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I asked him if he would like another hamburger.

‘Not right now, thank you, but maybe a little later,’ he said. ‘Well, Cindy fell in love and this brings Vin Pinna on the scene. Although Pinna was only twenty-six years of age, he was a veteran in crime. He specialized in burglary and there were few locks, alarms or security guards he couldn’t cope with. He made a decent living, ran a Jaguar car, travelled a lot and kept on the move so the police of the various states didn’t catch up with him. The trouble with Vin was he couldn’t hold on to money. As soon as he got paid by some fence he promptly spent the money on clothes, high living and dollies. In his way, he was a looker: tall, handsome, tough and vicious. He wore his hair long as they do these days and he spent a lot of money on this cockeyed gear young guys of today like to wear. He had come to Paradise City for a look around. It’s no secret that this City is stuffed with people who have more money than sense and the villas up on the hill are crammed to the ceiling with valuable loot.

‘Before coming to Paradise City, Vin had been working Miami. While leaving a Miami hotel bedroom with some old dowager’s jewel box he had the bad luck to walk into the hotel dick. He knocked the dick cold. In the struggle he dropped the jewel box, but he got away. He knew the dick would give the cops a good description of him so he decided to move on and he moved here.

‘Cindy spotted him as he was buying himself some neck ties in one of the best stores in the City. She thought he was a real doll, but that didn’t stop her trying for his billfold. There must have been something about Vin that spoilt her concentration because he felt her fingers slide into his hip pocket.

‘He turned and smiled at her. They looked at each other and this chemistry thing called love clicked in her. She handed him back his billfold with a nice apology and accepted his offer of an ice drink. They talked for the rest of the afternoon until Cindy realized she should have been home an hour ago. This threw her into a panic. Not only had she been chatting up this handsome guy for hours but she had neglected her afternoon’s work and had earned no money. This she explained to Vin who laughed and gave her twenty bucks, telling her he wanted to see her the following afternoon.

‘Vin was pretty blasé about girls, but Cindy got to him. I’m not saying he fell in love with her as she had with him, but he liked her better than any other girl he had met and he wanted to see her again.

‘Cindy agreed to meet him at the Lido where they could swim and talk. She had made no secret about what her father and she did for a living. Vin had been genuinely amused and he hinted he was in the crime racket himself although he didn’t go into details. Cindy was impressed as he drove off in his Jaguar. Not only was he handsome, fun and sexy, she thought as she made her way home, but he was rich.

‘Joey was quick to spot something had happened when Cindy came in. There was that faraway look in her eyes that girls get when they are turning soppy over some man.’ Barney paused to heave a great sigh. ‘The number of times, when I was young, I’ve seen that look would surprise you. Like me, Joey knew the signs and a cold wind blew over him although he was smart enough not to ask questions.

‘During the next six days, Cindy and Vin met every afternoon and by that time they were both crazy about each other.

‘Then Cindy decided it was time to break the news to Joey. She dreaded telling him, but it had to be done. She couldn’t go on deceiving him. She explained all this to Vin and asked him to meet her father. At first, Vin said no, but Cindy pleaded and because he wanted to please her, he shrugged and agreed.’

‘ “Be nice to him, Vin,” Cindy said. “He’s been a wonderful father to me. Come around tomorrow at midday. That will give me time to break the news and get him in the right mood.”

‘ “Okay... okay,” Vin said indifferently. “I’ll come. I wouldn’t do it for any other doll, but for you, I’ll make the exception.”

‘Joey knew he was going to be told by the nervous way Cindy behaved when she came home. Joey had had six days in which to get used to the idea that Cindy was finally in love. He had told himself over and over again this was inevitable and he now knew if he wasn’t to lose Cindy he would have to play his cards carefully. This could be calf love: something that wouldn’t last, but he doubted it He decided there was only one thing to do: he had to be understanding, pretend to be happy for Cindy and hope the guy came up to expectations and wouldn’t let Cindy down. The thought of spending the rest of his days on his own depressed him, but this he knew he would have to accept. If he could persuade Cindy not to rush into marriage, he would try, but he would try gently.

‘After supper, instead of turning on the TV set, Joey said quietly, “What’s on your mind, baby? Something you want to tell me?”

‘So Cindy told him.

‘Joey nodded.

‘ “It happens all the time and it had to happen to you. If you’re happy, then that makes me happy, but are you sure?”

‘Cindy went to him and put her arms around him.

‘ “I was scared of telling you. I thought you’d be angry.”

‘ “What’s there to be angry about? A girl like you should get married.” Joey forced a smile. “Besides, I want to be a grandfather. I like kids. When’s the wedding to be?”

‘Cindy’s eyes opened wide.

‘ “We’re not planning to get married yet. We just want to be together, have fun... we don’t want kids for heaven’s sake... anyway, not yet.”

‘Joey suppressed a sigh of relief.

‘ “But you do plan to get married, baby?”

‘ “We haven’t discussed that,” Cindy frowned. “We just want to have fun.”

‘Joey nodded.

‘ “Well, tell me about him.”

‘He listened to Cindy’s eulogy, his heart despairing and his face alight with false interest.

‘ “He’s a big operator,” she concluded. “He hasn’t told me just what his racket is, but it must be big. He’s a terrific dresser and drives this big Jag and he’s free with his money. You’ll love him, dad. I’m sure you will.”

‘Joey said he hoped he would. Then after a pause, he asked if Vin had a record.

‘ “A record? What do you mean?” Cindy stiffened.

‘ “Well, you know... do the cops know him... has he ever been inside?”

‘ “I’m sure he hasn’t! Of course not! Vin’s much too smart to have a record.”

‘ “That’s fine.” Joey hesitated, then went on, “We have to be careful, baby. So far we have kept clear of the cops. The bigger the operator the more dangerous he is.”