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Holly. Vince silently coughed. You’re doing it again.

Sorry. She obediently returned her attention back to the computer and stared at the monitor instead. What’s all this stuff, anyway?

Vince shrugged. Looks like it’s content for Peterson’s Productions’ new website. I’m just making sure I’ve retrieved all the files.

Peterson’s Productions? Now why does that sound familiar?

They make TV shows. I think this is Lorraine’s computer. She’s one of the assistants. Anyway, it seems to all be here—

Oh my God! Holly cut him off before lifting her hand off the mouse to stop him from exiting the window. Peterson’s Productions do The Rich and the Restless. That’s why the name sounded so familiar. I see their logo at the end of every episode. Why didn’t you tell me you did their computers?

Er, you didn’t ask. Anyway, they’re Todd’s account, why didn’t he mention it?

I don’t know. Holly paused for a minute, not that it really matter. The main thing was that she knew now. So, come on then, keep scrolling down.

No way. My job is to fix these things, not to look at confidential files. It’s against company policy.

Vince. This is The Rich and the Restless. Holly pressed down on his finger until the cursor moved onto the next page. Don’t be so stuffy. Perhaps they’ll have some new storylines? I haven’t seen the show for over two weeks. Which, by the way, if God really is so high and mighty then why doesn’t he have cable?

One of the great mysteries, Vince agreed with a straight face.

Oh, look. They’re talking about the end-of-season finale, and here’s some stuff on the characters they’ve killed off. Boy, I wish they really were kicking the bucket, and then I’d be able to hang out with them in heaven. We could have a The Rich and the Restless Is Dead Cool club. How wicked would that be…and…Oh. Hang on a minute. That’s not right, Holly said, pointing to the screen.

What do you mean, ‘that’s not right?’ There’s nothing wrong or right about it, it’s just text for the website. I was out there the other day and Lorraine mentioned she had to get everything together for the designers.

That might be so, but the text is wrong. I mean listen to this. From 2001 to 2003, Jill Littlewood played everyone’s favorite nurse, Carla Wandsworth, until tragedy struck and Carla was caught up in the dreadful The Rich and the Restless fire of season two.

And you’re telling me this because?

Because Carla is alive and well and living quite happily in Flamingo Crescent. Yes, she was in the fire, though not in season two, it was season three. And as for dying, that’s just a load of baloney. She suffered severe facial burns but under the careful care of plastic surgeon Guy Sheraton, she went onto make a full recovery and she and Guy married last year. Then Holly sniffed. They were even hoping to start IVF this season. Their babies would’ve been beautiful.

Okay, so not meaning to change the subject here, but don’t we have more important things to worry about than a couple of mistakes on The Rich and the Restless website?

Holly folded her arms. Well, I’m not sure if that’s the right attitude. I mean this is a much beloved show that people take very seriously.

Yes, so I can see.

Unlike the person who did this research, she said darkly as she moved her fingers towards the keyboard, but Vince clenched his fist in the air blocking her so she couldn’t.

I was only going to correct the mistakes. She pouted. I thought you’d be pleased that I trying to think about other things besides my problems.

I promise I’ll email Lorraine and get her to make the corrections.

You know I still can’t believe they’re doing a new website. Holly clapped her hands in excitement. I wonder if they’re going to have a chat room? That would be great. I know so many people were devastated when Clyde and Sarah broke up, it would be so important to have a place where people can go to share stories of consolation. It would really help the grieving process.

Holly, you do remember you’re dead don’t you? Vince checked as he rose to his feet and started to reassemble the computers. Now, I suppose we’d better take these up to Todd’s office. Are you ready?

Holly looked at his watch and realized he was right. It was time for her to finally talk to Todd and get everything sorted out once and for all. Okay, but you won’t forget to email that person, will you?

I won’t, he assured her as he hooked his satchel over his shoulder and stacked the computers up in front of him.

Oh, and what about the manuals he wanted? Holly came to a standstill. It’s just if I’m going to explain to Todd that I’m back from the dead and temporarily living in your body, we might want to stay on his good side.

Todd knows very well that he can either order new manuals for them or photocopy old ones himself. It’s not my job.

Again on the good side, Holly reminded him and she couldn’t help but admire that despite the way his lips twitched, he merely put down the computers and marched towards the photocopying machine. Thanks, Vince, she said. I really do owe you one.

* * *

Holly was surprised they hadn’t worn a hole in the carpets, they’d been up and down to the fourth floor so many times today, but at last it was going to happen.

Yesterday when Dr. Hill had thrown her into this ridiculous situation, she had thought that coming back and resolving her issues would be the easiest thing in the world, whereas it was turning out to be incredibly difficult. Still, at least things were finally looking up—

“If you’re looking for Todd, he’s not here,” a voice said from behind them and Holly spun around (not something that was really that easy to do when carrying three laptops in your arms) to where Simon Trimmer was standing.

“He’s meant to be taking these back to Peterson’s with him,” Vince explained but Simon just shrugged.

“Something else came up. He was going to text you to get you to drop them off instead. Apparently it’s urgent they get them by four.”

“Well, he didn’t, and I’ve got a full schedule on this afternoon,” Vince retorted before Holly took over.

“Where’s he gone?” she demanded.

Simon didn’t seem to notice a change of speaker as he folded his arms. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

What? Holly glared back at him. Of course it was her business. She had a lot of explaining and apologizing to do, and it was a bit difficult if the person in question was nowhere to be found.

“Personally, I’m not interested,” Vince replied in a calm voice. “I just wanted to let him know that I’m not his delivery boy. If he wants these taken over to Peterson’s, he can do it himself or arrange a courier.”

“Too late,” Simon retorted. “And I doubt David Harris would be pleased to hear that his good friend Stuart Peterson wasn’t getting the service he deserved.”