and the engine is accelerating.

You don’t know that an explosion will destroy the virus.

But once it’s in the air, it will take less than a minute to reach the front and infect tens of thousands of people.

And you know for certain what will happen then.

—and had only one.

Cooper shouldered the assault rifle, standing in a bladed stance, the stock braced against his shoulder. The weapon had no scope, but the sights were luminous. He fired three quick bursts.

Two things happened. Sparks flickered off one of the wings where his rounds had hit.

And the slide of his rifle locked back. The magazine was empty.

Beside him, Shannon fired and racked again and again, but Cooper wasn’t surprised to see the drone still rolling, rapidly picking up speed. If his bullets had ricocheted off the skin of the thing, shells would be useless. He thumbed the release and let the magazine fall from his weapon as he reached for his last one. The drone was hauling now, the distance growing rapidly, forty yards, fifty. He considered the fuel tank, but if the wing could take hits, there was no way in hell the fuel tank couldn’t, which left what? The drone wasn’t military, but it was newtech, obviously built to survive small arms under battle conditions.

Battle conditions. Not takeoff.

He primed the rifle and toggled it to full auto, trusting to muscle memory, to basic training. Seventeen years old, allowed to join up with Dad’s consent, a heady, hard time, and he’d done well, this was just another drill, practicing against a moving target, moving fast, he let the sights lead the drone as it gathered speed and he stared down the barrel, unblinking as he aimed at the strut of the rear wheel and fired half the magazine in a go, set up again and loosed the rest.

The retractable strut tore away, the bottom two feet spinning and bouncing ahead of the drone as it rocked back on its hindquarters, the material shearing and tearing, surfing a trail of sparks, and friction took the fuel tank and the liquid hydrogen blew in a dazzling fireball of pale blue flame.

For a moment he just stared at it. Then Cooper threw his head back and roared. Beside him, Shannon was laughing, one hand cupped to her mouth, the shotgun dangling from the other. They had made it, pulled it off, and even as the battle raged behind them, even though the world was far from safe, it would keep turning, there was still time . . .

Is what he was thinking as the second drone left the hangar.

He and Shannon looked at each other. Then she glanced down the runway.

Cooper saw what she was looking at, said, “No.”

“Yes.” She threw him the shotgun. “Get Soren.”

Then she sprinted for the abandoned glider.


Luke Hammond stood in the darkness and watched men burn alive.

He had been a warrior his whole life, and long ago he’d recognized that no good man could have been the places he had been, seen the things he had seen, done the things he had done. It didn’t matter that he had fought for his country, for his children. It didn’t matter that he possessed discipline and restraint. There was a beast, a slavering, rotting, smiling thing that smelled of sex and sweat and shit. Every man sensed it. Most lived and died without spending time in the beast’s company, without tasting that terrible freedom or knowing the beauty that grows in horror. There were no words to convey it, because it came from a place beyond words, before words.

Good men would never acknowledge that fire is most seductive when it is out of control.