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/4—52/. Telegraph, 9/16/01; Los Angeles Times, 9/20/01; Fox News, 5/17/02.

/4—53/. Die Zeit, 10/1/02; Der Spiegel, 10/1/02; BBC, 10/2/02; Haaretz, 10/3/02.

/4—54/. Salon, 5/7/02; Der Spiegel, 10/1/02.

/4—55/. Time, 12/21/98.

/4—56/. WPBF Channel 25, 8/5/02; Fox News, 8/2/02; Palm Beach Post, 10/17/02.

/4—57/. New York Times, 12/30/01.

/4—58/. PBS Frontline, 10/3/02.

/4—59/. Independent, 9/7/02, Reuters, 9/7/02.

/4—60/. Sunday Times, 10/7/01.

/4—61/. Tom Clancy, Debt of Honor, Putnam, Released 1994 (1 st edition), 766 pp, ISBN 0—399—13954—0.

/4—62/. Sydney Morning Herald, 9/20/01; Chicago Tribune, 11/18/01.

/4—63/. AP, 4/18/02; CNN, 5/18/02; New York Times, 5/18/02.

/4—64/. MDW News Service, 11/3/00, Mirror. 5/24/02.

/4—65/. American Forces Press Service, 6/4/02.

/4—66/. NORAD Testimony, 5/23/03.

/4—67/. АР, 10/7/01.

/4—68/. National Law Enforcement Security Institute, 8/02.

/4—69/. AP, 8/21/02.

/4—70/. Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6/3/02; Newhouse News, 1/25/02; ABC News, 9/11/02.

/4—71/. New York Times, 2/8/02.

/4—72/. Newsweek, 4/30/03, Newsweek, 2/4/02.

/4—73/. Newsweek, 5/27/02; New York Times, 5/15/02; Die Zeit,10/1/02.

/4—74/. Los Angeles Times, 9/15/01 (B).

/4—75/. Telegraph, 9/16/01.

/4—76/. Washington Post, 5/17/02.

/4—77/. New Yorker, 1/14/02.

/4—78/. CNN, 3/02, CNN, 5/17/02.

/4—79/. AP, 5/18/02.

/4—80/. Counterpunch, 9/18/02.

/4—81/. ABC, 8/3/01; Washington Post, 8/7/01; Salon, 8/29/01.

/4—82/. New York Times, 5/25/02.

/4—83/. Sarasota Herald-Tribune. 9/10/02.

/4—84/.Federal News Sendee, 10/25/01.

/4—85/. Calgary Herald, 10/13/01.

/4—86/. DC Military website, DCANG Home Page.

/4—87/. New York Times, 10/16/01 (C).

/4—88/. MSNBC, 9/15/01.

/4—89/. AP, 8/12/02.

/4—90/. Fox News, 9/24/01; Boston Globe, 11/23/01.

/4—91/. CNN, 9/17/01.

/4—92/. Newsday, 9/23/01, New York Times, 9/15/01 (C).

/4—93/. Guardian. 10/17/01; New York Times, 10/16/01 (C).

/4—94/. village Voice, 9/13/01.

/4—95/. Cape Cod Times, 9/16/01.

/4—96/. New York Magazine, 9/02.

/4—97/. ABC News, 9/14/02.

/4—98/. NORAD, 9/18/01.

/4—99/. MSNBC, 9/23/01 (C), Slate, 1/16/02.

/4—100/. Dallas Morning News, 9/16/01.

/4—101/. Washington Post, 1/27/02.

/4—102/. Myers Senate Confirmation Hearing, 9/13/01.

/4—103/. Boston Globe, 9/15/01 (D).

/4—104/. CBS, 9/14/01.

/4—105/. Paul Thompson, The Center for Cooperative Research, 2003–2006.

/4—106/. ABC, 9/6/02.

/4—107/. Wall Street Journal, 10/15/01.

/4—108/. New York Times, 9/13/01 (F).

