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Farmer, P. E. Brujeria, politica, y concepciones sobre el sida en el Haiti rural. In Armus, D. (ed.). Entre Curanderosy Medicos: Historia, Cultura, y Enfermedad en America Latina. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2002: 419–455.
Farmer, P E. AIDS e mazzismo: Medicina, stereotipi ed epidemiologia tra gli immigrati haitiani negli USA, 1981–1994.
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Farmer, P E. The house of the dead: Tuberculosis and incarceration. In Mauer, M., Chesney-Lind, M. (eds.). Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment. New York: The New Press, 2002: 239–257.
Farmer, P. E., Bertrand, D. Hypocrisies of development: Health and health care among the Haitian rural poor. In Kim, J. Y., Millen, J. V., Gershman, J., Irwin, A. (eds.). Dying for Growth: Global Inequalities and the Health of the Poor. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 2000: 65–90.
Farmer, P E., Castro, A. Salud y derechos humanos: una via para la medicina y la salud phblica. In Derechos humanos y salud: Encontrando los lazos. Lima, Peru: Edhuca Salud, 2002: 88–90.
Farmer, P E., Connors, M., Fox, K., Furin, J. J. Rereading social science. In Farmer, P E., Connors, M., Simmons, J. (eds.). Women, Poverty, and AIDS: Sex, Drugs, and Structural Violence. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1996: 147–205.
Farmer, P. E., Daily, J. Tuberculosis: Essentials of diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis. In Thaler, S. J., Maguire, J. H., Sax, P E. (eds.). Primary Care Handbook of Infectious Diseases. Totowa, N. J.: Humana Press.
Farmer, P E., Good, B. Illness representations in medical anthropology: A critical review and a case study of the representation of AIDS in Haiti. In Skelton, J., Coryle, R. C. (eds.). The Mental Representation of Health and Illness. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991: 131–167.
Farmer, P E., Kim, J. Y., Mitnick, C., Timperi, R. Responding to outbreaks of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: Introducing “DOTS-Plus”. In Reichman, L. B., Hershfield,
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Farmer, P. E., Shin, S. S., Bayona, J., Kim, J. Y., Furin, J. J., Brenner, J. G. Making DOTS-Plus work. In Bastain, I., Portaels, F. (eds.). Tuberculosis. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000: 285–306.
Farmer, P. E., Walton, D. Condoms, coups, and the ideology of prevention: Facing failure in rural Haiti. In Keenan, J., Fuller, J., Cahill, L. S. (eds.). Catholic Ethicists on HIV/AIDS Prevention. New York and London: Continuum, 2000: 108–119.
Farmer, P. E., Walton, D., Becerra, M. C. International tuberculosis control in the twenty-first century. In Friedman,
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Farmer, P E., Walton, D. A., Furin, J. J. The changing face of AIDS: Implications for policy and practice. In Mayer, K. D., Pizer, H. F. (eds.). The Emergence of AIDS:
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Kim, J. Y., Shakow, A. Castro, A., Vanderwarker, C., Farmer, P E. Specificity and collectivity of global public goods: The case of tuberculosis control. In Global Public Goods for Health: Promoting Global Collective Action for Health. Oxford: Oxford University Press, for the World Health Organization.
Shin, S. S., Bayona, J., Farmer, P E. DOTS and DOTS-Plus: Not the only answer. In Davies, P D. O. (ed.) Clinical Tuberculosis. Third ed. London: Arnold Publishers.
Simmons, J., Farmer, P E., Schoepf, B. G. A global perspective. In Farmer, P E., Connors, M., Simmons, J. (eds.). Women, Poverty, and AIDS: Sex, Drugs, and Structural Violence. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1996: 39–90.
Viaud, L., Farmer, P. E., Nicoleau, G. Haitian teens confront AIDS: A Partners In Health program on social justice and AIDS prevention. In Goldstein, N., Manlowe, J. (eds.). The Gender Politics of HIV/AIDS in Women: Perspectives on the Pandemic in the U. S. New York: New York University Press, 1997: 302–322.
Статьи в журналах
Banatvala, N., Matic, S., Kimerling, M., Farmer, P E., Goldfarb, A. Tuberculosis in Russia. Lancet 1999; 354: 1036. Becerra, M. C., Freeman, J., Bayona, J., Shin, S. S., Furin, J. J., Kim, J. Y., Werner, B., Timperi, R.,
Sloutsky, A., Wilson, M. E., Pagano, M., Farmer, P E. Using treatment failure under effective directly observed short-course chemotherapy programs to identify patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2000; 4 (2): 108–114.
Castro, A., Farmer, P E. Anthropologie de la violence: La culpabilisation des victimes. Notre librarie: Revue des litteratures du sud 2002; 148: 102–108.
Cohen, A., Farmer, P E., Kleinman, A. Health-behaviour interventions: With whom? Health Transition Review 1997; 7: 84–89.
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Farmer, P E. The anthropologist within. Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin 1985; 59 (1): 23–28.
Farmer, P E. Bad blood, spoiled milk: Body fluids as moral barometers in rural Haiti. American Ethnologist 1988; 15 (1): 62–83.
Farmer, P E. Blood, sweat, and baseballs: Haiti in the West Atlantic system. Dialectical Anthropology 1988; 13 (1): 83–99.
Farmer, P E. The exotic and the mundane: Human immunodeficiency virus in Haiti. Human Nature 1990; 1 (4): 415–446.
Farmer, P E. Sending sickness: Sorcery, politics, and changing concepts of AIDS in rural Haiti. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1990; 4 (1): 6-27.
Farmer, P E. Pauvrete a risque. Sidalerte 1992; 18: 24–25.
Farmer, P E. The power of the poor in Haiti. America 1992;
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Farmer, P E. Graham Greene: An appreciation from Haiti. America 1993; 168 (4): 17–20.
Farmer, P E. AIDS-talk and the constitution of cultural models. Social Science and Medicine 1994; 38 (6): 801–809.
Farmer, P E. What”s at stake in Haiti? Z Magazine 1994; 7 (2): 21–25.
Farmer, P E. Medicine and social justice. America 1995; 173 (2): 13-17.
Farmer, P. E. On suffering and structural violence: A view from below. Daedalus 1995; 125 (1): 261–283.
Farmer, P E. Haiti”s lost years: Lessons for the Americas. Current Issues in Public Health 1996; 2 (3): 143–151.