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735. См.: Peter Elkind et al., “The Trouble With Frank Quattrone was the top investment banker in Silicon Valley. Now his firm is exhibit A in a probe of shady IPO deals,” Fortune, September 3, 2001, http://archive.fortune.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2001/09/03/309270/index.htm, дата обращения 17.11.2016.

736. См.: McLean and Elkind, p. 234.

737. См.: John Schwartz, “Enron’s Collapse: The Analyst: Man Who Doubted Enron Enjoys New Recognition,” The New York Times, January 21, 2002.

738. Там же.

739. См.: Richard A. Oppel, Jr., “Merrill Replaced Research Analyst Who Upset Enron,” The New York Times, July 30, 2002.

740. Cм.: Howard Kurtz, The Fortune Tellers (New York: The Free Press, 2000), p. 32.

741. См.: Scott Tong, “Father of modem 401(k) says it fails many Americans,” http://www.marketplace.org/2013/06/13/sustainability/consumed/father-modem‐40lk-says-it-fails-many-americans, дата обращения 01.11.2016.

742. См.: Jeremy Olsham, “The inventor of the 401(k) says he created a ‘monster,’ ” http://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-inventor-of-the‐401k-says-he-created-a-monster‐2016–05–16; и Nick Thornton, “Total retirement assets near $25 trillion mark,” http://www.benefitspro.com/2015/06/30/total-retirement-assets-near‐25-trillion-mark, дата обращения 11.11.2016.

743. Свежий отчет с данными о разрыве между доходностью пенсионных планов и банковскими процентами: https://www.momingstar.com/lp/mind-the-gap?cid=CON_RES0022; в среднем инвесторы теряют около 1 процента доходов ежегодно из-за ошибочного «хронометража», а фонды тоже в среднем теряют такую же сумму.

744. См.: Aaron Heresco, Shaping the Market: CNBC and the Discourses of Financialization (Ph.D. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 2014), p. 81.

745. См.: Gabriel Sherman, The Loudest Voice in the Room (New York: Random House, 2014), p. 5–9.

746. См.: Joe McGinnis, The Selling of the President, 1968 (New York: Trident Press, 1969), p. 64–65.

747. См.: Cassidy, p. 166.

748. См.: Sherman, p. 146–147.

749. См.: Heresco, 88–115; и Mahar, p. 156–157.

750. Cм.: Heresco, p. 151–152.

751. См.: Ekaterina V. Kamiouchina et al., “Impact of Mad Money Stock Recommendations: Merging Financial and Marketing Perspectives,” Journal of Marketing Vol. 73 (November 2009): 244–266; и J. Felix Meshcke, “CEO Appearances on CNBC,” доклад, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, дата обращения 12.11.2016; о Крамере и Бартиромо: Kurtz, p. 207.

752. См.: Kurtz, p. 117–118.

753. См.: Heresco, p 232.

754. См.: James K. Glassman, “Is Government Strangling the New Economy?” The Wall Street Journal, April 6, 2000. (Отмечу, что газета опубликовала и открытое письмо автора этих строк в ответ на статью мистера Глассмана, “The Market Villain: It’s Not Your Uncle,” April 19, 2000.)

755. См.: George Gilder, “The Faith of a Futurist,” The Wall Street Journal, January 1, 2000.

756. См.: Shane Frederick, “Cognitive Reflection and Decision Making,” Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 19, No. 4 (Fall 2005): 25–42. О задаче с четырьмя карточками: P. C. Wason, “Reasoning,” in B. M. Foss, Ed., New Horizons in Psychology (New York: Penguin, 1966), p. 145–146.

757. См.: David L. Hull, Science and Selection (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 37.

758. См.: Keith E. Stanovich et al., The Rationality Quotient (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2016), p. 25–27. Обширная выборка вопросов и результатов: там же, 331–368. Quote from Keith E. Stanovich, “The Comprehensive Assessment of Rational Thinking,” Educational Psychologist Vol. 51, No. 1 (February 2016): p. 30–31.

759. См.: R. B. Zajonc, “Feeling and Thinking,” American Psychologist Yo\. 35, No. 2 (February 1980): p. 155, 169–170.

760. Cм.: Daniel Kahneman, slide show for Thinking Fast and Slow, thinking-fast– and-slow-oscar-trial.ppt.

761. См.: Isaiah Berlin, The Proper Study of Mankind (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998), p. 436–498, quote 436.

762. См.: Tetlock, p. 15, quote 56.

763. См.: Dan Gardner and Philip Tetlock, “What’s Wrong with Expert Predictions,” https://www.cato-unbound.org/2011/07/11/dan-gardner-philip-tetlock/ overcoming-our-aversion-acknowledging-our-ignorance.

764. См.: Tetlock, p. 138.

765. См.: Tetlock, p. 42–88, 98, 125–141, quote 63.

766. См.: Susan Pulliam, “At Bill’s Barber Shop, Tn Like Flynn’ Is A Cut Above the Rest – Owner’s Tech-Stock Chit-Chat Enriches Cape Cod Locals; The Maytag Dealer Is Wary,” The Wall Street Journal, March 13, 2000, Al.

767. Личная беседа со Сьюзен Пуллиам.

768. См.: Susan Pulliam, “At Bill’s Barber Shop, Tn Like Flynn’ Is A Cut Above the Res t– Owner’s Tech-Stock Chit-Chat Enriches Cape Cod Locals; The Maytag Dealer Is Wary.”

769. См.: Susan Pulliam and Ruth Simon, “Nasdaq Believers Keep the Faith To Recoup Losses in Rebound,” The Wall Street Journal, June 21, 2000, Cl.

770. Cм.: Susan Pulliam, “Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Tech Ills Shave Barber,” The Wall Street Journal, March 7, 2001, Cl.

771. См.: Jonathan Cheng, “A Barber Misses Market’s New Buzz,” The Wall Street Journal, March 8, 2013, и Susan Pulliam, “Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Tech Ills Shave Barber.”

772. Источник: Investment Company Institute 2016 Fact Book from ici.org for U.S. equity fund holdings; выборка по рынку: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/CM.MKT.LCAP.CD?end=2000&start=1990, дата обращения 17712.2017.

773. См.: Van Wagoner clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9uR6WQNDn4.

774. См.: Betting on the Market, эфир 27.01.1997, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/betting/etaFscript.html, дата обращения 17.11.2016.

775. См.: Diya Gullapalli, “Van Wagoner to Step Down As Manager of Growth Fund,” The Wall Street Journal, August 4, 2008. Также см: Jonathan Burton, “From Fame, Fortune to Flamed-Out Star,” The Wall Street Journal, March 10, 2010.

776. См.: Clifford Asness, “Bubble Logic: Or, How to Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Bull,” доклад, 45–6, https://ssm.com/abstract=240371, дата обращения 12.11.2016.

777. См.: Mike Snow, “Day-Trade Believers Teach High-Risk Investing,” The Washington Post, July 6, 1998.

778. См.: Arthur Levitt, testimony before Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Governmental Affairs, September 16, 1999, https://www.sec.gov/news/testimony/testarchive/1999/tsty2199.htm, дата обращения, 29.12.2019.

779. См.: Mark Gongloff, “Where Are They Now: The Beardstown Ladies,” The Wall Street Journal, May 1, 2006.

780. Cм.: Calmetta Y. Coleman, “Beardstown Ladies Add Disclaimer That Makes Returns Look ‘Hooey,’” The Wall Street Journal, February 27, 1998.