/4—109/. Cape Cod Times, 8/21/02.

/4—110/. Newsday, 9/10/02.

Ссылки к главе 5

/5—1/. David Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9—11 (2004, ISBN 1—56656— 552—9).

/5—2/ David Ray Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions (Paperback).

/5—3/. Robert Baer, The Nation, «Dangerous Liaisons», September 27, 2004.

/5—4/. David Ray Griffin, Interview with Nick Welsh. ‘Thinking Unthinkable Thoughts. Theologian Charges White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack’. The Sants Barbara Independent, On line. April 1,2004.

/5—5/. В.И.Королев. «Император всея Земли», или За кулисами «нового мирового порядка». М.: Вече, 2004. С. 130–132.

/5—6/. Site ‘S9/11Т’.

/5—7/. Site “Journal for 9/11 Studies”.

/5—8/. Andreas von Bblow. Die CIA und der 11 September. Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste. Piper Verlag GmbH, Mbnchen 2003, ISBN 3^492—04545—6 and 2004, ISBN 3—492—24242—1.// ‘The CIA and September 1 Ith: International Terror and the Role of the Secret Services’, (unauthorized) translation.//

/5—9/. Tagesspiegel, 13. Jan. 2002.

/5—10/.Тьерри Мейсан. 11 сентября 2001 года. Чудовищная махинация / Пер. с фр. Г.А.Массарыгина. Московский филиал изд-ва Carnot, 2002.

Ссылки к главе 6

/6—1/. Michael С. Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil, New Society Publishers, 2004. ISBN 0—86571—540—8.

/6—2/. Michael C. Ruppert (2006—08–19). By the light of a burning bridge. From the Wilderness. Retrieved on 2006—08–19.

/6—3/. Corn, David (2002). The September 11 X-Files. Blog: Capital Games. The Nation. Retrieved on 2006—05–28.

/6—4/. Richard Clarke, Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror — What Really Happened (ISBN 0—7432–6024—4).

/6—5/. Simmons, Matthew R. (2005). Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy. ISBN 0—471—73876 X.

/6—6/. В.И. Королев. «Император всея Земли», или За кулисами «нового мирового порядка». М.: Вече, 2004. С. 183–190.

/6—7/. Kenneth Deffeyes, Hubbert’s Peak, ISBN 0—691—11625—3.

/6—8/. Hubbert, M.K. (1956). Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels. Presented before the Spring Meeting of the Southern District, American Petroleum Institute, Plaza Hotel, San Antonio, Texas, March 7–8—9, 1956, text version; Hubbert, M.K. (1982). Techniques of Prediction as Applied to Production of Oil and Gas, US Department of Commerce, NBS Special Publication 631, May 1982.

/6—9/. Greene, D.L. & J.L. Hopson. (2003). Running Out of and Into Oiclass="underline" Analyzing Global Depletion and Transition Through 2050 ORNL/TM-2003/259, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October.

/6—10/. Economists Challenge Causal Link Between Oil Shocks And Recessions (August 30, 2004). Middle East Economic Survey VOL. XLV1I, № 35.

/6—11/. Liam Halligan, Oil supplies “over-estimated”, Channel 4 News, 26 Oct-2004.

/6—12/. International Energy Agency. Oil Market Report. 2004–2006.

/6—13/. Miami Herald, Canales: Output will drop at Cantarell field, El Universal, Viernes 10 de febrero de 2006, pagina 1.

/6—14/. James Cordahi and Andy Critchlow, Kuwait Oil Field, World’s Second Largest, “Exhausted”, Energy Bulletin, Published on 9 Nov 2005 by Bloomberg. Archived on 15 Nov 2005.

/6—15/. Adriana Arai, Mexico’s Largest Oil Field Output Falls to 4 Year Low (Update2), Bloomberg.org, 2006.

/6—16/. Adam Porter, Bank says Saudi’s top field in decline, AlJazeera. net, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005, 23: 28 MECCA TIME, 20: 28 GMT.