“Okay, but first I need you to do something for me.”
It gratified him that Zack still couldn’t catch his breath. “Put your hands behind you, flat on the counter. Don’t move them, no matter what I do.”
Zack frowned.
Ace sighed. He was as bad at seducing men as he was at seducing women. Look how he constantly fucked up with Kelly. “Look, I have some questions. I need to see if I can handle you…us.”
Understanding -- or was that hope? -- lit Zack’s gray eyes. “Just put my hands like this?” He placed his hands palm down on the laminate countertop. In doing so, he thrust his chest forward, his massive pecs impressive to anyone with a pulse.
“Good,” Ace said gruffly. “Now shut up and don’t move.”
“Typical,” Zack muttered with humor.
Ace fell to his knees, enthralled with the hard dick beneath Zack’s shorts. He pulled the material down to Zack’s sandaled feet, then ripped it off.
“What --”
“Didn’t I say to shut up?” Ace asked with menace.
Zack narrowed his gaze but quieted.
“I’m glad you’re not wearing a shirt. So I can do this.” Ace rose and set his mouth just above Zack’s groin. He licked from just below Zack’s navel to the middle of his smooth chest.
Centering on the nipple to his right, he clamped his mouth around it, intrigued by the foreign taste and size of the bud. So different, sucking a man’s tit from a woman’s. Yet because it was Zack, it tasted like candy.
The scent of arousal filled the small space -- Zack’s and his meshing together.
Zack groaned as Ace licked his other nipple, biting with strong teeth. Zack arched toward him, and the tips of their cocks touched.
Reminded of what he’d set out to do before getting distracted, Ace leaned away.
“Sorry.” He grinned, drugged on the power of Zack’s taste. Hell, Zack looked like he was barely hanging on. When changed, the dynamic between them was different. Bigger than Ace, Zack normally showed his dominance by being on top. He did the fucking, Ace the receiving. But now, the same size, Ace had equal control, and he loved it.
Slowly dropping to his knees, he held Zack’s gaze until he found what he sought.
Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the scent, taste, and feel of the hard cock he took into his mouth.
Zack swore and hissed, shaking as he tried to remain still. His cock pulsed, small jets of semen filling Ace’s mouth as he began stroking with his tongue. The taste of Zack’s essence only made him want more. That small bit of precum didn’t give Ace all he needed.
Reaching up with his hand, he cupped the firm balls hanging near his chin.
“Fuck, yes. Oh, God,” Zack expelled on a breath.
Rolling the tight globes in his hand, Ace sucked harder on Zack’s thick cock. He couldn’t take all of it, just the head and part of the shaft. Zack was so big, so thick, that he had to work to take that much in. That answers part of my questions. I’m not gay. No way could I imagine doing this for any other guy.
He took a good whiff of Zack’s arousal and sucked harder, wanting to swallow a load of sweet cum. As he sucked he jerked off, his hand moving quickly as he fought Zack’s control.
Thankfully, it didn’t take long. He came hard just as Zack panted a warning.
“Shit, Ace. I’m gonna blow. You need to pull back -- fuck!” he yelled as he shot his load. Spurts of cum slid down Ace’s throat and filled his mouth as Zack continued to orgasm.
To Ace’s shock, the milky seed tasted good -- a concept he never would have imagined as anything but disgusting. But Zack… Ace’s beast cried out his need and drank every last drop.
My mate. Mine.
At the idea he’d just accepted Zack -- a male -- as his mate, Ace released him from his mouth and quickly stood.
“Well, that answers part of my question.” I’m seriously fucked.
Zack had a hard time recovering as he watched Ace mumble under his breath, clean up the floor, and head back into the shower. Weak-kneed, he washed his face and took a deep breath. He decided he’d be safer in his bedroom, so he sank onto his bed and tried to make sense of what had just happened. Twice now, Ace had taken him by surprise. Zack should have been ecstatic that his friend continued to push their sexual relationship. But with Kelly’s news, he couldn’t help worrying.
What would Ace think about her? He chafed whenever Zack talked about her, as if it were a given that Ace would own her heart in the end. Zack had no intention of taking all of Kelly’s attentions. He wanted to share them with Ace. And how much better would their threesome be if Ace and he came to an accord as well?
Zack rubbed his cock with a groan and put on fresh clothes. He’d never imagined Ace’s mouth would be so fucking hot. He was obviously new to sucking cock, but what he lacked in experience, he made up for with enthusiasm. Considering how much Zack desired him, he thought it amazing he’d lasted as long as he had. Not being able to touch Ace, to resist running his hands through that silky black hair or fuck that delicious mouth and instead be taken, had gone against the grain. Zack dominated Ace whenever they had sex.
He’d never thought Ace might enjoy dominating him.
Wondering what it would feel like to let go and let Ace do everything and anything to him, Zack lost track of time as he threw some things together. He jumped when Ace dropped his duffel to the floor.
“I’m ready. Let’s go.”
Zack grabbed his bag. They hurried out the back stairway toward the back door. He didn’t want to explain where they were going or why. Ace may have taken huge steps, but Zack didn’t want to put their new relationship to the test. Not yet.
They made it to Zack’s Wrangler without incident. Once on the road, Ace broke the silence.
“Fill me in.” Not a request. A demand.
Glad to have the Ace back that he knew and loved, Zack explained. “Okay. First, we need to cement our bond before we see Kelly again. No, wait, hold your questions until I’m finished. I know this is all new to you, and I appreciate how hard this must be.”
Ace grinned, and Zack flushed.
“Not that kind of hard. Geez, what are you, twelve? I just meant…fuck it. You know what I mean. I’m not gonna take any shit from you about this, either. You’re not gay. I know. I’ve heard it more times than I want to remember. This isn’t about being gay. My beast recognizes yours on a fundamental level. Yours knows mine. We click. So forget about labels and follow your instincts, okay?”
Ace studied him, considering. “You talk a lot, you know? Like a girl.”
“Fuck you.” Zack scowled, though he was relieved. A joking Ace was a happy Ace.
After a minute, Ace asked, “So what’s this second major item you have to tell me?”
“This is a big second. Kelly’s a Circ.”
“No shit?”
“No shit. Seems Doc’s been helping her control herself for years. Poor Kelly thought she was ill. Didn’t know she was Circ until today. She’s ours, Ace. That’s why we’ve been so cagey around her for so long. Our beasts recognized her, except she hadn’t fully turned yet.
Doc said she’s past the medicinal blockers holding her back. And that means we need to be on the same page before we make her ours.”
“A Circ?” Ace asked, his voice hoarse. “Oh, man.”
Zack had a bad feeling about this. “Yeah, a Circ. Our Circ. I’m not sharing her with Derrick, Hale, or Roane.” Well, maybe Roane, if we have to. “She’s different from Caitlyn.
She’s ours.”
“Fuck, yeah. Ours.”
Zack wanted to sag with relief, and Ace eyed him knowingly. “Thought I’d fight you for her, hmm? Worried I’d win?”
“No, you ass. I was worried you’d be so obsessed with proving who has the bigger dick that we wouldn’t be able to give Kelly what she needs. She’s brand new to this. You and I can’t afford mistakes or selfishness. That’s why we’re going to take the next few days and get it together.”