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Monstrelet ― L. Douët-d'Arcq (ed.), La Chronique d'Enguerran de Monstrelet (Paris, 1859–62), vols. iii — vi.

Newhall ― Richard A. Newhall, The English Conquest of Normandy 1416–1434: A Study in Fifteenth Century Warfare (New Haven and London, 1924).

ODNB ― Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: online version.

Pernoud ― Régine Pernoud, Joan of Arc: by Herself and her Witnesses, trans. Edward Hyams (New York and London, 1982).

Pollard ― A. R. Pollard, John Talbot and the War in France, 1427–1453 (London and New Jersey, 1983).

POPC ― Nicholas Harriss Nicolas [sic] (ed.), Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England (London, 1834–7), vols. ii — vi.

PR ― Chris Given-Wilson (ed.), The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England 1275–1504 (Woodbridge and London, 2005), vols. ix — xii.

Ramsay ― James H. Ramsay, Lancaster and York: A Century of English History (1399–1485) (Oxford, 1892), 2 vols.

Stevenson ― Rev. Joseph Stevenson (ed.), Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the Reign of Henry the Sixth of England (London, 1861, 1864), 2 vols.

Taylor ― Craig Taylor (ed. and trans.), Joan of Arc: La Pucelle: Selected Sources (Manchester and New York, 2006).

Thompson ― Guy L. Thompson, Paris and its People under English Rule (Oxford, 1991).

Vale ― M. G. A. Vale, Charles VII (London, 1974).

Vaughan ― Richard Vaughan, Philip the Good: the Apogee of Burgundy (Woodbridge, 2002).

Walsingham ― David Prest (trans.), The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham 1376–1422, with introduction and notes by James G. Clark (Woodbridge, 2005).

W&W ― James Hamilton Wylie and William Templeton Waugh, The Reign of Henry the Fifth (Cambridge, 1914–29), vol. iii.

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Bates, David and Curry, Anne (eds.), England and Normandy in the Middle Ages (London and Rio Grande, 1994).

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Carr, A. D., "Welshmen and the Hundred Years War", The Welsh History Review, 4 (1968–9), 21–46.

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Clark, Linda (ed.), Conflicts, Consequences and the Crown in the Late Middle Ages (Woodbridge, 2007).

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