vols. 73s. 6cZ. PIIILPOT, H. J., Diabetes
Mellitus, 5s.
Diet Tahles, Is. each.
Picture Gallery of British Art.
I. to VL 18s. each. Modern Art, 3 vols. 3L^. 6c?.
A Select List of Books
PINTO, How I Grossed Africa,
2 vola. 42s. Playtime Library. See Humphrey and Huntingdon, Pleasant History of Reynard the
Fox, trans, by T. Eoscoe, illus.
7s. 6d. POCOCK, R., Gravesend His-
torian, 5s. POE, by E. C. Stedman, 3s. 6d.
Haven, ill. by G. Doré, 63s.
Poems of the Inner Life, 5s. Poetry of Nature. See Choice
Editions. Poetry of the Anti-Jacohin,7s. 6d,
and 21s. POOLE, Somerset Customs and
Legends, 5s. S. Lane, Egypt, 3s. M.
Foreign Countries. POPE, Select Poetical Works,
(Bernhard Tauchnitz Collection),
2s. POECHER, A., Juvenile
French Plays, Is. Portraits of Racehorses, 4 vols.
126s. POSSELT, Structure of Fibres,
Textile Design, illust. 28s.
POYNTER. See Illustrated
Text Books. Preachers of the Age, 3s. Qd. ea. Living Theology, by His Grace the
Archbishop of Canterbury. The Conquering Christ, by Rev. A.
Maclaren. Verbum Crucis, by the Bishop of
Derry. Ethical Christianity, by H. P.
Hughes. Sermons, by Canon W. J. Knox-
Little. Light and Peace, by H. R. Reynolds. Faith and Duty, by A. M. Fairbairn. Plain Words on Great Themes, by
J. O. Dykes. Sermons, by the Bishop of Sipcn,
Preachers of the Age — continued.
Sermons, by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.
Agonice Ghristi, lay Dean Lefroy, of Norwich.
Sermons, by H. C. G. Moule, M.A.
Volumes will follow in quick succession by other tvell-known men.
Prime Ministers, a series of political biographies, edited by Stuart J. Raid, 3s. 6d. each.
1. Earl of Beaconsfield, by J. Anthony Froude.
2. Viscount Melbourne, by Henry Dunckley (" Verax").
3. Sir Robert Peel, by Justin McCarthy.
4. Viscount Palmerston, by the Marquis of Lorne.
5. Earl Russell, by Stuart J. Reid.
6. Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, by G. W. E. Russell.
7. Earl of Aberdeen, by Sir Arthur Gordon.
8. Marquis of Salisbury, by H. D. Train.
9. Earl of Derby, by George Saints-bury,
*^* An edition, limited to 250 copies, is issued on hand-made paper, medium 8vo, botmd in half vellum, cloth sides, gilt top. Frice for the 9 vols. 41. 4*. nett.
Prince Maskiloff. See Low's Standard Novels.
Prince of Nursery Playmates, new edit. 2s. 6cf.
PRITT, T. N., Country Trout
Flies, 10s. 6d. Reynolds. See Great Artists. Purcell. See Great Musicians. QUILTER, H., Giotto, Life,
Sfc. 15s. RAAIBAUD, History of Russia,
new edit., 3 vols. 21s. RAPHAEL. See Great Artists. REDFORD, Sculpture. See
Illustrated Text-books.
REDGRAVE, Engl. Painters, 10s. 6d. and 12j.
In all Departments of Literature.
EEED, ^iViY^.Z.,ModernShi]ps
of War, 10s. Qd. T. B., Roger Ingleton,
Minor, 5 s. Sir Ludar, See Low's
Standard Books. REID, Mayne, Capt., Stories
of strange Adventures, illust. 5s. Stuart J. See Prime
Ministers. T. Wemyss, Land of the
Bey, 10s. Qd. Remarliahle Bindings in British
Museum, \Q%s.; 94s. 6cZ.; 73s. Qd.
and fiSs.
EEMBRANDT. See Great Artists.
Reminiscences of a Boyhood, Qs.
KEMUSAT, Memoirs, Vols. I. and II. new ed. 16s. each.
Select Letters, 16s.
REYNOLDS. See Gr. Artists.
Henry R., Light ^- Peace,
S(c. Sermons, 3s. 6rf.
RICHARDS, J. W., Alumi-
nium, new edit. 21s.
Books, 3«. 6d.
RICHTER, J. P., Italian Art, 42s.
See also Great Artists.
RIDDELL. See Low's Standard Novels.
RIDEAL, Women of the Time, Us.
RIFFAULT, Colours for Painting, 31s. 6d.
RIIS, Hoto the Other Half Lives, 10s. 6d.
RTPON, Bp. of. See Preachers.
