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FENNELL, J. G., Book of tlie Roach, n. ed. 2s.

FFORDE, B., Subaltern, Police-man, and the Little Girl. Is.

Trotter, a Poona Mystery,


FIELD, Maunsell B., Memories, lOs. 6d.

FIELDS, James T., Memoirs, 12s. Gd.

Yesterdays with Authors,

16s. ; also 10.S. 6d.

Figure Painters of Holland.

See Great Artists. FINCK, Henry T., Pacific

Coast Scenic Tour, 10s. 6d. FITCH, Lucy. See Nursing

Record Series, Is. FITZGERALD. See Foreign

Countries. Percy, Book Fancier, 5s.

and 12s. Gd. FITZPATRICK, T., Autumn

Cruise in ihe ^gean, 10s. Gd

Transatlantic Holiday,

lOs. Gd.

FLEMING, S., E7igland and

Canada, 6s.

Foreign Countries and British Colonies, descriptive handbooks edited by F. S. Pulling, M.A. Each volume is the work of a writer who has special acquaintance with the subject, 3s. Gd.

Australia, by Fitzgerald.

Austria-IIungary, by Kay.

Denmark and Iceland, by E. O.Otté.

Egypt, by S. L. Poole.

France, by Miss Roberts.

Germany, by L. Sergeant.

Greece, by S. Baring Goold.


A Select List of Books

Foreign Countries, &c.— cont. Japan, by Mossman. Pern, by R. Markham. Russia, by MorfiU. Spain, by Webster. Sweden and Norway, by Wooda. West Indies, by C. H. Eden. FOREMAN", J., Phili2:)pine Islands, 21s.


Nyassaland, 7s. 6d. rOWLEE, Japan, China, and

India, 10s. 6d.





FRANC, Maud Jeanne, Beatrice Melton, 4s.

Eniih/s Clioice, n. ed. 5^".

Golden Gifts, 4s.

Hall's Vineyard, 4s. '

Into tlie Light, is.

Jolm^s Wife, is.

Little Mercy ; for letter,

for worse, is,

Marian, a Tale, n. ed. 5s.

Master of Ralston, is.

Minnie's Mission, a Temperance Tale, 4s.

No longer a Child, is.

Silken Cords and Iron

Fetters, a Tale, 4s.

Two Sides to Every Question, 4s.

Vermont Vale, 5s.

A plainer edition is ^JubZ'is/iecZ at 2s. Gd.

France. See Foreign Countries. FRANCIS, F., War, Waves,

and Wanderings, 2 vols. 24s.

See also Low's Standard


Frank's Ranche ; or, My Holiday in the Rockies, n. cd. 5s,

FRANKEL, Julius, StarcJi

Glucose, ^"c, 18*.

ERASER, Bishop, Lancashire Life, n. ed. 12s. 6d.; popular ed.

3s. 6d.

FREEMAN, J.,3Ielhour?ie Life,

lights and shadoivs, 6s.

FRENCH, ¥.,Home Fairies and

Heart Flowers, illust. 24s. French and English Birthday i

Booh, by Kate D.' Clark, 7s. Gd. French Revolution, Letters from

Paris, translated, 10s. Gd. Fresh Woods and Pastures Netv,

by the Author of "An Angler's

Days," 5s., Is. Gd., Is. FRIEZE, Dupre, Florentir^e

Sculptor, 7s. Gd. FRISWELL, J. H. See Gentle

Life Series. Froissart for Boys, by Lanier,

new ed. 7s. Gd. FliOUDE, J. A. See Prime

Ministers. Gainshorough and Constable.

See Great Artists. GASPARIN, Sunny Fields and

Shady JVoods, Gs.

GEEECKEN, British Empire, 7s. Gd.

Generation of Judges, n.e. 7s.6d.

Gentle Life Sei'ies, edited by J. Hain Priswell, sm. 8vo. Gs. per vol.; calf extra, 10s. Gd. ea.; 16mo, 2s. Gd., except when price is given.

Gentle Life.

About in the World.

Like unto Christ.

Familiar Words, Gs. ; also 3s. Gd.

Montaigne's Essaya.

Sidney's Arcadia, 6s.

Gentle Life, second seriea.

Varia; readings, 10s. Gd.

Silent hour; essays.

Half-length Portraits.

Essays on English Writers.

