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“Will you be safe? Yes. The men who work for Cameron are always experts at whatever they do. Did I know about them? No. Cameron doesn’t always tell me what he’s doing.” That was a massive understatement, but she didn’t need to worry Eve with her conflicted relationship with Cameron. “But I’m glad for all the security I can get. Aren’t you?”

Eve nodded. “You just made me a little uneasy.” She moved down the hall toward ICU. “I’ll keep you informed about Jane’s condition. God help you, Catherine.”

“No, God help Jane.”

Eve looked over her shoulder, and her eyes were bright with moisture. “I hope she’s not already with him. Joe said she was smiling when we found her. I thought maybe … he was right.”

*   *   *

“You weren’t as long as I thought you’d be.” Cameron walked toward Catherine when she came out of the parking-lot exit of the hospital. “I hope that doesn’t mean your Jane MacGuire is worse.”

“She’s not my Jane MacGuire,” Catherine said curtly. “She’s Eve’s Jane. Eve is the only one to whom Jane has ever allowed herself to be really close.”

“Santos evidently believes she’s your Jane,” Cameron said. “Or she wouldn’t have been a target.”

“I like her,” Catherine said. “I wanted to help her. Help her? Good God, look where she is now.”

“Is she worse?” Cameron asked quietly.

“No, but she’s no better.” She started for her car. “What are you doing here? Don’t you ever sleep? Eve said you were here in the middle of the night setting up security.”

“I don’t need much sleep.” He fell into step with her. “I would have told you last night I was coming to Atlanta, but you were being a bit touchy about my interfering.”

“But you did it anyway.”

“Jane MacGuire wasn’t dead. I wanted to make sure that Santos didn’t arrange to complete the job.”

“Joe had already set up guards.”

“Good for him. But I prefer my people.”

“You always prefer to run the show.” She turned to him as she reached her car. “Look, I’m not arguing about your sending extra security. Send an army if you want to do it. Anything to keep them alive.”

He smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind. I don’t believe an army will be necessary.”

“I’m not sure of that.” She opened the car door. “You didn’t answer me. Why are you here?”

He was silent. “Jane was touch-and-go last night while I was setting up the security. I wanted to be here in case you needed someone.”

“I told you I didn’t need you.”

“I’m a slow learner.” He shrugged. “But since you don’t need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll offer you my services in another area.” His voice was crisp as he continued, “Since I’m not going to go away, you might as well use me to bring Santos down. You may not need me, but I guarantee it will make his demise a good deal faster. This isn’t the time for pride, Catherine.”

“That’s not why I—” She stopped. She wasn’t going to tell him that it wasn’t pride but the fact that she always felt on the defensive with him. Together with that disturbing awareness that interfered with everything she thought and felt on other levels. She was experiencing that heated, vibrant awareness right now.

“You know that what I’m saying is true,” Cameron said. “Let me go along for the ride, and we’ll wrap this up quickly.”

“Who are you kidding? That sounds passive on your part, and we both know that you’re never passive.” She was staring at him, seeing the strength, the contained explosiveness. But that explosiveness needed only a breath to break free of all restraints. Hu Chang had once told her that Cameron was probably the most dangerous man either one of them would ever meet. From what she had seen in the past, that statement had proved true.

So why not take what he offered? Anything that would keep Santos from any more killing was worth taking the risk of working with Cameron. She didn’t want to owe Cameron a debt of gratitude, but she would worry about that later. “As long as you work with me and not around or behind me.”

He smiled, his light eyes suddenly gleaming with mischief. “What about ahead?” He quickly held up his hand to avoid her response. “Only joking. I’ll be very meek.”

She made a rude sound. “That’s not going to happen.”

“You’re probably right.” He went around to the passenger side of the car. “Now that we’ve come to an agreement, I’ll let you drive me back to Louisville. There’s no use us taking two cars. I’ll have one of my men drive my car back later.”

“I’m surprised that you don’t want your own wheels,” she said as she slipped into the driver’s seat. “You do like control.”

“I can always steal yours if it becomes necessary.” He got into the passenger seat. “And I’ve found there are some situations where submission can be pure pleasure. Haven’t you discovered that, Catherine?”

She had a sudden searing memory of lying naked, Cameron over her, his hands moving in her with incredible erotic skill. Yes, she had been helpless, submissive then as she had never been before. And it had scared the hell out of her.

“You’re not answering,” Cameron said softly.

“Because this isn’t about us or sex games,” she said. “If you can’t realize that, you can get out of my car right now.”

“I realize all the nuances of our relationship, but one of those nuances is sex. It’s bound to pop up now and then.” He paused. “Now, what are you clenching so tightly in your hand?”

She opened her palm. “A gift from Eve.”

“Jane’s?” He took the dog tag and held it up to the sunlight. It glittered and turned in his grasp. “It has blood on it.”

“Eve didn’t want to wipe it off. She wanted Santos to see it when I returned it to him.” She took the dog tag back from him. “When I killed the son of a bitch.”

“I’d be delighted to do it for you.”

“No.” She jammed the dog tag into her jacket pocket. “I made her a promise.” She started the car. “I’ll do it myself.”

“As you wish.” He leaned back in the seat. “As long as Santos doesn’t annoy me any more than he’s doing right now. By the way, has Santos called you yet?”

“No, why are you certain he will?”

“Aren’t you? He enjoyed tormenting you before by outlining his agenda for you. It sounded to me like it was going to be an ongoing indulgence.”

He was right. She had been half expecting that call from Santos. “Who knows what he’s waiting for? Maybe he’s setting up another kill.”

“Then we’d better go on the offensive.” He took out his phone. “Now while you’re driving, and I’m being submissive, I’ll make a few phone calls that will push our agenda along a bit…”

*   *   *

The call from Santos came when she had reached Louisville and was pulling into her driveway.

She looked down at the ID. “Speak of the devil.”

“Wonderfully descriptive. Yes, I did. Do you suppose I’m psychic?”

“Not funny.” She put on the brakes, accessed the call, and pressed the speaker button. “Santos, you son of a bitch.”

“You sound stressed, Catherine,” Santos said. “Are you upset that I was able to fool you? I admit I enjoyed working out all the details. I suppose I can hardly blame you for being stressed after spending the morning with your friend Eve. Did she tell you that she hated you? I doubt that even the best friendships could withstand a daughter’s death.”

“She doesn’t hate me. She hates you. And Jane isn’t dead. Neither is Kelly. You keep failing, Santos.”

“Kelly Winters was not a designated target, she was merely a bonus I was going to allow myself. I just wanted to keep you busy and not thinking about other directions until I was certain that Jane MacGuire was a sure thing.”