Stanton Т.Friedman and Don Berliner: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-up of a UFO. CRASН AT CORONA. With Exclusive Testimony on a Second New Mexico Crash Site and New Evidence of the Government's Secret MJ-12 Team, Paragon Нouse, 1992, 224 p.
По словам первой жены Бланчарда, Этел. (Randle/Schmitt, 1991,р.202).
Эту деталь высмеивает Ф. Класс, но, по словам В.Хоута, на базе у каждого было по несколько специальностей. (Klass, Philip, Skeptics UFO Newsletter, March 1995, p.8.).
Нesemann, M. "Jenseits von Roswell", Silberschur, Neuwied, 1966,c.32.
Randle, Kevin D., Schmitt, Donald R.: UFO Crash at Roswell, Avon Books, New York, 1991, c.163 Нesemann, M. "Jenseits von Roswell", Silberschur, Neuwied, 1966, c.32-33.
Свидетельские показания Роберта Шэрки (Robert Shirkey), 30.04.1991.
Нesemann, M. "Jenseits von Roswell", Silberschur, Neuwied, 1966, c.41.
Свидетельские показания Роберта Портера (Robert P. Porter), 07.07.1991.
Свидетельские показания У.Вуди (Willion Woody), 28.09.1993.
Свидетельские показания Бада Пэйна (Bud Payne), 14.09.1993.
Свидетельские показания Лидии Слиппи (Lydia А.Sleppy), 14.09.1993; "L'extraterrestre de Roswell", document integral presente par Jacques Pradel, TF1 Video, aout 1995.
Федеральное бюро расследований - ведомство, созданное в 1908 году для расследования нарушений федеральных законов. Сочетает функции уголовной и тайной полиции. Более 20000 сотрудников, 3000 из которых являются специальными агентами (Джи-мэн).
Документы ФБР от 8, 10, 24 и 28 июля 1947 года.
Нesemann, M. "Jenseits von Roswell", Silberschur, Neuwied, 1966,c.33.
Вообще разговор о Ф.Джойсе очень труден. Из перепалки, по-другому и не сказать, между К.Рэндлом и К.Пфлоком все-таки следует, что после своего звонка шерифу и разговора с Брейзелом Ф.Джойс упомянул в радиопередаче о находке летающего диска еще в воскресенье 6 июля и тем самым предопределил дальнейшее развитие событий. Похоже, что с начала расследования розуэллских событий дотошными уфологами Ф.Джойс был более разговорчивым, а после выхода второй книги Рэндла и Шмитта сообразил, что такой поворот событий ему ни к чему, и теперь ищет защиты у К.Пфлока. [См.: Mufon UFO Journal, NN315, 317 (Пфлок навязывает Джойсу свою дату), 318 (1994); Randle/Schmitt, 1994. Та же дата подтверждается Рэндлом в Mufon UFO Journal (N 314, p. 18).]
Свидетельские показания Роберта Смита (Robert E.Smith), 10.10.1991. Schmitt, D. and Randle, K.: What happened in Ramey's Office?, MUFON UFO Journal, N276, April 1991, p.7.
Свидетельские показания Роберта Портера (Robert P. Porter), 07.07.1991.
Schmitt, D. and Randle, K.: What Нappened in Ramey's Office?, MUFON UFO Journal, N276, April 1991, p.4.
Shandera, J.: New Revelations About Roswell Wreckage: A General Speaks Up; в журнале MUFON UFO Journal, N273, January 1991, p. 14. CM. также: Donald Schmitt and Kevin Randi, What Нappened in Ramey's Office? - в журнале MUFON UFO Journal, N276, April 1991, p. 7. Само собой разумеется, что играющий роль скептика Ф. Класс делает вид, что вышеназванные статьи не существуют в природе (например: Philip Klass, Skeptics UFO Newsletter, N32, March 1995, p.3).
Schmitt, Don, Randle, Kevin: The Fort Worth press conference, in: Eberhart, George M. (hrsg.): The Roswell Report, Chicago/IL 1991.
Schmitt, Don, Randle, Kevin: The Fort Worth press conference, in: Eberhart, George M. (hrsg.): The Roswell Report, Chicago/IL 1991.
Charles Berlitz, William L.Moor: The Roswell Incident. Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1980. Shandera, J.: New Revelations About Roswell Wreckage: A General Speaks Up; в журнале MUFON UFO Journal, N273, January 1991, p. 14. CM. также: Donald Schmitt and Kevin Randi, What Нappened in Ramey's Office? - в журнале MUFON UFO Journal, N276, April 1991, p.7.