OtherPeople'sWindows,6s. &2s. 65.

A Man's Thoughts.

In all Departments of Literature,


George Eliot, by G. "W. Cooke,

lOs. Gd. Germamj. See Foreign Countries. GESSI, RoMOLO Pasha, Seven

Years in the Soudan, 18s. GHIBERTI & DOInTATELLO.

See Great Artists. GILES, E., Australia Twice

Traversed, 1872-76, 2 vols. 30*.-. GILL, J. See Low's Eeaders. GILLESPIE, W. M., Surveying, n. ed. 21s. Giotto, by Harry Quilter, illust.


See also Great Artists.


Devotions, 2s. GLADSTONE. See Prime

Ministers. GLENELG, P., Devil and the

Doctor, Is. GLOVER, R., Light of the

World, n. éd., 2s. Qd. GLIJCK. See Great Musicians. Goethe's Faustus, in orig. rhyme,

by Huth, 5s. Frosa, by C. A. Buchheim

(Low's German Series), 3s. 6cî. GOLDSMITH, 0., She Stoops

to Conquer, by Austin Dobson,

illust. by E. A. Abbey, 8is.

See also Choice Editions.

GOOCH, Fanny C, Mexicans,

16s. GOODALL, Life and Land-

scape on the Norfolk Broads, 126s.

and 210s. &EMERSON", Pictures of

East Anglian Life,£o 5s. and £7 7s. GOODMAN, E. J., The Best

Tour in Nor way, Gs.

N. & A., Fen Skating, 5s.

GOOD YEAR, W. H., Grammar

of the Lotus, Ornament and Sun

Worship, 63s. nett.

GORDON, J. E. H., Physical Treatise on Electricity and Mag-netism. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 42s.

Electric Lighting, 18s.

School Electricity, 5s.

Mrs. J. E. IT., Decorative

Electricity, illust. 12s. G OWER, Lord Ronald, ILand-

hook to the Art Galleries of Belgium

and Holland, 5s. Northhrook Gallery, G3*'.

and 105s. Portraits at CastleHoward.

2 vols. 126s.

See also Great Artists.

GRAESSI, Italian Dictionary,

3s. Gd. ; roan, 5s. GRAY, T. See Choice Eds. Great Artists, Eiograj)hies,

illustrated, emblematical binding, 3s. Gd. per vol. except where

the price is given. Barbizon School, 2 vols. Claude le Lorrain. Correggio, 2s. Gd. Cox and De Wint. George Cruikshank. Delia Eobbia and Cellini, 2s. Gd, Albrecht Diirer. Figure Paintings of Holland. Fra Angelico, Masaccio, &c. Fra Bartolommeo, &c. Gainsborough and Constable. Ghiberti and Donatello, 2s. Gd. Giotto, by ÏÏ. Quilter, 15s. Ilogarth, by A. Dobson. Hans Holbein.

Landscape Painters of Holland. Land seer.

Leonardo da Vinci. Little Masters of Germany, by

Scott ; éd. de luxe, lOs. Gd. Mantegna and Francia. Mcissonier, 2^. Gd. Michelangelo. JIulready.

Muiillo, by Minor, 2s. Gd. Overbeck. Eaphael.

A Select List of Books

Great Artists — continued.



Romney and Lawrence, 2s. 6cl.

Rubens, by Kett.

Tintoretto, by Osier.

Titian, by Heath.

Turner, by Monkhouae.

Vandyck and Hals.


Vernet & Delaroobe.

Watteau, by Mollett, 2s. Qi.

Wilkie, by Mollett,

Great Musicians, edited by F, Hueffer. A seriea of biographies, 3.Î. each :—

Bach, by Poule.




English Church ComposerB,

* Gluck, Handel, Haydn,

* Marcello. Mendelssohn. Mozart,

*Palestrina and the Roman School.


Eossini and Modern Italian School.



Richard Wagner.


* Are not yet published. Greece. See Foreign Countries, GRIEB, German Dictionary, n.

ed, 2 vols. 21s. GRIMM, H., Literature, 8s. 6d. GROHMANN, Camps in the

Rockies, 12s. 6d. GROVES, J. Percy. See

Low's Standard Books. GUIZOT, History of England,

illust. 3 vols, re-issue at 10s. 6ci.

per vol. History of France, illust.