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“Of course he will,” lectured Lord Zawbry. “That is the whole purpose of the mediation. That is precisely what Lord Burdine is after and he will fight to get it. If we get a message to Lord Sevrin, we can tell him to expect a message from us every ten days. If he does not receive a message during a ten day period, he will know that our access has been cut off and he will send troops to reopen it.”

“I was more concerned with the Litari seizing all of Fardale,” apologized Marshal Tingo. “I did not think of the Litari settling for a small strip which would deny us access.”

“That is why I am the Lord and you are the Marshal,” chided Lord Zawbry.

“If we have to attack the Litari to gain access to the outside,” suggested Marshal Tingo, “we should push through the heart of Glendale rather than Fardale. Even though we will be fighting the Litari, the Situ in Fardale could get mixed up in the battle and we don’t need another enemy.”

“That makes sense,” agreed the Lord of Woodville. “It would be better if we could attend the meeting with the emissary and ensure that our access stays open.”

“Couldn’t we attend as friends of Fardale?” asked Marshal Tingo. “There are two Lords ganging up on Fardale. I think our presence might help the young Lord avoid losing too much land.”

“That is an excellent idea,” granted Lord Zawbry. “Of course, I don’t dare go myself. Putting myself in the mansion of the Sorgans is a sure way to lose more than we could gain by attending. You shall be Woodville’s representative. Send that message off to Lord Sevrin and then go to Fardale and present yourself to the new Lord. Explain that you will accompany him to the meeting and speak on his behalf.”

“I know little of politics,” protested Marshal Tingo, “and I have no authority to speak for the Ragatha Clan.”

“You do need any authority,” explained Lord Zawbry. “Merely present yourself as a friend of Fardale and disparage the honor of the Litari Clan at every opportunity. That should be enough to sway the mediator.”

* * *

Lord Marak, Lord Quavry, and Lord Burdine stood on the porch of the mansion in Watula Valley and awaited the arrival of the emissary from the Lords Council. It had been a long night for all of them, but everyone in both Clans had sworn Vows of Service to Lord Marak. The soldiers of Glendale had sworn dutifully as their Lord had ordered them to. Interestingly, it was the woodsmen of Glendale that had grumbled, but they, too, eventually swore their allegiance.

Marshal Yenga still wore the red and brown of the Sorgan Marshal and stood talking with Marshal Garlo of Glendale who sported the brown and green colors of the Litari Clan.

A shout arose from the road leading into the Watula Valley estate and everyone stopped talking and stared in the direction the emissary would come from. Lord Marak’s heart skipped a beat as he noticed the distinctive yellow and green plume of the Situ Marshal among the party heading towards the mansion.

“Lord Marshal Grefon has somehow attached himself to the emissary’s party,” Lord Marak announced. “Everyone must remember not to mention the Vows of Service today. We do not need a Situ attack at this moment.”

“How could he have found out?” questioned Lord Burdine.

“Imperial troops who act as escorts often talk with the local commanders when they are on a mission which is not secret,” clarified Marshal Yenga. “Anyone who asked them where they were going would have received the correct answer. I know Lord Marshal Grefon, Lord Marak. He will be poking around the estate trying to cull information from the men. He is inquisitive and persistent. He will also try to bully you into telling him everything.”

“Make sure that the men do not reveal anything to him,” ordered Lord Marak. “I will deal with him after we dispatch the emissary.”

“We can not just dismiss the emissary,” interrupted Lord Quavry. “We have requested his presence and even if we no longer require his services, he will likely stay a few days, anyway.”

“I will leave the entertaining to you, Lord Quavry,” replied Lord Marak. “I will take Lord Marshal Grefon back to Fardale and see that he gets the chance to return home quickly.”

The Imperial troops marched to the front of the mansion and stopped. A distinguished looking gentleman with short, gray hair continued up the steps to the porch followed by Lord Marshal Grefon.

“I am Katzu,” greeted the Lords Council mediator. “I have been selected to mediate your problem. Shall we adjourn to your Meeting Chamber, Lord Quavry?”

“Certainly, Katzu,” Lord Quavry agreed and promptly led the way into the Meeting Chamber. Once there, Lord Quavry introduced everyone and they all sat at the large table.

“I am glad that you are here, Lord Burdine and Lord Marak,” Katzu opened. “It will make my task easier to have all the parties available at the same time.”

“Actually,” stated Lord Quavry, “we no longer have any problem to mediate. Lord Marak, Lord Burdine, and myself have come to an amicable solution through our own negotiations. I am sorry that the solution took so long. I would have liked to save you the long journey into the frontier country.”

Katzu looked at three Lords for some time as if trying to determine if their solution was truly amicable. “Do you concur, Lord Burdine?” he finally asked.

“Yes, Katzu, I do,” declared Lord Burdine.

“And you, Lord Marak?” Katzu continued.

“Yes, Katzu, I am satisfied with the solution,” Marak smiled.

“Very well, then,” Katzu agreed. “The Lords Council does not interfere where they are not needed. Still, I think it would be wise for me to remain here for a few days in case anyone has a change of heart. It is a long journey from the capital. I trust that will not pose a problem to you, Lord Quavry?”

“Of course not,” smiled Lord Quavry. “I will be honored to have you as my guest. Whatever you need will be provided.”

“I would like to speak before you declare this matter to be closed, Katzu,” demanded Lord Marshal Grefon.

Although it was obvious from the Lord Marshal’s uniform that he was a Situ, Katzu asked the proper question. “Whose interest do you represent, Lord Marshal Grefon?”

“I represent the interests of the Situ Clan in matters pertaining to Fardale,” declared Lord Marshal Grefon. “I demand to know what the settlement is that has been agreed to.”

Katzu looked from one Lord to the next and no one offered to speak of the settlement. Finally his eyes remained on Lord Marak and waited for an explanation.

“As the Lord of Fardale,” Marak began, “I am happy with the settlement agreed to. If the Lord Marshal of the Situ will accompany me to Fardale, perhaps I can satisfy his curiosity.”

Katzu merely shrugged, but Lord Marshal Grefon turned red with anger. “I demand to be informed of the agreement,” Grefon said with a steadily rising voice.

“Lord Marshal Grefon,” scolded Lord Marak, “I am the Lord of Fardale and I do not wish to discuss my business in this forum. I do not recall your name on the invitation list for this meeting and I object to your presence here. You will kindly remove yourself from this room until I decide to inform you of the settlement.”

Lord Burdine and Lord Quavry cringed from the verbal exchange, but Katzu simply sat and observed the demeanor of the participants. Lord Marshal Grefon rose, fully beet red in the face, and stared at Lord Marak.

“You insolent little Chula chip,” scorned Lord Marshal Grefon. “Do you really think I will take orders from you? If you do not wish to disclose your secret arrangement that is a problem I can deal with. I have authority here from Lord Ridak, Lord of all Situ, in all affairs concerning Fardale, and I demand before the Lords Council representative to know what your agreement is.”

Lord Marshal Grefon pulled a paper from his pouch and thrust it at Katzu. Katzu calmly took the paper and read it carefully. Slowly he placed the paper on the table and smoothed it out with his hand so it laid neatly on the table in front of him. “Lord Marak,” Katzu explained, “this document does authorize Lord Marshal Grefon to affect all matters pertaining to the Situ estate of Fardale. I am afraid that I will have to reopen the negotiations if Lord Marshal Grefon demands it.”