r9-lssue, 8 vols. 10s, 6d, each,
. Abridged by G, Masson, 5s.
GUYOX, Madame, Life, 6s.
HADLEY, J,, Roman Law,
7s, Qà. Half-length Poiiraiis. See
Gentle Life Series. HALFORD, F. M., Dry Fly.
fishing, n. ed. 25s,
Floating Flies, 15s. & SO^j.
HALL, Hoîo to Live Long, '2s. HALSEY, F. A,, Slide Voice
Gears, 8s. 6d. HAMILTON. See English
Philosophers. E. Fly-fishing, 6s, and
10s. 6(3.
Riverside Naturalist, 14s.
HAMILTON'S Mexican Hand-hook, 8.S. 6tZ.
HANDEL. See Great Musicians.
HANDS, T,, Numerical Exercises in Chemistry, 2s. 6ct. ; without ans, 2s.; ans. sep. 6d.
Handy Guide to Dry-fly Fishing, by Cotswold Isys, Is.
Handy Guide Book to Japanese
Islands, 6s. 6d.
HARDY, A, S., Passe-rose, 6s. Thos. See Low's Standard Novels. HARKUT, F„ Conspirator, 6s.
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Kitchen, 5s. Harper''s Young People, vols.
I.—VII. 7s. Qd. each ; gilt 8s, HARRIES, A. See Nursing
Record Series,
HARRIS, W. B., Land of the
African Sidtan, 10s, 6d. ; 1. p.
31s. 6d. HARRISON, Mary, Modern
Cookery, 6s.
Skilful Cook, n. ed. 5s.
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6s. Poets in the Pulpit,'10s.6d.
new edit. 6s. ; also 3s. 6ci.
M-vs., Housekeeping, 2s. M.
Beautiful Houses, 4s., new
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2s Qd. HEAD, Percy R. See Illus.
Text Books and Great Artists. HEARD, A.F., Russian Church,
16s. HEARN, L., Youma, 5s. HEATH, F. G., Fern World,
12s. 6d., new edit. Qs. Gertrude, Tell us Why,
2s. 6d. HELDMANN", B., Mutiny of
the " Leander," 7s. 6d. and 5s. See also Low's Standard
Books for Boys.
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2 Tols. 21s.
See also Low's Standard
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Sandwiches, 6c?.
HICKS, C. S., Our Boys, and
what to do with Them; Merchant
Service, 5s. Yachts, Boats, and Canoes,
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Marvels of Animal Life,
8s. Qd. HOLM, Saxe, Draxy Miller,
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2 vols. 42s. HOPKINS, Manlet, Treatise
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A Select List of Books
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the Maid, 3s. 6d. See also Low's Standard
Novels. HOWELLS, W. D., Suburban
Sketches, 7s. 6d. Undiscovered Country,
3s. 6cZ. and Is. HOWORTH, H. H., Glacial
Nightmare, 18s. Mammoth and the Flood,
18s. HUDSON", N. H., Purple Land
that England Lost ; Banda Oriental 2 vola. 21*. : 1 vol. Qs.
HUEFFER. E. See Great Musicians.
HUGHES, Hugh Price. See Preachers.
HUME, F., Creature of the
Night, Is.
Humorous Art at the Naval
Exhibition, Is.
HUMPHREYS, Jennet, Some
Little Britons in Brittany, 2s. 6cl.
Hundred Greatest Men, new
edit, one vol. 21s.
HUNTINGDON", The Squires Nieces, 2s.6d. (Playtime Library.)
HYDE, Hîindred Years by Post, Is.
Hymnal Companion to the Boole of Common Prayer, separate lists gratis.
Iceland. See Foreign Countries.
Illustrated Text-Books of Art-Education, edit, by E. J. Poynter, E.A., illnst. 5s. each.
Architecture, Classic and Early Christian.
niust. Text-Books — continued. Architecture, Gothic and Kenais-
siince. German, Flemish, and Dutch
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INDERWICK, F. A., Inter-
regniim, 10s. 6d.
Sidelights on the Stuarts,
new edit. 7s. Qd, INGELOW, Jean. See Low's
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Cousins, 6s, Sport and WorJc on the
Nepaul Frontier, 21s. Te7it Life in Tiger Land,
18s. IRVING, W., Little Britain,
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Companion to all Arithmetics, 1*. Gd.
L., Ten Centuries of European Progress, with maps, 12s. 6d.
JAMES, Croake, Law and Lawyers, new edit. 7s. Qd.
Henry. See Daudet, A.
JAMES and MOLE'S French Dictionary ,3s. &d. cloth ; roan, 5s.
JAMES, German Dictionary,
3s. 6d. cloth ; roan 5s.
JANVIER, Aztec Treasure House, 7s. 6(2. J new edit. 5*.
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Japan. See Foreign Countries.
JEFFERIES, KiCHARD, Amaryllis at the Fair, 7.«. 6c?.
Bevis, ncAV edit. 56*.
JEPHSON, A. J. M., Emin Pasha relief expedition, 21.s.
JERD0:N'. See Low's Standard Series.
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South Italian Volcanoes, 15s.
JOHNSTONE, D. L., Land of
the Mountain Kingdom, new edit.
3s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. JONES, Mrs. Herbert, San-
dringham, Past avd Present,
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KARR, H. W. Seton, Shores
and Alps of Alaska, 16s,
KARSLAND, Veva, Women
and their Work, Is. KAY. See Foreign Countries. KENNEDY, E. B., Blacks and
Bushrangers, new edit. 5s., 3s. 6d,