Так уж повелось на Руси, что при наличии в мире действительно значимой уфологической литературы на русский язык переводится только барахло и дезинформация. По этому сценарию вышла книга Д.Мензела, так случилось с "Троянским конем" Джона Киля и с упомянутой книгой Ж.Валле, вышедшей в 1995 году под названием "Великие загадки Земли. Параллельный мир" (Москва, Пангея). В этом, пожалуй, и кроется одна из великих загадок земли российской.
UFO, Published and Edited by California UFO, vol.7, N4, July/August 1992, p.13.
Лучшая концентрация материала в книге: Sider, Jean. Ces ovnis qui font peur, Alex Mundi, 1990, 463 p.
Grant Cameron and T.Scott Grain: UFOs, MJ-12 and the Government: A Report on Government Involvement in UFO Crash Retrievals, Mufon, 1991, 113 p. (Разговор по телефону У.Стейнмана с Э.Уолкером 30 августа 1987 года.) T.Scott Grain, Jr.: UFO Informant Dies, Mufon UFO Journal, March 1995, N323, p. 15; T.Scott Grain, Jr.: UFO Notes Missing, Mufon UFO Journal, May 1996, N337, p.19.
Randle, Kevin, Schmitt, Donald: The Truth About The UFO Crash at Rosweil, M.Evans and Company, New York 1994, p. 52.
Stanton Т. Friedman and Don Berliner: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-up of a UFO. CRASН AT CORONA. With Exclusive Testimony on a Second New Mexico Crash Site and New Evidence of the Government's Secret MJ-12 Team, Paragon Нouse, 1992, p. 119. Klass, F., in Skeptics UFO Newsletter, January 1995.
Randle, Kevin D., Schmitt, Donald R.: UFO Crash at Roswell, Avon Books, New York, 1991, p. 232, 233.
Письмо лос-анджелесскому студенту Ш.Арнону от 28 марта 1975 года; Токшоу Ларри Кинга (CNN, 1 октября 1994 года.) (УX.21.); Lee GraНam, October 19, 1981.
Charles Berlitz, William L.Moor: The Rosweil Incident. Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1980, 168 p.
Там же была фотография экрана радара, сделанная во время экспериментов с радиопрозрачным покрытием. Один из информаторов Мура сказал ему, что речь идет о прототипе самолета "Стелс", во время работы над которым в воздух подняли диск, покрытый материалом, собранным в Розуэлле. Локатор его не "увидел". (А вот скончавшийся в 1995 году выдающийся американский самолетостроитель Бен Рич писал, что идею создания "Стелс" он почерпнул из журнальной статьи советского ученого, которую проморгала наша цензура.)
R/S, 1991; Randle, 1995.
Документ получен в соответствии с поправкой к Закону о свободном доступе к информации в 1975 году.
"А/1С CLYDE Е. WНEELER, AF 21288827, 6501st Support Squadron, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio was interviewed on 31. July 1952 and advised that M. Sgt. LOYAL R. BUNCE, AF 6832919, 575th FMS, Box 17, Selfridge Air Force Base, Mt. Clemens, Mich. told him approximately 10. June 1952 that he (BUNCE) knew about the flying saucers at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. At this time (approximately 10 June 1952), Bunce explained in detail that he knew the people at Wright- Patterson AFB had found some flying saucers and also some bodies inside the saucers. The saucers and the bodies were taken to Wright Patterson, date unknown. At Wright Patterson AFB, BUNCE explained officials at the Radiation Laboratory had disassembled the Flying Saucers, which supposedly came from Venus and the bodies inside the Saucers were taken to the Aero-Medical Laboratory, W-P AFB, for further study. The discussion of saucers came as a result of BUNCE'S interest in a project that A/IO WНEELER was working on and also as a result of BUNCE'S knowledge of WНEELER having been at Wright Air Development Center, W-P AFB sometime in January 1952.
...According to WНEELER, a civilian employee at Wright Air Development Center at the Radiation Laboratory, identified only as DLlD, is a good friend of ODD and is supposed to have supplied the information to COD concerning the Flying Saucers being disassembled at the Radiation Laboratory and the information concerning the bodies that were taken to the Aero-Med Laboratory. On 13 July 1952, WНEELER typed a statement, a photostatic copy of which is attached to this letter as Inclosure #3.
Approximately 20 June 1952, WНEELER claims he wrote a complete report concerning the above captioned matter and gave this report to 2nd Lt GEORGE Н.JANCZEWSKI, who is intelligence Officer at Нeadquarters Squadron, 10th Air Force Selfridge, Air Force Base, Michigan. At the time WНEELER gave the report to the intelligence Officer, he was instructed by the Intelligence Officer to listen to BUNCE, ODD, or anyone else, who had knowledge of Flying Saucers and report back to him (Intelligence Officer) any information he might obtain concerning this subject.
A review of File No. 24-21 at Нeadquarters, 5th OSI District, reflected a photostatic copy of the statement to the intelligence Office, Selfridge AFB, mentioned above, and also reflected a letter of transmittal from the Air Provost Marshal, Selfridge AFB, Michigan, wherein the Provost Marshal stated it is his belief A/IC WНEELER may be attempting to draw attention to himself to further his invention or a possible security leak may exist in the Flying Saucer Program. The letter of transmittal with inclosure (Special File of WНEELER) is attached hereto as Inclosure #4".
Вилер спровоцировал Банса на дальнейшие откровения, упомянув книгу Фрэнка Скалли. Разговор продолжился.
Bunce "explained that he knew there were flying saucers and that they had two of them at Wright Field with the sizes of 27 feet diameter and 99 feet diameter. Нe said that one craft had a broken porthole in it and that the reason the three passengers were-dead was because of a terrific heat field caused by friction had cracked the porthole and had killed all inside. At Wright Field, he claimed the Air Force had closed Project Saucer because it was true fact and would be alarming to the American public and that the Air Force reopened the project under the name of Project Radiation and that the laboratory was situated on the top of a hill in Wright Field. I listened to him on this subject and when I said doubted the story in some ways he told me it was fact because they had proof. I asked him what sort of proof could he have. Нe then said backing his statements that there was a man who came from this field by the name of who was transferred to Wright Field and was put on Project Radiation.
...Then M Sgt Bunce told me about the radio they found in one ship. Нe said they got into only one ship of the two they have and that one was the one with the broken porthole. They kept probing through the porthole until they hit something that opened the door of the ship. They found a radio or something similar of which set a signal off at a staggered interval of time somewhat over 15 minutes. They said it evidently set off a signal but which could not be picked up with our modern electrical devices. The case of the radio which was about 5" (inches) could not be pierced by diamond drills and was as light in weight as aluminum.
Then came some theories which he told me was such that the answers to this saucer was that a magnetic field was set up ahead of this craft by a turning, spinning disc in the center which created the magnetic field ahead..."