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“You have to go slow, David. Slowwwww.” She dragged the last word out, glaring over her shoulder. “Do you hear me?”

Her voice was chastising, just like the quintessential older sister, and I nodded my head earnestly, not trusting my voice. I thought it would come out in a squeak or the tenor of my youth, before my voice changed. I pressed the head of my cock against her arsehole and remembered that moment in the store, wanting it, longing for it, aching. I didn’t have any money left and she wouldn’t buy it for me and so I’d taken it. Just slipped it into my pocket-a secret, shameful, burning delight.

My mistake was taking it out to admire it before we got home. I thought Dawn was too involved with her magazine but I was wrong. She saw it out of the corner of her eye and, although I stuffed it quickly into my pocket again before she could turn her head, she knew.

“Oh! God! Easy, David!” Dawn’s voice drew me back to the present and I looked down to where her trembling hands held her buttocks open as I inched my way in. I could see her face in the mirror as she bit her lip, her eyelids fluttering closed and then open again, her eyes trying to focus on mine. “Feels so…big!

Flushing with an instant feeling of pride, I still hesitated, worried about her. “Does it hurt?” I asked and began to pull back, but she shook her head, arching and pressing against me, forcing the head of my cock to ease further in, making me groan at the sensation. It was so tight!

“Don’t stop!” she insisted, spreading herself even wider, the softly fluted hole of her arse accepting me in little flutters, the feel of it around my cock like the hottest, tightest little mouth in the world. I stood transfixed, wondering at the darkness I was slowly sinking into, when Dawn gave a sharp gasp and reached back with both hands to grab my hips and pull me into her completely.

“Ohhhhh fuck!” I wasn’t expecting it and just the knowledge that my cock was buried in her arse nearly made me lose it right then and there. Add to that the swell of Dawn’s quivering behind settled into the saddle of my hips, her greasy hands gripping my thighs, and the way her breath fogged the mirror as she begged me to fuck her-“Fuck my arse! Do it! Do it!”-and it was almost hopeless. The only way I could keep from coming was to close my eyes, throw my head back, and remember the feeling of disappointing her that day, the critical look on her face, the shame of returning to the shop, my sweaty, nervous hand tucked into hers.

“Dawn,” I croaked, gripping her hips. “Hold still.” Thank God she did as I asked. I took a few deep breaths before daring to open my eyes and meet hers in the mirror. She had that sly smirk, that mischievous look, and that’s when I felt the tight hole of her arse squeezing itself around my cock. “Oh god…Dawn…”

“You like being in my arse?” She was teasing, the pink tip of her tongue raking over her teeth as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and glanced back at me. “Is that tight? Is that nice and tight and hot around your big cock?”

“Yes!” I groaned, leaning into her and sliding my hands down into the V of her crotch. “You know it is.”

“Yesssss…” She smiled, meeting my eyes in the mirror and wiggling back against me. “And I love you in my arse…feels so much better than Kenny’s wee little thing…”

She knew exactly what her words were doing to me. My fingers found the soft, open part of her pussy lips, seeking the hard nub of her clit. She sighed and shifted, letting me know I’d found it, moving her hips in delicious circles and forcing my cock deeper inside of her. “Ahhh yes, yes…that’s it…”

“You really like it?” I searched her eyes in the mirror, seeking her approval, her assent, and found it. She rocked back against me, spreading her legs wide to allow me to rub her clit faster. She was beautiful bent over the washroom sink, propped up on her elbows, her heavy breasts swaying as I started to really fuck her. God, but that hole was tight! The head of my cock deliciously grazed the hot, spasming band of muscle before sinking deep again. Her eyes fluttered closed and opened again, her cheek resting against the mirror, her breath making a fine mist over its surface as she moaned softly with each stroke.

“Yes, baby,” she whispered, tilting her hips, an offering, a question-More? More? “Oh god, I was thinking about you the whole time…” Our bodies slapped together now, my cock sinking deep into her tight channel, the lotion she’d coated me with easing the way, and still, it was so snug! “I was wishing it was you…oh Davey, I wanted you. I wanted your cock in my arse. I wanted this…I wanted this…”

“I wanted it, too.” My admission burned through me. “I want you. All of you. All the time. I can’t stop…God, Dawn, you’re…”

“Harder, David!” she insisted, rolling her hips, driving me on. I wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer. The sweet pull of her arse, that shockingly stretched dimple of flesh swallowing my cock again and again, was sending me past the point of reason or thought or anything but pure sensation. She had given it to me, had longed for me, wanted me, ached for this as much as I had, and now she submitted completely and lost herself. I couldn’t argue, I couldn’t resist, I couldn’t do anything but surrender to her lust and my own.

And so I did the only thing I could do-I fucked her harder, driving both of us toward a delicious finish, her little clit swollen against my fingers. I wanted to bury all of myself into her, climb inside her somehow, and I shoved my fingers into her pussy, making her gasp and writhe. I felt my cock slipping into her arse, felt it through that thin barrier of flesh, and groaned at the sensation.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” She repeated it over and over, her eyes unfocused, her tongue sneaking out to touch the corner of her mouth. She rubbed her cheek against the coolness of the mirror, her lips pressing there, too, as if she were kissing herself, or some smooth, one-dimensional twin. The sight was incredibly hot and I felt that delicious buzzing in my balls, the sweet tightening that meant there was no going back.

“Dawnie, I’m gonna come,” I groaned, working the head of my cock back and forth at the hot opening of her arse. “Can I…? Can I…?”

“Come in my arse!” Her hands pressed, palms flat, against the mirror and she arched her back. “Fill my arse! Fill it with all your hot cum!”

There was no stopping it. My cock slid deep as her hand covered mine, rocking her pussy against my fingers, bringing herself off too. I felt her spasms, her pussy clamping down on my fingers, drawing them in, while her arsehole contracted, as if trying to push me out. This paradox was delightful, my cock caught right in the middle of the exquisite mesh of it all, pushed and pulled to the brink.

I growled low in my throat as I felt the first surge coming up deep from my pelvis and finally spewing in delicious jets from the end of my cock, filling the dark, hot cavity of her arse. Our bodies melded together in that moment, both of us quivering with sensation, Dawn’s sweet climax coming in bursts like sunspots, almost blinding in their beauty. I closed my eyes to it and ground my hips into hers, unable to stop the wicked pleasure flooding through me as I filled the most secret part of her body with my cum.

I could barely stand-my legs still shook with the force of my orgasm. Dawn’s body was sticky and so was mine, but her skin gave off a bronze heat, and she was like velvet in my arms when she turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a long, soft, sweet kiss. I just held her, both of us still breathing hard, pretending the washroom was some other world, not connected to our house or the people who lived in it-us included.

“We need to stop doing this.” Dawn’s eyes met mine. She looked sad and her words made me want to double over in pain.

Instead, I buried my face in her neck and breathed in her musky scent, and used an oft-repeated and used childhood phrase between us, only half joking, “You started it.”