Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:
Michelangelo Buonarroti; David; Moses; Ghirlandaio; Dante, Julius; Saint; Noah; Signorelli; Perugino; Goliath; Judith; Holofernes; sibyl
Pieta [ – Пьета («Оплакивание Христа»)
David- Давид
Moses – «Моисеи»
Dying Slave – «Умирающий раб»
Rebellious Slave – «Восставший раб»
Separation of Light from Darkness – «Отделение света от тьмы»
The Lord Congregating the Waters -» Отделение тверди от воды»
Creation of Sun, Moon, and Plants – «Сотворение светил и растений»
Drunkenness of Noah – «Осмеяние Ноя»
David and Goliath – «Давид и Голиаф»
Judith and Holofernes – «Юдифь и Голоферн»
Crucifixion of Human – «Человеческие страдания»
Brazen Serpent – «Змий-Искуситель»
Fall of Man – «Грехопадение»
Temptation – «Искушение»
Expulsion – «Изгнание из Рая»
Creation of Adam – «Сотворение Адама»
Persian Sibyl – «Персидская сивилла»
Jeremiah – пророк Иеремия
Daniel – Даниил
Libyan Sibyl – Ливийская сивилла
1. Read the text. Mark the following statements true or false.
1. Michelangelo's first masterpiece is the David.
2. The Moses was the first colossus of the High Renaissance.
3. The Redemption of man is the subject of the Sistine Ceiling.
4. Michelangelo's heavy nude figure was universally imitated by the painters throughout Europe.
5. Michelangelo imagined God over the altar.
6. Adam reclines on the fertile ground.
II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?
1. Where did Michelangelo learn to paint? Where did Michelangelo study sculpture?
2. What is the Pieta famous for? What does the ageless Virgin symbolize?
3. Where is Michelangelo's heroic style seen?
4. What was Michelangelo commissioned in 1505? What remained from this project? How did Michelangelo represent Moses? How are the Dying Slave and the Rebellious Slave carved?
5. What was Michelangelo commissioned in 1508? How large was the ceiling?
6. What does the painting of the Sistine Ceiling represent?
7. What scenes are pictured in the lunettes around the windows and in the spandrels at the corners? Why does the oak tree invade the scenes of the creation?
8. What does the Fall of Man combine?
9. Where is the beauty of Classical antiquity and the spirituality of Christianity embodied?
10. What do the final scenes represent?
III. I. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:
the ageless exquisite Virgin; a formidable creation; lunettes; an activist prophet; to carve a statue; a buttress; to design a tomb; over-life statues in marble; successive reductions; a counterpart to; Advent; Lent; to set in action; the ceiling painting; to flank niches; a flattened barrel vault; an ambitious undertaking; a formidable creation; to allude poetically to; the vault compartments above the windows; generations of the ancestry; in the spandrels at the corners; to lift from the dust; a medieval hymn; to reach its supreme embodiment in; penitential periods; the resurrection at Easter; at Pentecost; to recline on the barren ground; a companion figure.
II. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:
ваять статую; соорудить гробницу; грандиозный замысел; неподвластная времени совершенная Мадонна; Воскрешение на Пасху; пророк-деятель; статуи выше человеческого роста; контрфорс; Великий пост; Рождественский пост; раскинуться на голой земле; люнеты; в пазухах свода; внушительное произведение; фланкировать ниши; пятидесятница; плоскость свода; поэтически ссылаться на; средневековый гимн; парная фигура; поколения предков; привести в движение; последовательные сокращения; достичь наивысшего воплощения в; поднять из праха; соратник к. -л.
III. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.
IV. Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms:
a) recline; barren; penitential; undertaking; to enhance;
b) sorrowful; endeavour; lean back; to intensify; infertile.
IV. Insert the missing prepositions. Retell the text.
… 1519 Michelangelo began working… the Medici… a funerary chapel… the entombment… Lorenzo the Magnificent, his murdered brother and two recently deceased dukes. Michelangelo's architecture supports the tombs… the two dukes… simple rectangular niches sit the two dukes, dressed… Roman armour… their roles as captains… the Roman Catholic Church. The sarcophagi have been split… the centre… either side recline figures… the times… day, Night and Day, Dawn and Twilight. These statues were not made… their present positions. The composition should be completed… the reclining river gods. Night and Day are the timeless symbols… the princely power that has conquered the powers… time (the times… day) and… space (the four rivers). When Michelangelo was engaged… this work glorifying the Medici power, the Sack… Rome destroyed temporarily the power… his Medici patron. The republic was revived… the third and the last time, and Michelangelo was placed… charge… its defences.
V. Insert the articles wherever necessary. Retell the text.
… High Renaissance in… Rome and Florence was brief. It lasted hardly more than… twenty five years from its beginning in… Leonardo's Last Supper to… death of… Raphael in…1520… new style succeeded it. It existed for… while… side by… side with… latest phases of… High Renaissance art… new style assumed… name of Mannerism… name Mannerism was proposed by… art historians in… twentieth century. Like… terms… Romanesque and… Gothic, Mannerism is here to stay… Mannerism indicates… style founded upon repetition of… acquired manual techniques. In… latest phases of… sixteenth century art in… central Italy there was much repetition of… type and… devices invented earlier, especially those of… Michelangelo. There was nothing mechanical what went on in… Florence,… Seine,… Parma and… many other Italian cities just before and just after…1520… moment was recognized as… spiritual crisis.
VI. Here are descriptions of some of Michelangelo's works of art. Match them up to the given titles.
I. Sculpture:
1. The figure is turning languidly as if in sleep.
2. This is one of the artist's most formidable creations.
3. The exquisite Virgin presents the timeless reality of Christ's sacrifice.
4. The heroic style is seen in this statue.
5. The new figure type earlier created by Michelangelo is set here in action.
a. David
b. Pieta
c. Rebellious Slave
d. Moses
e. Dying Slave