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“Lost her? How could he lose her? She’s a college student. He should know they’re always on the move.”

“I’m not making excuses. He knows he screwed up. He tried to phone her at the number we gave him. She didn’t answer her phone.”

“What about phoning Mrs. Smyth, the lady where Kelly boards? Maybe she went back home.”

“We checked. She wasn’t there. Kelly stayed the night with a girlfriend but left her house early this morning.”

Catherine didn’t like this.

Who will be next?

“Tell that agent to find her, Venable.” She jumped to her feet and headed for the door. “And to stay with her. She’s alone, and she doesn’t even know she might be a target. Luke was playing some game with her earlier. I’ll go see if he can contact her.”

“I’ll let you know as soon as the agent reports in.” He hung up.

“Hi, Catherine.” Luke looked up from his book when Catherine entered the library. He was sprawled on the couch, and she recognized the book as one of the chemistry books Hu Chang had sent him. “Sam said you were sleeping late or I would have shown you my new game. It’s really cool. Even Kelly said that it was kind of a challenge. And she can be pretty snooty about—” He broke off as he saw her expression. “What’s wrong? Hu Chang?”

“No, Hu Chang is fine.” Naturally, that had been his first thought. Hu Chang had become almost as close to him as he was to Catherine. Mentor as well as friend. “You’re not playing your game now. Why? Lose interest?”

“No.” His eyes were narrowed on her face. “I lost Kelly. She’ll probably check in later.”

“She just dropped off the game site?”

He nodded. “You didn’t answer me. What’s wrong?”

She had to tell him. He’d keep at her until she did, and she couldn’t lie to him. Besides, he might be able to help. “Maybe nothing. I’m worried about Kelly. When was the last time you talked to her?”

“Last night. When I called her to set up the game. I was kind of edgy and couldn’t sleep. She was at some friend’s house, Barbara … something. I was surprised. Kelly doesn’t usually go out on school nights. But she said she needed a distraction.” He added, “But she must be okay. She’s been playing the game all morning until about thirty minutes ago. You want me to call her?”

“Please.” Maybe Kelly would answer Luke. It couldn’t hurt to try.

He was frowning as he dialed the number. Then he shook his head. “Her phone’s turned off.”

“Okay.” She tried to keep her tone calm. “Keep trying, will you?”

“Why?” Then he asked, “Santos?”

“He may be widening his victim base. I should have arranged to have her brought here. Venable’s agent can’t locate her anywhere on campus.”

“She might not be on campus,” he said slowly.


“I told you that she said she needed a distraction. When she gets upset, she usually goes hiking in the woods.”

“The woods?” Lonely trails, shadows, an attacker could be behind any tree on Kelly’s path. “What woods? Where?”

“I don’t know. Somewhere near the campus. Once she mentioned a dam.” He looked down at his phone. “But I don’t like it that she turned off her cell.”

“Neither do I. Why would she do that? Did she tell you why she was upset?”

“Yes.” He raised his eyes to meet her own. “She said that she got something in the mail that reminded her what day it was. Not that she needed a reminder.”

“What day is—” Then it hit home to her. “The day that her father was murdered while the two of them were being held by those kidnappers.” Of course. Kelly handled the trauma of that day extraordinarily well for a teenager, but she had been a witness to that murder. She even blamed herself because her father had died protecting her. “What did she get in the mail?”

He shrugged. “I think it was a note. I didn’t ask her anything about it. I had trouble even keeping her on the phone. I just talked about the game and your face when you were trying on that fluffy red hat. I wanted her to laugh.”

“And did she?”

“Yes, she said she’d like to see it. But, like I said, she didn’t stay on the line very long.”

A note. What had been in that note? Who had sent it? She doubted that it came from Kelly’s mother, who was too involved with her busy social life to bother to communicate with her daughter.

I know all about you and how to make everyone in your world jump through hoops.

Did Santos know that a disturbing note would cause Kelly to leave the safety of the campus, making her more vulnerable? Had he been waiting, planning to take advantage of this day?

Dear God, she was afraid he had.

“Catherine?” Luke was sitting upright on the couch. “She’s in trouble?”

“I can’t be sure. But she might be.” She tried to think. “I have to go and make sure. You’ll be safe here with Sam and the guys. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I’m going with you.”


“Yes,” Luke said. “Kelly is my friend. Maybe I should have made her talk last night. Maybe I should have told her what’s happening here. It’s hard to know what to do.”

“I’ll tell you what to do. Stay here and keep safe while I find Kelly and make sure she’s safe.”

He shook his head. “I can help. When we’re in the woods, I might remember other stuff she’s mentioned that will lead us to her.” He got to his feet. “Hu Chang would let me go.”

He was maddeningly correct. “Hu Chang is not me. I know you believe what you’ve gone through has earned you the right to be treated as an adult, and I’m trying, Luke. But this is different. We’ll both be vulnerable out there while were searching for Kelly.”

He smiled. “I won’t feel vulnerable. You’re a very good agent, Catherine. You’ll take care of me. And I’m not stupid. I’ll take orders.” His smile faded. “And if I don’t go with you, I’ll go alone. She’s my friend. You know I don’t have many friends. I don’t understand the kids my own age, and they don’t understand me. But Kelly’s different.”

She wasn’t going to be able to talk him out of it. He’d do exactly as he’d told her he’d do. Worst-case scenario, he’d be out on the road alone. He and Kelly had both had tragedies in their lives that had shaped their friendship in the last months. Tragedy that had made Luke strong and robbed him of his childhood.

“Blackmail, Luke?”

He nodded. “It will be okay, Catherine. Let’s go find her.”

No choice. How to do it and keep him as safe as possible. “You do everything I say. You don’t waver, down to the last syllable.” She turned away. “Go get a map of the area around the university and find out where there’s a dam that would be within hiking distance. Hurry.”

“I’ll get it for you.” He was already at the bookshelves, checking for the atlas. “I’ll google it once I get an overall view. Are you going to drive?”

“No, it would take too much time, and we’d be more vulnerable on the road. I’ll have Venable send a helicopter to pick us up at the airport and drop us off at the campus. We’ll take Sam along with us.”

“To take care of me?” He frowned. “Okay. I guess you can’t go all the way. I like Sam.”

“Don’t be swellheaded. Maybe it’s to take care of me or Kelly.” She was pulling her phone out of her pocket. “Change your clothes and meet me at the front door with that info.”

Maybe it would be all right, she thought. Santos had reserved Luke and her for the final phase of his grand plan. He might not move on them even if the opportunity presented itself.

But “might” was a frightening word when connected with the life of her son.

And Kelly Winters might not be the next kill on Santos’s list. He had said three or four would be targeted and made sure that he kept Catherine guessing. They might find Kelly in the woods just struggling to fight her sorrow and demons.

And there could be someone else on Santos’s list that he was going after while Catherine was occupied with keeping Kelly safe.