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“Cortain Rybak,” came the voice out of thin air, “the Situ are still gathering on the road, but they are not advancing. Can you contact Lectain Zorkil and find out if his scouts have returned with any information?”

“Certainly, Lord Marshal Yenga,” answered Cortain Rybak. “I will get right back to you.”

The magic of the Air Tubes still amazed Cortain Rybak. Lord Marshal Yenga was off in the hills leading into Fardale and yet his voice sounded as if it came from the same room. Cortain Rybak nodded to the Air Mage and she adjusted the channel to Lectain Zorkil.

“Lectain Zorkil,” called Cortain Rybak, “the Lord Marshal wants to know if your scouts have returned any information.”

“Nothing certain,” the Lectain replied. “The Situ Armies continue to gather. I have had to limit the area of my scouts because the Situ have roving patrols all along the border. Has Lord Marak returned yet?”

“We have had no word since Cortain Tagoro returned,” answered Cortain Rybak. “If we do hear from him I will let everyone know.”

“Good,” stated Lectain Zorkil. “Let Lord Marshal Yenga know that the gathering of the Situ is spreading out over here. It is almost as if they are building a human wall out there.”

“I will inform him,” Cortain Rybak said.

He relayed the information to Lord Marshal Yenga who was not enthusiastic about the news from Lectain Zorkil. In fact, Lord Marshal Yenga was becoming concerned with the unusual tactics of the Situ Army. Once again, the Lord Marshal walked up to the observation point and peered down at the Situ gathering on the road.

“What do you make of this, Cortain Tagoro?” asked the Lord Marshal. “It is unlike anything I have ever seen. Why are they so spread out and why aren’t they attacking?”

“I was told that I might find you two up here,” came the voice from behind them. “What is the situation?”

Lord Marshal Yenga and Cortain Tagoro whirled at the sound of Lord Marak’s voice. “Where in Khadora have you been?” greeted the Lord Marshal. “You have the entire Army concerned about your whereabouts.”

“The Situ trackers were persistent,” shrugged Lord Marak. “They had to be taught a lesson in humility. Why are the Situ gathering and not attacking?”

“Cortain Tagoro,” ordered Lord Marshal Yenga, “inform Cortain Rybak that our Lord has returned. Make sure that the word is spread to every unit.”

Cortain Tagoro smiled broadly as he saluted and headed back to where the Air Mage kept the communications link to the mansion.

“I don’t know what they are up to,” admitted Lord Marshal Yenga. “They are not only gathering on the road, either. I have Lectain Zorkil south of here and he reports a similar gathering by him. They seem to approach to within bowshot and then retreat a little ways before gathering. It is as if they are probing the line looking for a weak spot. I have never seen anything like it.”

“I have,” frowned Lord Marak. “I did not realize that Lord Marshal Grefon even paid attention to our war games. I used this very method against some of the other Situ teams last year. The idea is to keep the defenders on edge and unaware of where you will strike. You spread your forces out across the entire line and the defender has to do likewise, but you have the advantage of knowing where you will attempt to break through. That is what all of the probing is about. He is trying to decide on his entry point.”

“Is there anything we can do to affect his choice?” queried the Lord Marshal.

Lord Marak appeared to be lost in thought as he gazed down at the amassing Situ Army. Lord Marshal Yenga noticed several bloodied cuts in the Lord’s uniform and was about to ask about them when Lord Marak suddenly whirled towards him.

“We need to bring up the reserves from Woodville,” Lord Marak said excitedly. “The Situ are not going to turn and attack us from the rear like I did in the games last year. They are going to run straight for Fardale. Lord Ridak will try to use the civilians as shields while he holds our own estate against us.”

“What makes you believe that?” asked Lord Marshal Yenga.

“Cortain Koors commented on my strategy when I used it,” answered Lord Marak. “He commented that while I had been lucky to break through, I should have gone after the prize instead of fighting the defenders. Koors learned his fighting strategy from Grefon. He will go for our civilians.”

“That is sound enough logic for me,” allowed Lord Marshal Yenga, “but bringing up the reserves will not solve the problem of defending against his strategy.”

“It will,” assured Lord Marak. “Do not bring them all the way to the front. Keep them a short distance back and out of sight, then break your line in the center and start peeling it back to create a funnel. Lord Ridak will find his weak spot in our line soon enough. When he does he will be making a dash towards Fardale. That is when we bring in the sides of the funnel and surround him.”

“I believe you are right,” grinned Lord Marshal Yenga. “I will arrange our reception shortly. Have you had those wounds looked at yet?”

“They are minor wounds,” answered Lord Marak. “Halman was not so lucky. Gunta has taken him to the mansion for healing. Get our trap set up quickly. I do not wish a falling sun to give the Situ an excuse to delay another day.”

* * *

Klora ducked behind a large tree to avoid being seen by the Situ soldier. There should not have been a Situ soldier anywhere near the mages’ practice field. After all, the field was home to the mages because it was out of the way and not on a direct route to anywhere. Klora leaned around the tree and watched the Situ soldier. He appeared to be looking for something or someone. His head constantly turned and his eyes darted back and forth. As if forgetting something, the Situ soldier suddenly turned and went back the way he had come. Klora waited until he was out of sight before she turned and ran back into the practice field which she had left for personal reasons. Quickly, she waved all of the mages together and explained what she had seen.

“He is probably a scout,” offered Wogra, a Water Mage.

“Then more will be coming,” declared Iscala, an Air Mage.

“Iscala,” ordered Klora, “inform the control center immediately. Lord Marshal Yenga will send some troops here to take care of them.”

“I have been monitoring what is going on,” frowned Iscala, “ and I don’t think they will be able to. Lord Marak has returned and they are preparing for a big battle. They have even called up the reserve forces out of Woodville.”

“Even if they could spare the men,” stated Glenda, “it would likely take too long for them to get here in time to protect us. We have been training to be battle mages. It is time for one more practice session, but this time our targets will be live.”

Klora stood and looked at the other mages present. There was fear in their faces, but there was also determination and eagerness. Most of the mages were former slaves and each of them had vowed never to permit themselves to be enslaved again. There was little doubt what the Situ Clan would do with them if Fardale was defeated. They had all made a solemn pledge to follow Lord Marak, not only because of their Vows of Service, but because he had freed them and was worthy of their pledge.