ROBERTS, Miss, France. See ForeiËrn Countries.
W., English Bookselling,
earlier history. 7s. Cid.
ROBIDA, A.,Toilette, coloured, Is. Qd,
ROBINSON, « Romeo " Coatcs, Is. U.
Noah's Arh, n. ed. 3s. 6f?.
Sinners ^ Saints, 10s, M.
See also Low's Standard
Series. Wealth
and its Sources, Law of Patents,
S. See Clioico
5s. W. C.
3 vols. 105s. ROCHEFOUCAULD. Sec
Bayard Series. ROCKSTRO, History of Music,
new ed. 14s.
RODRIGUES, Panama Canal, 5s.
ROE, E. P. See Low's Standard Series.
ROGERS, Editions.
ROLFE, Pom.peii, 7s. M.
Ro7nantic Stories of the Legal Profession, 7s. Gd.
ROMNEY. See Great Artists.
Eome Life of Longfellow, Is. 6(7.
ROSE, J., Mechanical Drawing, 16s.
Practical Machinist, new
ed. 12s. 6d.
Key to Engines, 8s. dd.
Modern Steam Engines,
31s. Gd.
Steam Boilers, 12s. (jd.
Rose Lihranj. Popular Litem-ture of all countries, per vol. \f., unless tbe price is given.
Alcott (L. M.) Eight Cousins, 2s. ; cloth, 3s. Gd.
Jack and Jill, 2s. ; cloth, 5s.
• Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, 2s. ; cloth, 3s. Gd.
■ Little Women.
Little Women Wedded ; Nus.
4 and 5 in 1 vol. cloth, 3s. Gd.
Little Men, 2s. ; cloth gilt,
3s. Gel.
A Select List of Books
Rose Lihrary—continued. Alcotfc (L. M.) Old-fashioned Girls,
2s.; cloth, 3s. 6c?.
• Rose ia Bloom, 2s. ; cl. 3s. 6tL
Silver Pitchers.
Under the Lilacs, 2s. ; cloth,
3s. Qd. Work, A Story of Experience,
2 vols, in 1, cloth, 3s. Qd. Stowe (Mrs.) Pearl of Orr' s Island. Minister's Wooing.
. We and Our Neighbours, 2s.
. My Wife and I, 2s.
Dodge (Mrs.) Hans Brinker, or. The Silver Skates, Is. ; cloth, 5s. ;
3 J. 6(Z. ; 2s. 6 i.
Lowell (J. R.) My Study Windows. Holmes (Oliver Wendell) Guardian
Angel, cloth, 2s. Warner (C. D.) My Summer in a
Garden, cloth, 2s. Stowe (Mrs.) Dred, 2s. ; cloth gilt,
3s. Qd. Carleton (W.) City Ballads, 2 vola,
in 1, cloth gilt, 2s. M. Legends, 2 vols, in 1, cloth
gilt, 2s. 6cL Farm Ballads, Qd. and 9(Z. ; 3
vols, in 1, cloth gilt, 3s. Qd. Farm Festivals, 3 vols, in 1,
cloth gilt, 3s. Qd. Farm Legends, 3 vols, in 1,
cloth gilt, 3s. Qd. Clients of Dr. Bernagius, 2 vols. Howells (W. D.) Undiscovered
Country. Clay (C. M.) Baby Eue.
Story of Helen Troy.
Whitney (Mrs.) Hitherto, 2 vols.
cloth, 3s. Qd. Fawcett (E.) Gentleman of Leisure. Butler, Nothing to Wear. ROSS, Maes, Cantabria, 215. ROSSmi, &c., See Great
Musicians. Rothschilds, by J. Reeves,?^". Qd.
Roughing it after Gold, by Rux,
new edit. Is. ROUSSELET. See Low's
Standard Books.
ROWBOTHAM, E. J., Prairie
Land, 5s. Royal Naval Exhibition, a souvenir, illus. Is. RUBENS. See Great Artists. RUGGLES, H. Z., Shakespeare' s
Method, 7s. Qd. RUSSELL, Cr.W.E.,Gladstone.
See Prime Ministers. W. Clark, Mrs. Dines'
Jeivels, 2s. Qd. Nelson's. Words and Deeds,
3s. Qd. —— Sailor's Language, illus.
3s. Qd. See also Low's Standard
Novels and Sea Stories.
W. Howard, Prince of
TVales' Tour, illust. 52s. Qd. and 84s.
Russia. See Foreign Countries. Saints and their Symbols, 3s. 6d. SAINTSBURY, G., Earl of
Derby. See Prime Ministers. SAINimE, Picciola, 2s. Qd.
and 2s. See Low's Standard
Series. SALISBURY, Lord. SeePrime