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disillusionment with communism

and dissolution of Soviet Union

elected president of Russia

embarrassing incidents around

exit from Communist Party

first visit to United States

in Gosstroi

and 1991 coup; speech on tank

at Nineteenth CPSU Conference

and Russian rights

physical and mental recovery of

program for de-monopolization

Russian Congress of People’s Deputies: elected to chosen chairman of

USSR Congress of People’s Deputies: elected to parliamentarian in

Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, as president of Russia (1991–99). See also Chechnya

and constitutional conflict of 1992–93

dismissal of Chernomyrdin

economic reforms of

external resistances to radical change

foreign policy of

foreign travels of

governance by

heart surgery of

improvisations by

internal resistances to radical change

and mass media

models of leadership

1996 campaign for re-election of

and oligarchs

political weakening of

populism repudiated by

refusal to create a political party

resignation of

and search for national idea

search for successor

and stabilization of federal system

symbolic decisions of

and young reformers

Yeltsin, Dmitrii (uncle of BNYe)

Yeltsin, Ignatii (paternal grandfather of BNYe)passim

Yeltsin, Ivan (soldier)

Yeltsin, Ivan (uncle of BNYe)

Yeltsin, Mikhail (brother of BNYe)

Yeltsin, Nikolai (father of BNYe) passim

arrest and incarceration of

Yeltsin’s relationship with

Yeltsin, Savva (great-great grandfather of BNYe)

Yeltsin, Sergei (ancestor of BNYe)

Yeltsin, spellings of the name

Yeltsin, Yekim (great-grandfather of BNYe)

Yeltsina, Anna (paternal grandmother of BNYe)passim

Yeltsina, Klavdiya (mother of BNYe) passim

death of

Yeltsin’s relationship with

Yeltsina, Mariya (aunt of BNYe)

Yeltsina, Naina (wife of BNYe)

in Communist Party

and death of Yeltsin

and dissident literature

and Gorbachev

and Korzhakov

marriage of

and 1996 election campaign

and renovation of Kremlin

religious views of

and Yeltsin’s drinking

and Yeltsin family life: in Sverdlovsk in Moscow

on Yeltsin and multiparty system

on Yeltsin secret speech and aftermath

on Yeltsin’s restlessness

and Yeltsin’s retirement

Yeltsina, Tatyana. See Dyachenko, Tatyana

Yeltsina, Valentina (sister of BNYe)

Yeltsina, Yelena. See Okulova, Yelena

Yerin, Viktor

Yerina, Margarita

Yesenin, Sergei

Yevstaf’ev, Arkadii

Yevtushenko, Yevgenii

Young Pioneers

Youzhny, Mikhail


Yumashev, Valentin

as chief of staff

and “Family” group

as ghostwriter of Yeltsin memoirs

and 1996 election campaign

and Yeltsin’s retirement speech

as Yeltsin son-in-law

Yumasheva, Polina

Yumasheva, Tatyana. See Dyachenko, Tatyana

Zadornov, Mikhail M. (economist)

Zadornov, Mikhail N. (comedian)

Zaidel, Robert

Zaikov, Lev

Zakharov, Mark

Zalesov, Mikhail

Zanin, Vasilii

Zav’yalov, Nikolai

Zavgayev, Doku

Zavidiya, Andrei


Zemskov, A. I.

Zhdanov, Vladimir

Zhirinovskii, Vladimir

in 1991 presidential election

in 1996 presidential election

ZIL Works

Zor’kin, Valerii

Zubov, Valerii

Zucconi, Vittorio

Zverev, Sergei

Zyryanka River

Zyuganov, Gennadii

in 1996 presidential election passim

Copyright © 2008 by Timothy J. Colton

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Colton, Timothy J., 1947–

Yeltsin : a life / Timothy J. Colton.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

eISBN : 978-0-786-73212-8

1. Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, 1931–2007. 2. Presidents—Russia (Federation)—Biography. I. Title.

DK290.3.Y45C65 2008