Телекс ФБР от 8 июля 1947 года. (Но дезинформаторов это не смущает. См., например: Polemique autour des photos des debris de l'ovni de Roswell. Ovni-Presence, N54, fevrier 1995, pp.20-21.)
Charles Berlitz, William L.Moor: The Roswell Incident. Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1980, p. 34.
Report of Air Force, p. 16.
Lagrange, Pierre, "La soucoupe volante qui venait de la planete Mogul", OVNI-Presence, N54, pp. 4-24; Lagrange, Pierre, "Extraterrestres : la grande arnaque". Science et Vie, aout 1995, p. 92.
Первый канал французского телевидения, программа Жака Прадэля L'Odyssee de l'etrange, 27 ноября 1995 года.
Randle, Kevin D., Schmitt, Donald R.: UFO Crash at Roswell, Avon Books, New York, 1991, c. 285.
Из последних показаний, касающихся М.Брауна, отметим рассказ его дочери, Беверли Дин (например: TFI Video "L'extraterrestre de Roswell", сентябрь 1995 года).
Randle/Schmitt, 1991, p.91. (Капитан Д.Расмуссен был в 718-ой бомбардировочной авиационной группе, входившей в 509-ый смешанный авиаполк.)
Свидетельские показания Р.Смита (Affidavit of R.Smith, October 10.1991): "My involvement in the Roswell incident was to help load crates of debris on to the aircraft. We all became aware of the event when we went to the hangar on the east side of the ramp. Our people had to re-measure the aircraft on the inside to accommodate the crates they were making for this material. All I saw was a little piece of material. The piece of debris I saw was two-tothree inches square. It was jagged. When you crumpled it up, it then laid back out/ and when it did, it kind of crackled, making a sound like cellophane, and it crackled when it was let out. There were no creases. One of our people put it in his pocket.
The largest piece was roughly 20 feet long; four-to-five feet high, four-tofive feet wide. The rest were two-to-three feet long, two feet square or smaller. The sergeant who had the piece of material said that was the material in the crates. There were words stencilled on the crates, but I don't remember what they were; however, the word "section" appeared on most of the crates. The entire loading took at least six, perhaps eight hours. Lunch was brought to us, which was unusual. The crates were brought to us on flatbed dollies, which also was unusual.
A lot of people began coming in all of a sudden because of the official investigation. Somebody said it was a plane crash; but we heard from a man in Roswell that it was not a plane crash but it was something else, a strange object. Officially, we were told it was a crashed plane, but crashed planes usually were taken to the salvage yard, not flown out. I don't think it was an experimental plane, because not too many people in that area were experimenting with planes - they didn't have the money to.
We were taken to the hangar to load crates. There was a lot of farm dirt on the hangar floor. We loaded it on flatbeds and dollies; each crate had to be checked as to width and height: We had to know which crates went on to which plane. We loaded crates on to three or four C-54s. It took the better part of the day to load the planes. One crate took up the entire plane; it wasn't that heavy, but it was a large volume.
This would have involved [Oliver W.] "Pappy" Нenderson's crew. I remember seeing Tech Sgt. Нarbell Ellzey and Sgt. T/Sgt. Edward Bretherton and S/Sgt. William Fortner; Eiezey was on "Pappy's" crew.
We weren't supposed to know the destination, but we were told they were headed north. Wright Field at that time was closed down for modernization; therefore, I would deduce that the next safest place was Los Alamos, the most secret Base available and still under the Manhattan Project. There were armed guards present during the loading of the planes which was unusual. There was no way to get to the ramp except through armed guards. There were MPs on the outer skirts, and our personnel were between them and the planes.
There were a lot of people in plainclothes all over the place; they were "inspectors," but they were strangers on the base. When challenged, they replied that they were here on project so-and-so and flashed a card, which was different than a military ID card.
A lot of the people involved in the event believe that they should go to their deathbeds without telling anything about it. We were told: This is a hot shipment; keep quiet about it." I'm convinced that what we loaded was a UFO that got into mechanical problems. Even with the most intelligent people, things go wrong.
Moore, William L.: Crashed Saucers: Evidence in Search of Proof, in: MUFON Symposium Proceedings, Seguin/ TX 1985.
Интересно, что первоначально Г.Дэннис называл 8 или 9 июля, но затем стал говорить, что этот звонок был 7 июля. Сегодня мы видим, что это могло произойти только 9 июля. Ведь никаких записей Дэннис не вел, и часто очевидцы далеких событий, не имея конкретной привязки к числу, попадают под влияние навязываемых со стороны дат. А "7 июля" внушалось весьма активно.